I think we (Earths inhabitants) might be just like a Zoo, or a Safari to visitors. Any civilization advanced enough to get here by any means...is likely so far advanced that we might as well be Gorillas, or Lions, or Dinosaurs. Perhaps visitors come here just to observe the strange species that inhabit this planet, so primitive, ignorant, violent, and damaging to their own planet. We must like a bunch of monkeys throwing feces at eachother. OR they could be humans from the future, having figured out that time is not a linear and unstoppable march towards destruction...but that poses some serious problems that science fiction has tried to illustrate repeatedly.
At any rate, the sheer magnitude of the universe and unimaginable amount of stars, planets etc all but guarantees that we are not the only life...nor the only "intelligent" life..but rather 1 of countless worlds that contain living things. Among those its likely that half of them predate life here on Earth and harbor more intelligent lifeforms. I also believe that we are just now beginning to understand quantum states which you mentioned...that can completely change physics as we currently understand them. I think one day, if humans persist, we will look back on the idea that the speed of light as a universal speed limit and mock it. The same way we now mock flat earthers. Hell, we dont even understand gravity. No idea "how" or "why" all we know about gravity is that it exists. We are still incredibly ignorant about the universe around us...and currently most scientists are making up crap to account for the 90- 95% of all matter in the universe that is inconveniently "missing" from our calculations. Lets call it "dark matter" and "dark energy". I don't feel confident enough about our current science to make definitive claims about anything pertaining to UFOs. I think we are way too ignorant as a species to do that honestly.