United States, Cuba to normalize relations


Can now open "Elian's Cafe."

Wonder what happened to that kid. I expected to see a picture of him holding a guitar with news of a musical release. Maybe he never cashed in.
I'm wondering how this will affect the Cuban Immigration situation.

I'm not opposed, just there is a lot of stuff other than opening an embassy that will have to be addressed.

Iirc, Obama closed the old policy of automatic asylum for Cubans, and I doubt that Trump reopened it.

Cute meme...

Anyway, serious talk but do you think (or believe) that ending the sanctions will enable the people to have more freedoms or change governments?

I know capitalism is the preferred way to go, but will lifting the sanctions help achieve that goal?
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Cute meme...

Anyway, serious talk but do you think (or believe) that ending the sanctions will enable the people to have more freedoms or change governments?

I know capitalism is the preferred way to go, but will lifting the sanctions help achieve that goal?

Change governments? IDK. Probably would help in the long run.

Have more freedom? General freedom, yes. Freedom granted by the laws/government? IDK. Probably in the long run.

In most cases, sanctions are completely ineffective at achieving change. They don't seem to have worked in the case of Cuba. In all cases, sanctions economically hurt the oppressed people of said country. They also hurt our relations with said country, which encourages them to attach themselves (or maintain attachment) to our enemies. It also hurts average Americans, who want fancy cigars and would otherwise benefit from trade and travel with/to/from Cuba.

As a "free" American, why shouldn't I be able to buy a Cuban cigar? Because we restricted the freedom of Americans and Cubans so Cubans somehow, someday might end up with more freedom.

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Sanctions are not a governmental change mechanism. They are a capitalist change mechanism sold as a government change mechanism. Trumps tariffs were a type of sanction that was attempting to move business out of China, not topple the CCP. And it was starting to work. All the sanctions/tariffs in the world won't change how the people are treated in Cuba. If the USA wants change down there they need to send in someone to put a .50 cal in the presidents brain. But we're too 'civilized' for that.
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sure lets drop the embargo against the communist regime that hates the USA and wanted to let the Bolsheviks install nuclear missiles aimed at USA cities.... what could go wrong? At least we could git us sum gud smokes right?
sure lets drop the embargo against the communist regime that hates the USA and wanted to let the Bolsheviks put nuclear missiles aimed at USA cities.... what could go wrong? At least we could git us sum gud smokes right?

Why do you hate freedom?

Because the embargo does little to punish the regime (it's more likely that it's further entrenched the communists), and it hurts all Cubans and all Americans, at least to some small degree.
A prime example why the UN and NATO for that matter shouldn't be controlling our foreign policy.

They shouldn't and do not control our foreign policy, but still our foreign policy, in many cases and specifically with Cuba, is completely idiotic.

We are denying ourselves freedom, hurting the common man, and accomplishing nothing. Government ineptitude at its absolute finest.
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