US women soccer team turns their back

The fringe right right would be the average person who participated in the riot in January and those belonging to any form of a militia/racist group. I agree with your thoughts, definitely not fringe but we are being drowned out by the woke crowd
The sad thing is that many of the people implicated were probably fairly mainstream folks who showed up for what they believed would be a peaceful protest and just got swept up in the rabble led by a handful of crazies. That is the danger of mobs, once you are in one, you lose much ability to control what happens. Same thing I would say about the BLM protests, be very careful the company you keep.
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If you say so, it wasn’t desegregated until Korea so when did you support it? The flag is an object

Support what? The military? I don't know what desegregation has to do with my post so I'll leave that alone.

I was a vehement supporter of all things military until I was 23-24. Around that time is when it dawned on me that the majority of field grade officers and above were basically politicians in uniform. I still support the members of our military all the way up to O-3/O-4 but the reality of it is the military is just a jobs program now. Very few warriors left and they are being crushed under the boot of the woke. If you actually study the military we have a long history of incompetence in the senior officer ranks born out of the politics of promotion. Our flag officers didn't win WWII, our industrial might and fighting spirit of the average soldier won it in spite of them.
I would have been mad if they had indeed turned their backs. It appears some were confused on whether to turn towards the flag or towards Mr. Dupre. I will give them the benefit of the doubt on this one. Definitely a moving anthem before the game. Not many WWII vets left.

You face the flag.
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One, the GOP, infinitely more so than their counterparts. It's as though there is some sort of ongoing competition between right wing bloggers and supposed-reporters to outdo one another with false statements of fact and outrageous mischaracterizations of fact.

And all the while their mindless followers click and click and click. And the money rolls in.

I think being outraged when you guys constantly accuse your nation of being an evil, racist, bigoted, etc.... when we've spent trillions in social program. So yes, conservatives have a more legitimate reason to be outraged than the fake outrage you marxists create
Support what? The military? I don't know what desegregation has to do with my post so I'll leave that alone.

I was a vehement supporter of all things military until I was 23-24. Around that time is when it dawned on me that the majority of field grade officers and above were basically politicians in uniform. I still support the members of our military all the way up to O-3/O-4 but the reality of it is the military is just a jobs program now. Very few warriors left and they are being crushed under the boot of the woke. If you actually study the military we have a long history of incompetence in the senior officer ranks born out of the politics of promotion. Our flag officers didn't win WWII, our industrial might and fighting spirit of the average soldier won it in spite of them.

Yep, the officers will only cover their butts. God forbid if we fight a real war, we'll lose
Well.....I understand that, but apparently they didn't.

Initially the outrage was because some of them weren't facing the old vet playing the harmonica. When it became clear the ones that weren't facing the vet were facing the flag at the other end of the stadium, the outrage became that some were facing the vet and not the flag.
So they knew how to line up but a couple of them had no idea with where to face (maybe in the future pay attention to the direction others are facing… duh). Apparently it wasn’t an orchestrated act of disrespect, but their ignorance was compounded by stupid political posturing by some of their teammates in the past. Especially the angry old one with the short, purple hair.
It is when it is combined with the other anti-American bs spewed by the Left. It’s a pattern not a one off incident. They will control the government sooner rather than later and it’s a concern
Sir, they are allowing 12-16 year olds in some places to have gender assignment procedures, teaching kids in school about two mommies/two daddies and have removed God (or at least the Judeo-Christian God that is mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance) from the classrooms.

But you're worried about something as trivial as this?

Your priorities are not in proper alignment.
One, the GOP, infinitely more so than their counterparts. It's as though there is some sort of ongoing competition between right wing bloggers and supposed-reporters to outdo one another with false statements of fact and outrageous mischaracterizations of fact.

And all the while their mindless followers click and click and click. And the money rolls in.
You coming off a crack high?

There was no anti Trump story you were not buying hook line and sinker for four years. No matter how many times you got burned you were willing to believe every unnamed, unverified source anyone could make up.

There is a reason CNN and MSNBC ratings are down after Trump left office. And it's not because they suddenly got bad on 1/20.
The sad thing is that many of the people implicated were probably fairly mainstream folks who showed up for what they believed would be a peaceful protest and just got swept up in the rabble led by a handful of crazies. That is the danger of mobs, once you are in one, you lose much ability to control what happens. Same thing I would say about the BLM protests, be very careful the company you keep.
Broken windows, selfies with capital police, walking through velvet ropes in the main rotunda... lets not make it out to be The Maidan, 1989 Berlin Wall or even a big city riot after a championship sporting event.
The sad thing is that many of the people implicated were probably fairly mainstream folks who showed up for what they believed would be a peaceful protest and just got swept up in the rabble led by a handful of crazies. That is the danger of mobs, once you are in one, you lose much ability to control what happens. Same thing I would say about the BLM protests, be very careful the company you keep.

So much for personal responsibility.
It was neither wholly innocent nor was it the disaster many have made it out to be. Conservatives should have known that it would be used against the entire conservative universe. The people in DC did the things they believe in no favors that day.
So much for personal responsibility.
Oh it is totally personal responsibility. Not arguing that at all. It’s like we tell our kids that when you get in a car with a “friend” that then does something illegal, you are going to suffer some of the consequences. Mobs do not operate on reason or calculation, they operate on anger, fear, and hatred. Once you step into that stream, you are in danger of being swept away.
Sir, they are allowing 12-16 year olds in some places to have gender assignment procedures, teaching kids in school about two mommies/two daddies and have removed God (or at least the Judeo-Christian God that is mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance) from the classrooms.

But you're worried about something as trivial as this?

Your priorities are not in proper alignment.
Under God wasnt added until 1954. I dont remember a lot of old timers complaining about all the morals that got fixed with adding that clause to the pledge.
and have removed God (or at least the Judeo-Christian God that is mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance) from the classrooms.

Under God was not added to the pledge until 1954, as "no true communist" could say those words. Thanks, McCarthy!

And there is no Judeo-Christian anything. I have many Jewish friends who moan about the appropriation and have heard several Jewish speakers rail on that idea as well. It's a manufactured concept with Made in America stamped on the bottom.
Support what? The military? I don't know what desegregation has to do with my post so I'll leave that alone.

I was a vehement supporter of all things military until I was 23-24. Around that time is when it dawned on me that the majority of field grade officers and above were basically politicians in uniform. I still support the members of our military all the way up to O-3/O-4 but the reality of it is the military is just a jobs program now. Very few warriors left and they are being crushed under the boot of the woke. If you actually study the military we have a long history of incompetence in the senior officer ranks born out of the politics of promotion. Our flag officers didn't win WWII, our industrial might and fighting spirit of the average soldier won it in spite of them.

What a ridiculous take, Patton was a logistical genius even the Germans admitted such. Nimitz’s plan was brilliant at Midway. They were severely out gunned. That “fighting spirit” was instilled in them by their officers.
Sir, they are allowing 12-16 year olds in some places to have gender assignment procedures, teaching kids in school about two mommies/two daddies and have removed God (or at least the Judeo-Christian God that is mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance) from the classrooms.

But you're worried about something as trivial as this?

Your priorities are not in proper alignment.

I am worried about individual’s who support the ideas you just mentioned running the government? Umm yes, that was my whole point.
Under God was not added to the pledge until 1954, as "no true communist" could say those words. Thanks, McCarthy!

And there is no Judeo-Christian anything. I have many Jewish friends who moan about the appropriation and have heard several Jewish speakers rail on that idea as well. It's a manufactured concept with Made in America stamped on the bottom.

You mean the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob whom Jesus descended from? Yes, that God

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