Ward gave the other team its due though. For instance, he would never say "bottom" for an opposing player nailing a jumper, but he would say, "he's a gunner", in a positive mannerKeith Jackson was college football. He was a credit to the game, and kept it interesting. John Ward was also a good announcer and very professional, but was a pure homer, so he was beloved by U.T. fans.
Yeah. Peace in the Middle East is stupid.This puts in perspective how utterly meaningless it is just to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Literally anyone can be nominated, if Putin can.
... but there are Trump sycophants who thought he should have been thrown a parade for this.
Not a thing! But mid-East peace without the inclusion of Palestine will not be peace. Just another pea and walnut shell distraction
But you guys keep swallowing that fake news hook line and sinker. Trump is counting on his continuing to dupe you all through midnight November 3 2020. Then as he has been quoted as saying he won’t have to touch any of you