Urban Meyer Is a Dirt Bag!

Saying he should be fired from tOSU because he recruited thugs at UF makes no sense.

I just don't get why people hate the guy so much.
lol wut?

He has overlooked a wife beater. he is at least willfully ignorant on the situation. you would think the 2009 thing would come up when OSU hired them.
He overlooked everything with Aaron Hernadez, plenty of warning signs.
Plenty of other rabble rousers that were swept under the rug at UF. I remember it being a big deal with Muschamp not protecting the starters like Urban did.
Claiming the heart condition and family reasons to get out of UF, only to jump back in.
How sanctimonious he often came off with Saint Tebow.
Dreams of football recruits.
Also he wins, if he isn't your coach that is going to cause people to dislike him.
I can't help but think that they're going to find a way to keep him employed. Yes, it would be a PR disaster, but it would keep the booster money from drying up.
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Zach Smith is the grandson of former Ohio St head coach Earle Bruce.

Might contribute to why Ohio St waited so long to fire him.
Bruce was Urban’s mentor...that had more to do with it. No love lost between tOSU and the late Bruce.
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lol wut?

He has overlooked a wife beater. he is at least willfully ignorant on the situation. you would think the 2009 thing would come up when OSU hired them.
He overlooked everything with Aaron Hernadez, plenty of warning signs.
Plenty of other rabble rousers that were swept under the rug at UF. I remember it being a big deal with Muschamp not protecting the starters like Urban did.
Claiming the heart condition and family reasons to get out of UF, only to jump back in.
How sanctimonious he often came off with Saint Tebow.
Dreams of football recruits.
Also he wins, if he isn't your coach that is going to cause people to dislike him.

All but the first one are things he did at UF a decade ago. Why would tOSU fire the guy for being a jerk at his prior job?

I get the criticism if he covered up allegations of domestic violence. I'd want to know what it is. I mean, if they are having dinner with the couple and they argue and one slaps the other and they say, hey, we are here for you guys to try to work this out and nothing happens for six years, I'm not sure that's so awful. I don't know the details. Maybe its far worse. But sheesz dragging up the recruiting of bad character players quite some time ago as somehow related to this seems quite a stretch.
My tOSU coworkers are so delusional. They think Urban did the right thing and that his wife probably didn’t tell him. :banghead2:
Yo, Urbie........

Even Capt. Picard knows what's coming..........

Here's the first video. Haven't even watched it yet, but wanted to post it here first.

All but the first one are things he did at UF a decade ago. Why would tOSU fire the guy for being a jerk at his prior job?

I get the criticism if he covered up allegations of domestic violence. I'd want to know what it is. I mean, if they are having dinner with the couple and they argue and one slaps the other and they say, hey, we are here for you guys to try to work this out and nothing happens for six years, I'm not sure that's so awful. I don't know the details. Maybe its far worse. But sheesz dragging up the recruiting of bad character players quite some time ago as somehow related to this seems quite a stretch.
I thought you were asking why people irrationally hated him.

and are you naive enough to think he suddenly turned over a new leaf and runs a clean program? For UF we have the luxury of time to look back at what happened, plenty of time for his stuff at OSU to come out. every coach has some skeletons shake out when they leave/are fired.
Just watched that full video. My hatred for Urban Meyer takes a backseat to no one, but this all seems like problems that likely happen in any big time college football program. I don't mind that Meyer will be the one who takes the fall for it, but I am pretty sure they could do a similar video of most programs, and am already thinking of several players from the last few years at UT who would have similar stories about Butch. Most of them have been discussed already on this message board - Daniel Helm, Brett Kendrick, Mack Crowder, etc. Similar allegations have been made against Gary Patterson at TCU by a former player, and Kevin Wilson got run out of Indiana for the issues like these. Of course, the latter was then hired by none other than Urban Meyer at tOSU.
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Just watched that full video. My hatred for Urban Meyer takes a backseat to no one, but this all seems like problems that likely happen in any big time college football program. I don't mind that Meyer will be the one who takes the fall for it, but I am pretty sure they could do a similar video of most programs, and am already thinking of several players from the last few years at UT who would have similar stories about Butch. Most of them have been discussed already on this message board - Daniel Helm, Brett Kendrick, Mack Crowder, etc. Similar allegations have been made against Gary Patterson at TCU by a former player, and Kevin Wilson got run out of Indiana for the issues like these. Of course, the latter was then hired by none other than Urban Meyer at tOSU.

The part about blowing the kids quad is what shocked me the most, I feel like that would have been preventable and should have been stopped.

I’m also interested in all the pills that guy took and how he was pushed into a suicidal mindset. I’d like to know more about that and how Urban May or May not have contributed

Things like throwing Gatorade seems to be something fairly common in sports.
Just watched that full video. My hatred for Urban Meyer takes a backseat to no one, but this all seems like problems that likely happen in any big time college football program. I don't mind that Meyer will be the one who takes the fall for it, but I am pretty sure they could do a similar video of most programs, and am already thinking of several players from the last few years at UT who would have similar stories about Butch. Most of them have been discussed already on this message board - Daniel Helm, Brett Kendrick, Mack Crowder, etc. Similar allegations have been made against Gary Patterson at TCU by a former player, and Kevin Wilson got run out of Indiana for the issues like these. Of course, the latter was then hired by none other than Urban Meyer at tOSU.

They should, and any coach that treats his players like Urban does deserves to be fired. This isn't being soft, it's avoiding cruel treatment of other human beings.
I have never heard of someone blowing out a quad before, and am not sure how it is forseeable. I'm no body builder, but I've lifted to failure many times before, and when you do that your muscles just won't push any further, they don't typically blow out and cause injury like that guy. I'm not sure how you can predict when that's going to happen. It sounds like when someone tears a biceps or pectoral muscle lifting, and that happens a couple of times every year, but no one gets fired over it. Other than the result, that story doesn't sound any different than any strength coach pushing his players to max out their workouts.
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Just watched that full video. My hatred for Urban Meyer takes a backseat to no one, but this all seems like problems that likely happen in any big time college football program. I don't mind that Meyer will be the one who takes the fall for it, but I am pretty sure they could do a similar video of most programs, and am already thinking of several players from the last few years at UT who would have similar stories about Butch. Most of them have been discussed already on this message board - Daniel Helm, Brett Kendrick, Mack Crowder, etc. Similar allegations have been made against Gary Patterson at TCU by a former player, and Kevin Wilson got run out of Indiana for the issues like these. Of course, the latter was then hired by none other than Urban Meyer at tOSU.

You're exactly right and this is why we still need good and more importantly -- honest -- media, so that these type of things don't get swept under the rug.

I have all the respect in the world for Brett McMurphy for having the balls to dig as deep as he did into this story and actually follow up on it, despite being let go by a major outlet like ESPN not too long ago. Too many people in the media are intimidated by guys like Urban Meyer (Saban, Dabo, the list goes on and on, it isn't exclusive to just Urban) because of their standing at their University. It's also always tough for media to actually report these things if they don't have the backing of their employer (something tells me ESPN wouldn't have firmly stood behind Brett McMurphy if he put this story out while still employed by them.)

But yeah, back to the original point. You could probably make a video for just about any major program in the country that details cover ups, lies, illegal activities, etc.
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