man thats what i'm sayin! i posted miami's o-line depth chart and if henderson goes there then there's NO WAY smith goes! they have one senior tackle thats started since he was a true freshman and the other tackle is a freshman or i actually think he's a redshirt freshman and was a 4 or 5 star when he signed with them. he has a year with the team already so he is ready to be a starter. theres no way him and henderson both go there. the miami thing is just something someone kicked up on here and got it started. from EVERYTHING i've read the word miami has never left smith's lips! dooley chaney and thompson sent a fax to their school to every junior and senior football player talking about the new transfer rules the ncaa put on USC and telling them that they can call dooley, chaney or thompson anytime to talk about taking a vist to UT, discuss playing time they would see, the depth chart, and a bunch of other stuff. that's what has all these guys thinking about transfering. i do NOT see anywhere that says MIAMI done that... until someone shows a links and proves me wrong i think it's down to tennessee or staying at USC...