U.S. Navy Not Fit For War

So there are some intelligent questions here about how she (711) made it to the surface; didn't flood out; survived, etc. I never inspected the boat. All I can see is the same photos you see. But I am familiar with the 688 and 688i class, and all subs share common features, so...

711 was lucky. She hit the seamount nearly head-on. For a sub, that's the best angle to have a collision at. They are weakest on a "broadside" hit, so there's that. Next, from what I can tell, the pressure hull...which is the hull within the hull, and keeps water out of the proverbial "people tank" wasn't broached, or at least not fatally. It's likely that there was some water intrusion into the hull, but it probably fell within the boundaries of a "controlled leak", where the pumps could keep up with the inflow, as opposed to "flooding", in which they could not.

Subs have ballast tanks at the bow and the stern. Usually three at each end. They are outside the pressure hull. These are flooded to make the boat submerge, and blown dry (nearly dry) to make the boat surface. There are a host of other tanks, both inside and outside the pressure hull, that are used for similar and other purposes, but the ballast tanks are the way she submerges and surfaces. They are big tanks. Tons of seawater.

So her (711's) forward ballast tanks were all but destroyed, which means when she did surface, she would have been down by the bow. There are ways to mitigate that somewhat, which I'm sure she did, but that still had to be a desperate fight to get her on the surface, and keep her there. That crew did a helluva job to save that boat.

I hope that answers any remaining questions. I'm pretty much up against the limit of what is unclassified, so let's just leave it here. If you're really interested in this sort of thing, there's a ton of information out there on the 'net. Suffice to say, if you could get a tour of a modern attack or missile sub, and they were allowed to show or tell you exactly what their actual capabilities were, you'd want to sign up on the spot. And I've heard that the 774 Class (Virginia's) are even better than that.

Way back in '92, on the old BillyBoat, we were SpecWar capable, and we didn't fear or worry about a damn thing that we might run in to. And that, my VN brothers and sisters, was a long, long time ago. Odds are we'd be a Third Rate ship at best today.

Now...if you dare go down that path...do some research on the USS Scorpion (SSN 589). Don't believe the first thing you read. Look at the pictures of her wreck and ask yourself "what took that great big chunk out of the base of her sail?"

FWIW, the Soviets blamed us for the K129. Both were "lost" in '68, which was when John Walker was serving as a Comms Watch Officer at SubLant.

Remember, I warned you...

And as always, appreciate the insight.
WTF is a gender advisor?

We're screwed if we ever have to fight a peer to peer war with these clowns with stars in charge.
I remember getting called out for saying the military promotion process might need to be looked at due to Flynn's idiocy.
Edit: I believe I tried to make the point that if Flynn could be tricked by two dumb FBI agents, he probably shouldn't have made it as far as he did.
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US Navy warship fires laser to destroy floating target in Gulf of Aden where Iran-backed Houthi Rebels have used bomb-laden drone boats to attack ships

  • The US Navy announced on Wednesday that they fired a laser weapon and destroyed a floating target in the Gulf of Aden
  • The test, which took place on Tuesday, used a new system called the Laser Weapon System Demonstrator from the USS Portland
  • This new system is believed to be able to counteract the drone boats carried by the Houthi rebels in Yemen which are rumored to contain bombs
The US Navy announced on Wednesday that it fired a laser weapon to destroy a floating target in a Middle East waterway where Iran-back Yemen rebels have used drone boats packed with explosives to threaten ships.

The test, which took place on Tuesday, saw the USS Portland fire the Laser Weapon System Demonstrator at the target in the Gulf of Aden, which separates East Africa from the Arabian Peninsula.

US Navy fires laser weapon in the Middle East | Daily Mail Online
Navy launches a Maternity Uniform pilot for Pregnant Sailors: Expecting mothers can receive the uniforms from next month until 2026

The Navy is launching a maternity uniform pilot program in 2022 for pregnant sailors, providing them with maternity uniforms, free of charge.

From January 2, 2022, to September 30, 2026, pregnant volunteers, sailors and officers in the active component and Navy Reserve will be allowed to receive 'a full array of authorized Navy maternity uniforms,' according to an administrative message from the Navy.


Pregnant members of the Navy force will return the free maternity uniforms to the service once they are no longer needed. From left to right: a woman wearing a Service Dress Blue uniform, a E-1 to E-6 uniform, a service Khaki uniform and a Navy working uniform


The Naval Air Force Reserve released the military's first ever maternity flight suit in July. Pictured: Lt. Cmdr. Jacqueline Nordan, Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve's (CNAFR) mobilization program manager, poses in the first Navy maternity flight suit.

Navy unveils maternity uniform for expecting sailors for 2022 | Daily Mail Online
Because obviously we have to redo everything...

Storied 29th Infantry Patch Possibly on Chopping Block Due to Confederate Ties

Now, in light of a reckoning over Confederate monuments for their racist history, the storied 29th Infantry Division patch – a yin-yang pattern with blue and grey -- is being reviewed for potential retirement by the Naming Commission, a panel stood up by Congress last year to review rebel references across the military.

The 29th Infantry, a National Guard division created during the World War I era, makes up the lion's share of the Virginia Guard. Units that would eventually make up the division were key players in colonial-era wars, from states scattered across the East Coast. Because of that, almost a century before those units' legendary battle in France, elements of what would become the 29th Infantry fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. Even today, the division's 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team is known as the "Stonewall Brigade" after being led by rebel Gen. Stonewall Jackson.

During World War I, troops in the newly formed division fell under the blue and grey insignia, which represented both the union and rebels now serving together after their families killed one another in some of the Civil War's largest battles.

Because setting aside differences and working together in the aftermath of the Civil War obviously needs to be scrubbed from history.

Here's the patch:

Can we please just get our warfighters back to the simple times of K-T-A and let the good Lord sort them out.🤦‍♀️
My 2 cents worth.
I served aboard a Navy Destroyer in the mid to late 60’s.
EVERY thing had to be “ ship shape”.
Very close living Quarters. Cleanliness was next to Godliness.
No civilian clothes allowed on board ( not sure about officers ).
No women on board.
The “ uniform off the day “ was strictly adhered too and worn properly.
I was on a Navy Base for a golf tournament a few weeks ago.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. Every kind of uniform imaginable.
Mostly camo which wasn’t Navy issue back in the day.
Over weight sailors of both sexes sloppy dressed. Many
with their caps on backwards or sideways.
I thought, “ oh my God, we are screwed “ !
Can The U.S. Military Still Protect Americans?

An article about the U.S. military. It used to be great.

Now it cannot defend America against China.
From the article.

"Americans should no longer feel secure. As China was in the final stages of proving that it could guide a hypersonic missile to the other side of the globe and hit a target, our “woke” secretary of defense ordered a two-month “stand down” of the entire U.S. military in order to investigate and “root out” white supremacists within its ranks—a waste of precious time chasing a non-existent “domestic enemy.” At the same time, they were expressing pride at new flight suits designed for pregnant pilots, versus aggressively recruiting and training the at least 2,000 new pilots desperately needed to execute the Air Force’s most fundamental mission."

So yesterday I get an email from mypers telling me I can add my choice of pronoun to my email signature block.

It says this was led by the the LGBTQ initiatives team (LIT), a part of the Department of the Air Force Barrier Analysis Working Group (DAFBAWG).

I'm sorry to say I didn't even know we had such a team. I'm sure we've spent countless man hours (people hours?) on this. I hope everyone will sleep better tonight knowing we are more inclusive and fair.
From the article.

"Americans should no longer feel secure. As China was in the final stages of proving that it could guide a hypersonic missile to the other side of the globe and hit a target, our “woke” secretary of defense ordered a two-month “stand down” of the entire U.S. military in order to investigate and “root out” white supremacists within its ranks—a waste of precious time chasing a non-existent “domestic enemy.” At the same time, they were expressing pride at new flight suits designed for pregnant pilots, versus aggressively recruiting and training the at least 2,000 new pilots desperately needed to execute the Air Force’s most fundamental mission."

So yesterday I get an email from mypers telling me I can add my choice of pronoun to my email signature block.

It says this was led by the the LGBTQ initiatives team (LIT), a part of the Department of the Air Force Barrier Analysis Working Group (DAFBAWG).

I'm sorry to say I didn't even know we had such a team. I'm sure we've spent countless man hours (people hours?) on this. I hope everyone will sleep better tonight knowing we are more inclusive and fair.
Just Googled this and found this statement. WTF! We're going to get our woke asses handed to us the next time we go to war. Our federal government is just lighting money on fire spending resources on this liberal BS! Our military is officially FUBAR!

“The change request was driven by awareness of a restrictive policy that was being used against transgender Airmen and Guardians who were authentically representing themselves,” said Lt. Col. Bree Fram, a LIT Transgender Policy Team co-lead. “It was also important for many individuals often confused as being a different gender in their communications.”
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If the people in charge of our military now had been in charge of our military during WWII, we would be speaking German or Japanese.

What do you know about it? When you say that you denigrate all service members. Freaking feather merchants.
What do you know about it? When you say that you denigrate all service members. Freaking feather merchants.

I'll say it. If the "leadership" currently in was in charge in 1941 we would have spent more time apologizing than fighting.

Have you even looked up the current mandatory "training" our service members receive these days? Do some homework and get back with us. It ain't the old SAC days you knew.

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