The only thing that matters at this point IMO is when was the first test administered and when the second test was administered.How much time lapsed between the two test.If Thomas should have been tested prior to the UT game and wasn't I have a big problem with that.If your a coach playing a game and the best defensive player in the league may have to set out a huge game, it would tempting to wait if you think you could manipulate and or people are gullible enough to the process.I know NCAA has forfeited games by a team for playing an academically inelgible player.My final thought is even though there would be motivation to play Thomas from coach Meyer, I don't think Meyer is that kind of a shady coach.
Fans like you that try to come up with excuses and conspiracy theories to explain why we lose or how we were cheated gives all UT fans a bad name. I have friends that I meet at college in Boston, and after the Ainge pick in the fourth quarter they began calling and asking how will ut fans say they were cheated this game. We really are coming off as crybabies.Man NCAAF is a very shady thing first USC paying REGGIE...Now Urban Myth using x-cons, thugs, and leting them get arrested for possession of marijuana and letting them play the big game then suspending them <<<<which is cheating and i hope the NCAA looks into this..For those saying "uh no don't worry bout it your wrong it happened after the UT/UF gm". This is giving me the same feeling from the REGGIE case i had a HUGE gut feeling they were paying REGGIE BUSH, everyone was like your wrong they are not paying him...NOW LOOK REGGIE WAS GETTING $100,000 right under everyone's nose. Im just saying i think some very SHADY thing happened before the UF/UT game, but it just hasn't came out yet... i think the NCAA needs to investigate this... if that DT was not in the GM = UT would had a 100yrds rushing gm...the guy was in our backfield camping out... this would have changed that GAME.
The first test was in July and the second test was evidently in August. Don't know when the result came back. That has not been published, as far as I can tell.
Interesting - the DoD cutoff is 20ng. The UF cutoff is 15ng. So the substance abuse policy is stricter to play football at UF than it is to defend our country in the military.
Does anyone know what UT's cutoff is?
Actually I think a month for pot to clear out of your system and hair follicles can dectect cocaine back to 6 months to a year is my understanding.I do know drinking a lot of water, alot, helps to clear weed out of your system quicker.My son has a friend in the guard and they get checked periodically.Some stuff taken supposedly clears your system along with water.It's weird to me if someone is on probation through the courts and they test positive for weed,etc, they are off to the pokey.All programs probably have been through stuff like this not only UF.Can't they take a hair sample that would cover like the previous couple of months? That would be interesting....