USPS on the brink of collapse?

How much money does the military bring in? You trump supporters are all for handing out cash when it comes to police and military.

I’ve addressed this already. I’m fine with letting the military be paid like a mercenary force. Western Europe Japan and several other countries should be paying for our protection.
Says the man who just said he voted by mail-in ballot
I don't need to do that nor do I rely on it. I did it because I could and it was easy. So tell me again why seniors need and rely on the USPS? It's not like they send checks through the mail anymore.
I’ve addressed this already. I’m fine with letting the military be paid like a mercenary force. Western Europe Japan and several other countries should be paying for our protection.

That sounds like a great and horrible idea at the same time . Brings to mind legions of Roman armies . I do agree some countries ( Canada ) get the pleasure of sleeping under a very warm secure blanket because they just happen to be where they are .
I’ve addressed this already. I’m fine with letting the military be paid like a mercenary force. Western Europe Japan and several other countries should be paying for our protection.
Oh but the liberals don't like us making anyone pay for our protection. Germany pitched a fit when Trump announced that he was moving troops out of there. I loved it, I've put up with those arrogant mf'rs since I was a child and I've grown to hate them. They hate us and there is not one damn reason why we should help their economy ever again.
That sounds like a great and horrible idea at the same time . Brings to mind legions of Roman armies . I do agree some countries ( Canada ) get the pleasure of sleeping under a very warm secure blanket because they just happen to be where they are .
I wish we could just sent some of these out, still scares the poo outa me
Oh but the liberals don't like us making anyone pay for our protection. Germany pitched a fit when Trump announced that he was moving troops out of there. I loved it, I've put up with those arrogant mf'rs since I was a child and I've grown to hate them. They hate us and there is not one damn reason why we should help their economy ever again.

I love listening to them whine about what other countries think of us while knowing exactly what other people from other countries actually think , regardless of who the president is . My favorite is when they talk about us not being world leaders “ again “ since we aren’t under Trump . On what planet would you pick the United States to be a world leader with our history ? Our leaders have been and are as corrupt as any , our secret squirrel agencies are as bad and corrupt as any , our people are are bad and corrupt as any but we are worried we aren’t leading the world ?
I’ve addressed this already. I’m fine with letting the military be paid like a mercenary force. Western Europe Japan and several other countries should be paying for our protection.

But, but... where would we place our nationalism?
Oh but the liberals don't like us making anyone pay for our protection. Germany pitched a fit when Trump announced that he was moving troops out of there. I loved it, I've put up with those arrogant mf'rs since I was a child and I've grown to hate them. They hate us and there is not one damn reason why we should help their economy ever again.

They speak with forked tongues.
UPS says hold my beer.

Not so fast my friend

Not everyone is able to do so. Remember Election Day isn't even a Holiday a large portion of people cannot get off of work to vote. Over 24 million absentee ballots were cast in 2016. He is trying to supress those votes.
Polling places are open 12 hours or more on election day, nevermind early voting. Try harder.
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Trump has been demonizing the Post Office for years because Jeff Bezos hurt his feelings. The Trumpers don't even know why they are supposed to dislike the Post Office, they just believe what Trump wants them to believe - it's sad and pathetic.
Fyi.. The post office goes budget broke every year. This is nothing new.
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Trump Announces Plan To Replace USPS With Fleet Of Carrier Eagles
August 14th, 2020
article-6808-2.jpgWASHINGTON, D.C.—In one of his greatest acts as president ever, Donald Trump has announced the replacement of all USPS services with an epic flock of North American bald eagles. Experts are not in agreement on whether this will improve the services of the existing post office, but they unanimously agree that it's awesome.

"These eagles are beautiful. So patriotic. Best in the world. Maybe the universe even," Trump said. "The USPS is so old and poorly run. Total sham. Many presidents wouldn't have done this but I am. You don't have to say thank you."

After a successful test flight in which an eagle took out one of Gretchen Whitmer's social distancing drones, administration officials have greenlit the use of eagles to deliver the mail. Independent studies suggest that mail delivered by eagle has a 23% chance of arriving at its destination, but a 100% chance of it being awesome if it does.

Trump has assured the public that mail-in voting using carrier eagles is 100% safe since eagles are politically unbiased.


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