Should Hart announce someone tomorrow, then there would be people who would say "He needs to take his time and not end the search so soon"
The period in this program from the time that we won the 1985 Sugar Bowl, signing our first All American Q.B. in Heath Shuler, signing our second All American Q.B. Fulmer getting coach of the year, winning the S.E.C. Championship, winning the National Championship and beating the likes of Notre Dame, Miami, Florida State, Alabama, UCLA, until the last S.E.C. championship we have become spoiled as fans. Now, almost nothing reaching our expectations.
We were so arrogant as to be glad when Chavis left and claiming that he could easily be replaced. We were claiming that he would be lucky to get a job anywhere, muchless in college football. Well, now look at the job he has done.
We took Cutcliffe for granted and now he is winning at Duke and going to a bowl game. Something we are not doing.
We were glad to send Fulmer packing and now, after 4 seasons, we are duplicating Fulmers worse season. It is now normal for us to go 5 - 7 or 6 - 6 but we only did that twice during Fulmers time as the coach.
We are spoiled and nothing will satisfy us. Should we beat Oregon by 1 point, people would complain because we didn't beat them by 20 points.