If Iran strikes Saudi Arabia there will be a full blown ground war in the Middle East. I could see an alliance of the US,Saudi Arabia,the Gulf States,Iraq and Israel against Iran,Russia,Syria and Turkey.
While Bolton is anywhere near power I dont not put a false flag past him. He is Cheney. Maybe worse than.
The reason late RINO Neocon Senator John McCain hated President Trump so violently was that he wouldn't take orders from him on Foreign Relations. When President Trump refused to obey him on Syria,Afghanistan and Iran John McCain wanted to destroy him.He's also just one voice. From what I have learned of Trump, he listens to multiple people and then makes a decision. I think he put Bolton in that position to scare people, not as a tell me what to do person.
McCain had an axe to grind after Trump's comments about his captivity during the Vietnam War.The reason late RINO Neocon Senator John McCain hated President Trump so violently was that he wouldn't take orders from him on Foreign Relations. When President Trump refused to obey him on Syria,Afghanistan and Iran John McCain wanted to destroy him.
There’s a lot of awful **** in here. Why do you fantasize about stuff like that?Said it before, but it bears repeating...if we HAVE to go to war with iran...Trump needs to make it clear that the goal is not regime change, we aint rebuilding jack sheit, and no boots on tge ground until all command and control infrastructure is already destroyed, and we have leveled anything worth destroying (see baghdad) , and mercilessly slaughtered the revolutionary guard and any other mofo stupid enough to climb in a vehicle, aircraft, SAM site, artillery etc...allwith tomahawks, stealth bombers,and standoff weapons.
We need to let our technology shine, and spend 10 taomahawks at 1MM each before we lose a single soldier, sailor, or marine. Apparently, the 4th of july display over Baghdad wasnt enough to dissuade the morons next door from tugging on supermans cape ...again...we need to set an example this time so that we don't ever, ever have to do this again. Bomb these mofos back to the stone age...i mean level every structure taller than 3 floors. Destroy every power plant, every cell tower, every water treatment facility, every refinery, every goverment office, every base, police station, fire station, phone company, factory of any kind, warehouses, any kind of infrastructure or commerce whatsoever.i dont want those bastards to be able to build a toaster or make a phone call for 10 to 20 years. YEARS. set them back a century. Period.
The middle east, and the world, and islamic terrorists will see that we are done playing with aggressors, and we dont even attempt to nation build, or rebuild the pizzants that we just spent a billion destroying. If you cannot leave us and our allies alone, we will mercilessly unleash hell on you and let you spend the next half century trying to get your country back to maybe 1950s era development. Maybe. We will not be involved, or finance your recovery.
Do the traditional thing if and when the Mullahs are removed in Iran put someone friendly in the ruler's seat in Iran like a member of the former Iranian Royal Family the PahlavisI dont fantasize about anything, i dont want to go to war with them at all. Do not underestimate the significance of the Republican Guard, their "elite" force, being added to the list of known terrorist groups for the 1st time ever.
Remember how our policy changed after sep11th? ANY country known to be harboring a KNOWN terrorist organization was an enemy of the united states, from that day forward, and were at war with the US.
If the RG is on the list, and Iran is clearly "harboring" them, what does that mean? That means that Trump and Congress already have grounds to declare war on them without anymore provocation. We are technically already in an undeclared war with Iran the moment the RG was added to that list. That is a fact. We are an inch away from war, that i do not want...but you know what i DONT WANT even more than that? Dead US 19 year old kids. I have a 17 year old son. I domt want boots on the ground, period.
Know what else i dont want even more? To ever, ever, have to go back over there and waste our blood and billions kicking some inbred camel jockeys arse. Tired of it. Thats why if we do have to go...we had damn well better take the gloves off this time. Wreck the place so badly that no other country besides China or Russia would ever even ENTERTAIN the idea of making us slap them around. Kick the absolute sheit out of them, and then leave it a smoking hole, and let them decide who and how they are governed, so it cannot be spun as "imperialism " or "colonialism"...show the world that we want absolutely nothing from our enemies...except death. Death is all that they understand in the ME...they have been at war almost constantly since before Christ walked...and always will be among themselves. Might makes right in the ME...but for some bleeding heart liberal reason we just cant seem to grasp that. Trying to rebuild Iraq was a huge mistake. Huge. Wasted billions upon billions, and screwed it up, too.
No more rebuilds. Stone age. Destroy it all...and let it hang on the lips of every sultan, imam, and oil prince...when they even begin to start to get ready to even halfway THINK about messing with the US, I want the very next thought to come crashing in their little brains. "IRAN"...it is STILL a wasteland, 25 years later. Those poor bastards may never fully recover. The LAST thing we want to do is anger the USA.
It will save us trillions of dollars, and thousands of American lives. Just because doing it right this time will prevent us from having to go over there and spend billions kicking somebodies arse every 10 to 15 years on average from here on out.
You can try and spin it to make me look like a savage war monger...what we have been doing doesnt work. Nation building, regime change, "spreading democracy and freedom "... all bullcrap. The only thing respected in the sandbox is absolute power, and death. We need to demonstrate that we are nore capable of both than any nation this world has ever known, so they better not EVER make us come back over there. Period.
well I agree with the way you think war should be conducted. I agree that we shouldn’t be nation building. When we lose more troops than we did on 9/11 it’s awful, we agree there. I think the term terrorist was used in an overbroad fashion to justify going all these places so I don’t think it’s right to label Iran’s standing military that way. Still, I think our involvement with Maktab al-Khidamat set us down this course, and our continued involvement with these sorts of groups is what generates animosity towards us ( which I doubt we agree on). Whatever the case is, I think the right thing is to walk away from there.I dont fantasize about anything, i dont want to go to war with them at all. Do not underestimate the significance of the Republican Guard, their "elite" force, being added to the list of known terrorist groups for the 1st time ever.
Remember how our policy changed after sep11th? ANY country known to be harboring a KNOWN terrorist organization was an enemy of the united states, from that day forward, and were at war with the US.
If the RG is on the list, and Iran is clearly "harboring" them, what does that mean? That means that Trump and Congress already have grounds to declare war on them without anymore provocation. We are technically already in an undeclared war with Iran the moment the RG was added to that list. That is a fact. We are an inch away from war, that i do not want...but you know what i DONT WANT even more than that? Dead US 19 year old kids. I have a 17 year old son. I domt want boots on the ground, period.
Know what else i dont want even more? To ever, ever, have to go back over there and waste our blood and billions kicking some inbred camel jockeys arse. Tired of it. Thats why if we do have to go...we had damn well better take the gloves off this time. Wreck the place so badly that no other country besides China or Russia would ever even ENTERTAIN the idea of making us slap them around. Kick the absolute sheit out of them, and then leave it a smoking hole, and let them decide who and how they are governed, so it cannot be spun as "imperialism " or "colonialism"...show the world that we want absolutely nothing from our enemies...except death. Death is all that they understand in the ME...they have been at war almost constantly since before Christ walked...and always will be among themselves. Might makes right in the ME...but for some bleeding heart liberal reason we just cant seem to grasp that. Trying to rebuild Iraq was a huge mistake. Huge. Wasted billions upon billions, and screwed it up, too.
No more rebuilds. Stone age. Destroy it all...and let it hang on the lips of every sultan, imam, and oil prince...when they even begin to start to get ready to even halfway THINK about messing with the US, I want the very next thought to come crashing in their little brains. "IRAN"...it is STILL a wasteland, 25 years later. Those poor bastards may never fully recover. The LAST thing we want to do is anger the USA.
It will save us trillions of dollars, and thousands of American lives. Just because doing it right this time will prevent us from having to go over there and spend billions kicking somebodies arse every 10 to 15 years on average from here on out.
You can try and spin it to make me look like a savage war monger...what we have been doing doesnt work. Nation building, regime change, "spreading democracy and freedom "... all bullcrap. The only thing respected in the sandbox is absolute power, and death. We need to demonstrate that we are nore capable of both than any nation this world has ever known, so they better not EVER make us come back over there. Period.