Your ray of sunshine
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There are dozens of countries in Africa that torture their own citizens, not to mention “ally” Saudi Arabia that we don’t seem to have a problem with. Also, I don’t believe anything politicians say.
Nah, we need to project power globally. Ensure the trade routes stay open, free and commerce is unimpeded. We no longer have the infrastructure/willpower to be isolationists and if we let China control global commerce they could really hurt us without firing a shot.
Yep. And our subs I am pretty sure are still pure inertial nav when they are submerged since they cannot receive GPS sat info.Dong they have INS as back up guidance for most systems and weapons?
Roundabouts are permeating because they are less costly and more efficient for traffic flow. I do agree young drivers are stupid, but that's not reason they're being implementedHave you ever seen a young driver at a 4 way stop? They don't have a clue what to do, hence the roundabouts permeating America because people are stupid.
Oh cruise missiles have some really really cool tricks up their sleeves. Remember how long they’ve been aroundImagine if Iraq had the means and took out GPS satellites before we took out their air defense system. Wonder if anybody has spent much time considering the accuracy of weapons like cruise missiles with sudden GPS death syndrome.
I absolutely forgot about video guidance for those things.
The problem is they are politicizing the military. We are setting ourselves up for failure in any future major war (hell we can't even win against insurgents).My concern is that as the military "weeds" out the "extremists" will the ones that are left be willing to die for their country or will we be France 2.0?
Strange, I think that opinion was quite prevalent pre 1941 as well. After all, Japan was separated from us by the wide Pacific too, right?Disagree , not from Chinas Navy or military anyway, maybe from their economic policies and goals . Geography ( two oceans ) and and eastern seaboard that’s guarded as well as you can possibly make it , makes us the most well protected country on the planet .
My cousin retired in 1998, sailed boats out of Kings Bay.I retired in 2000. Submarines. It was time for me to go. We were becoming less and less of a warship, and more and more of an inspection and PC platform. Fleet wide.
Talking to the few friends I have who left or retired after I did, it only got worse, and continues to this day.