Underrated Movies

What are some of the best movies in yalls opinions that most people aren't familiar with.

My best suggestion and second favorite movie ever is called The Professional (or Leon:The Professional). It is truly an incredible movie in every way. I will add a trailer and IMDB link but only watch it/read about it if you can't just trust my recommendation. It is ranked number 39 on IMDB yet most people have never seen it/heard of it.

YouTube - Leon: The professional trailer

Léon (1994)
I remember that movie gary oldman was crazy in that flick excellent movie i wana watch it now
Speaking of Gary Oldman, he has a small part in True Romance movie that shows how rangy he can be as an actor. I always liked this movie. It has a ton of people in it.

True Romance (1993)
Bellissimo! Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988)

If your wife is pissed at you and you have kids- Dear Frankie (2004)

If you have materialistic kids-Children of Heaven

Best Paul Newman movie you may not have seen- Nobody's Fool

Quirky Scandanavian film- My Life As A Dog

Just for the cinematography- Shi mian mai fu (2004)

Interesting German film- Lola rennt (1998)

The best 68 year old comedy you will ever see- His Girl Friday (1940)

Well played. That's a good list. Lola rennt especially is legit.
Just saw Smokin Aces on Cinemax a while back and it was pretty good. I don't think it is too popular. Great cast.
Here's a list:

Osterman Weekend(Craig T Nelson, Rutger Hauer)
No Way Out(Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman)
The Wild Geese(Richard Burton,Roger Moore,Richard Harris)
Three Days of the Condor(Robert Redford, John Houseman, Max Von Sydow)
Ronin(Robert DeNiro)
And Justice for All(Al Pacino,Jack Warden, John Forsythe)
Where Eagles Dare(Richard Burton,Clint Eastwood)
The Package(Gene Hackman)
A Bridge Too Far(Sean Connery,Edward Fox,James Caan,Gene Hackman,Robert Redford, Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Olvier many other great actors)
Marathon Man(Dustin Hoffman,Roy Schieder, Laurence Oliver)
The Thin Red Line(Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, John Travolta)
Basic(John Travolta,Samuel Jackson, Connie Nielson, Harry Connick)
The Day of the Jackal(Edward Fox)
Sam Rockwell was in a movie called Lawn Dogs. I thought it was well done.

Black Snake Moan didn't get the pub it deserved.

As Westerns go, Silverado is still one of my favorites.

I have not seen Lawn Dogs, but agree w/you on Moan and Silverado. I guess I have a new movie to check out.

The World's Fastest Indian is a great flick starring Anthony Hopkins.

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