US women soccer team turns their back

Jefferson in his autobiography explained why an amendment to the preamble of the Constitution that would have included "Jesus Christ" - so that the preamble would have read "A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion" - was rejected. Jefferson said, "they [the creators of the Constitution] meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo [sic] and Infidel of every denomination."

Founding Fathers were deists, not Christians
So this judeo christian country was founded by a heretic?

I didn’t realize Thomas Jefferson founded the country by himself or Madison for that matter. That’s a very ignorant take. Someone needs to inform the dozens of other men who gave their lives and contributed to the development of the government. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were enlightened men of wealth and privilege but even they referenced God’s role or “providence” over 200 times in their writings, hardly heretic atheists in your words. For a frame of reference, how many times has Joe Biden mentioned God’s role? Not much, would you describe him as “heretic atheist”? No, you wouldn’t
If you want to be ignorant and claim the US wasn’t founded by overwhelmingly devout Christians and its principles, good luck. Everyone points to Jefferson and Madison as if they were atheists who acknowledged no higher power, that couldn’t be further from the truth. They all referenced a higher power and his role in the development of this “unique experiment”. They didn’t support a government sponsored religion but they would be considered extremely conservative religiously in today’s society. Deism during the Constitutional period had a vastly different meaning than today, it didn’t reject Christianity or it’s teachings. It rejected the notion that God intervened in the daily lives of men. The Articles of Confederation and the interactions between the Founding Fathers during the early Constitutional period make that abundantly clear. If you want to argue Ethan Allen and Thomas Paine were “deists”, go ahead they embraced it, but they were only ones to publish writings on it. Washington spoke about God’s providence repeatedly in the founding of the US. It would be hard to argue he was a “deist” and many others when they often referred to God’s “providence”. Roger Sherman, John Jay, and Patrick Henry just to name a few were very religious. The natural “laws” the Founders often referred to were God’s moral laws not some philosophy, similar to “liberty”, which was also bestowed from God.
It wasn't. Many were diests and even a few rumored atheists who looked the position to much to admit it. Most used docs of earlier men to turn their ideas about govt and how to establish the nation. Read their influences and writings

"As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion"
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Jefferson in his autobiography explained why an amendment to the preamble of the Constitution that would have included "Jesus Christ" - so that the preamble would have read "A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion" - was rejected. Jefferson said, "they [the creators of the Constitution] meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo [sic] and Infidel of every denomination."

Founding Fathers were deists, not Christians

They rejected an organized, state controlled religion which is what the knew from English traditions and education. You continue to misunderstand the meaning of deism in their era. Again, Jefferson was not the sole Founding Father but he fits nicely the argument that they were “godless” deists.
It wasn't. Many were diests and even a few rumored atheists who looked the position to much to admit it. Most used docs of earlier men to turn their ideas about govt and how to establish the nation. Read their influences and writings

"As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion"

I am not the one who needs to read them. Again, deism in the 18th century was to apply reason to Christian teachings, not reject them. You really need to educate yourself. The role of education under the Articles of Confederation was to teach “piety”. You need to read deeper than Wikipedia and Google searches
That is because “under God” was so obvious as to be taken for granted until the communists made it necessary to point out the obvious. It is the logical equivalent of taking the phrase “I am alive” to “I am alive and my heart is beating”
So obvious that we have freedom of religion. Not one particular religion, religion total.
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