US women soccer team turns their back

I think y'all missed the discussion in here where they turned towards the flag with their hands over their hearts.

It's anger for anger's sake, promoted by a news outlet known for leaving out important information in order to rile up its addicts.
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I think y'all missed the discussion in here where they turned towards the flag with their hands over their hearts.

It's anger for anger's sake, promoted by a news outlet known for leaving out important information in order to rile up its addicts.

Forget it, he's rolling.

I think y'all missed the discussion in here where they turned towards the flag with their hands over their hearts.

It's anger for anger's sake, promoted by a news outlet known for leaving out important information in order to rile up its addicts.

To be fair, most look to have the arms behind their backs. I'm not a soccer fan but I used to have a routing fellow countrymen interest in them. I won't lose any sleep over their performance.
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I suspect the teams post game response to the Vet was a result of someone doing damage control after the internet exploded during the game. Ms Victoria Secret’s gig is not in danger
Man, you all really get butthurt over this flag when in your everday life, your damn freedoms are eroding away. Prioritize your outrage.

We may not agree on the extent our freedoms have been encroached upon, but I think we may agree that the culture wars are an intentional distraction that both parties use.
I would have been mad if they had indeed turned their backs. It appears some were confused on whether to turn towards the flag or towards Mr. Dupre. I will give them the benefit of the doubt on this one. Definitely a moving anthem before the game. Not many WWII vets left.
I think y'all missed the discussion in here where they turned towards the flag with their hands over their hearts.

It's anger for anger's sake, promoted by a news outlet known for leaving out important information in order to rile up its addicts.
I read that explanation from US soccer as well. While I don't think they disrespected this guy, certainly no intent to. I think they have opened themselves up to some of this criticism with some of their stances, but in this particular case I don't see any reason for uproar.
We may not agree on the extent our freedoms have been encroached upon, but I think we may agree that the culture wars are an intentional distraction that both parties use.

One, the GOP, infinitely more so than their counterparts. It's as though there is some sort of ongoing competition between right wing bloggers and supposed-reporters to outdo one another with false statements of fact and outrageous mischaracterizations of fact.

And all the while their mindless followers click and click and click. And the money rolls in.
What a turn of events!!

This shows that Republicans are just as eager as democrats when it comes to finding something to be outraged about.
Well, in fairness, all we conservatives know how to do according to the media narrative is “seize” or “pounce”. Heaven forbid that we actually have genuine long standing principles or concerns that influence our lives.
One, the GOP, infinitely more so than their counterparts. It's as though there is some sort of ongoing competition between right wing bloggers and supposed-reporters to outdo one another with false statements of fact and outrageous mischaracterizations of fact.

And all the while their mindless followers click and click and click. And the money rolls in.
Right, the Left NEVER uses the daily outrage machine to fund raise. BLM and all of the other neomarxist organs of Chaos NEVER put out a single fundraising email surrounding the actions or words of Trump, McConnell, Cruz, or DeSantis. And they were just fine and dandy with Trumps Supreme Court appointments. No sir, not a SINGLE CENT was fundraised off of that one 😉
Oh, and Georgia Voting law and the lies calling it Jim Crow 2.0? Surely a good faith presentation of the facts there I am sure.
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Well, in fairness, all we conservatives know how to do according to the media narrative is “seize” or “pounce”. Heaven forbid that we actually have genuine long standing principles or concerns that influence our lives.

Is somebody turning their back when a song is played a great concern?
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Right, the Left NEVER uses the daily outrage machine to fund raise. BLM and all of the other neomarxist organs of Chaos EVER put out a single fundraising email surrounding the actions or words of Trump, McConnell, Cruz, or DeSantis. And they were just fine and dandy with Trumps Supreme Court appoints. No sir, not a SINGLE CENT was fundraiser off of that one 😉
Oh, and Georgia Voting law and the lies calling it Jim Crow 2.0? Surely a good faith presentation of the facts there I am sure.

He doesn’t know how to have a genuine thought. Both groups of fringe zealots are blinded by their ideology
Is somebody turning their back when a song is played a great concern?

It is when it is combined with the other anti-American bs spewed by the Left. It’s a pattern not a one off incident. They will control the government sooner rather than later and it’s a concern
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He doesn’t know how to have a genuine thought. Both groups of fringe zealots are blinded by their ideology
Amazing how respect for the flag, law enforcement, traditional gender definitions, and the military is now considered “fringe”. Well then, I guess I am fringe now.
Amazing how respect for the flag, law enforcement, traditional gender definitions, and the military is now considered “fringe”. Well then, I guess I am fringe now.

The fringe right right would be the average person who participated in the riot in January and those belonging to any form of a militia/racist group. I agree with your thoughts, definitely not fringe but we are being drowned out by the woke crowd
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