SIAP for those who are interested. Another document talking about an object over a nuclear plant, along with a photograph.
The UAP Register | Dustin Slaughter | Substack
The UAP Register | Dustin Slaughter | Substack
According to an official report exclusively obtained by
The Register last year, a
“diamond-shaped” object, described as “unidentified”, violated the plant’s perimeter. The report further states that Pantex security personnel pursued the object for several miles after it traveled beyond the facility’s perimeter. A large portion of the report remains redacted from the public.
“I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. ”
I agree, and thats a hilarious quote.
To be fair though...there is no military or country on Earth that acknowledges having vehicles even remotely similar to the one pictured above, the "tic tac" type craft in the Navy videos, the craft that turns 90 degrees on its side in the Navy videos, the "jellyfish" style craft spotted both in the middle east over US bases and in central/south america etc. None of the above craft had any visible means of propulsion whatsoever on camera or heat sensitive IR imaging (which all by itself rules out anything even SpaceX has...the pinnacle of human Aerospace engineering) in addition to none of these craft having any recognizable propulsion system known to human science...none of them have wings to generate lift either. So conventional physics says they should be unable to leave the ground at all. Yet not only do they fly, they can accelerate and turn at rates completely impossible in Navy F18s...orders of magnitude faster in some cases...AND the real kicker is the Navy video tracking at "TicTac" style craft down at sea level when its travelling a few hundred knots and suddenly goes into the ocean...only to emerge unscathed and still tracking across the screen at the same velocity. There is no known/acknowledged human craft that can do that, nor any materials or designs capable of that without completely disintegrating into a floating pile of wreckage.
Thats a "buttload" of different crafts, maneuvers, propulsion systems, capabilities etc that no country on Earth has ever claimed or demonstrated to have. So IF these are in fact NOT "alien" craft or technology that we seem to be unable to ever catch or shoot down despite often being in US airspace, over nuclear facilities, miltitary bases etc...then by process of elimination they pretty much have to be human made craft with capabilities that make our best aircraft look like childrens toys. This kind of propulsion system would shift the balance of power in the world immediately like nuclear weapons did in WW2. We either have it in the US or we don't, and if not and China does we are screwed. Say we actually did develop antigravity or even electromagnetic drives that use no conventional thrust, create little to no heat to be visible on IR, can accelerate wingless craft almost instantly to ~20mach as estimated by the Navy pilots with David did we make those huge leaps in science? That would be splitting the atom. Would we not be proud of that and demonstrate the superiority of US military scientists? We always have before. Why not now? Did we reverse engineer it from downed craft? Several government employees and now a helicopter pilot now say publicly that not only do we collect downed craft...but that we have military units dedicated specifically to retrieving downed craft. All to just hide the technology from humanity for decades? To deny, deny, deny it exists?
With every new video from the Navy and other pilots, every new testimony, it becomes harder and harder to believe the government denials. There are so many questions left unanswered. So many people and pilots getting new videos and evidence. Regardless of what the truth is, I just want the US government to be honest about the situation. Most people polled already believe that there are UFOs of non Earth origin. This isnt 1950. I just want to hear the truth regardless of what it is.