USPS on the brink of collapse?

It's pretty clear what is being done and why. The Trump Administration wants to slow down the delivery of mail by the United States Postal Service, because they believe that Democrats will vote through the mail at a much higher percentage than Republicans. This constitutes a gross abuse of power. It's self-serving corruption. Trump has now politicized the delivery of mail, because he feels it gives him a better chance of winning the election. Of course, this will also have "unintended consequences" entirely apart from the delivery of ballots, but so what? Trump only cares about himself.
Well the GOP governors seem to always have problems with long lines to vote in selective districts. This is by design to make it more burdensome to vote, thus giving them an advantage.

It's so transparently obvious why they are against mail in voting. It's all about maintaining power by trying to undermining the process.
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It's pretty clear what is being done and why. The Trump Administration wants to slow down the delivery of mail by the United States Postal Service, because they believe that Democrats will vote through the mail at a much higher percentage than Republicans. This constitutes a gross abuse of power. It's self-serving corruption. Trump has now politicized the delivery of mail, because he feels it gives him a better chance of winning the election. Of course, this will also have "unintended consequences" entirely apart from the delivery of ballots, but so what? Trump only cares about himself.
This may or may not be a real issue, but rather than screaming about voter suppression, why wouldn’t they just tell people to either send in their ballot 10 days early, request an absentee ballot, vote early or vote on Election Day in person? We’re doing nearly everything short of hauling a voting machine from home to home.
This may or may not be a real issue, but rather than screaming about voter suppression, why wouldn’t they just tell people to either send in their ballot 10 days early, request an absentee ballot, vote early or vote on Election Day in person? We’re doing nearly everything short of hauling a voting machine from home to home.
I'm sure some of the Democratic Party speakers will discuss that this week during the convention. That sidesteps the real issue here. Trump is abusing the power of his office and it is coming at the expense of mail delivery during a pandemic. It's outrageous. There is nothing which Trump won't politicize.
I'm sure some of the Democratic Party speakers will discuss that this week during the convention. That sidesteps the real issue here. Trump is abusing the power of his office and it is coming at the expense of mail delivery during a pandemic. It's outrageous. There is nothing which Trump won't politicize.
Honestly, I don’t think Trump thinks for a minute that he’s going to suppress the vote via the USPS. But what he can do is shine a light on it and rev up his base.
Honestly, I don’t think Trump thinks for a minute that he’s going to suppress the vote via the USPS. But what he can do is shine a light on it and rev up his base.
He can rev up his base to vote in person. His FOX viewers fear their votes won't be counted if it's mailed in. If poling places require masks, I really believe some of his supporters would forego voting all together and claim it was rigged.
Honestly, I don’t think Trump thinks for a minute that he’s going to suppress the vote via the USPS. But what he can do is shine a light on it and rev up his base.
You are underestimating the warped mind of Donald Trump. Show me a candidate who thinks having Kanye West's name on the ballots of battleground states will help him win the election, and I will show you a candidate who thinks that impeding the delivery of mail by depleting the resources of the United States Postal Service, will also help him win the election.
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You are underestimating the warped mind of Donald Trump. Show me a candidate who thinks having Kanye West's name on the ballots of battleground states will help him win the election, and I will show you a candidate who thinks that impeding the delivery of mail by depleting the resources of the United States Postal Service, will also help him win the election.

These next 4 years are going to be so much fun regardless of who takes the Oval . I haven’t been this excited since Dorothy threw that bucket of water on the witch that one time and she melted . We have Trump , Biden and Kamala .. it’s going to better than sitting front row at a comedy club .
He can rev up his base to vote in person. His FOX viewers fear their votes won't be counted if it's mailed in. If poling places require masks, I really believe some of his supporters would forego voting all together and claim it was rigged.
I think part of the objective here is to sow seeds of doubt in the process. In an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN over the weekend, White House Chief Staff Mark Meadows was told that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud... Meadows responded with "there's no evidence that there's not either." How the hell do you prove a negative? The absence of proof of voter fraud is the evidence that it's not happening. Trump's Administration is playing games.
I think part of the objective here is to sow seeds of doubt in the process. In an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN over the weekend, White House Chief Staff Mark Meadows was told that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud... Meadows responded with "there's no evidence that there's not either." How the hell do you prove a negative? The absence of proof of voter fraud is the evidence that it's not happening. Trump's Administration is playing games.

Serious question .. do you guys really sit and watch those weekend show like with Tapper?
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Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and Post Roads." The Post Office has the constitutional authority to designate mail routes. The Post Office is also empowered to construct or designate post offices with the implied authority to carry, deliver, and regulate the mail of the United States as a whole. The Postal Power also includes the power to designate certain materials as non-mailable, and to pass statutes criminalizing abuses of the postal system (such as mail fraud and armed robbery of post offices)[1]

The way to reduce the burden on the Postal Service during the final weeks leading to election day is to designate bulk junk mail as non-mailable. It wouldn't surprise me if the GOP wasn't orchestrating such a campaign to flood the mail system at that time.
This may or may not be a real issue, but rather than screaming about voter suppression, why wouldn’t they just tell people to either send in their ballot 10 days early, request an absentee ballot, vote early or vote on Election Day in person? We’re doing nearly everything short of hauling a voting machine from home to home.
Its political gamesmanship.

Both are looking for an advantage. Saying otherwise is disingenuous.
Its political gamesmanship.

Both are looking for an advantage. Saying otherwise is disingenuous.
Intentionally depleting the resources of the United States Postal Service, which is an independent agency of the federal government, in order to gain an advantage in an election (either real or imagined) shouldn't be dismissed as "political gamesmanship". This is a textbook example of an abuse of power by the President of the United States.

Abuse of power: occurs when a leader acts in a manner that manipulates an area of control for personal gain at the follower's expense - all the while avoiding basic managerial responsibility. Intention may or may not be present.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and Post Roads." The Post Office has the constitutional authority to designate mail routes. The Post Office is also empowered to construct or designate post offices with the implied authority to carry, deliver, and regulate the mail of the United States as a whole. The Postal Power also includes the power to designate certain materials as non-mailable, and to pass statutes criminalizing abuses of the postal system (such as mail fraud and armed robbery of post offices)[1]

The way to reduce the burden on the Postal Service during the final weeks leading to election day is to designate bulk junk mail as non-mailable. It wouldn't surprise me if the GOP wasn't orchestrating such a campaign to flood the mail system at that time.

"Paranoia will Destroy Ya"
You are underestimating the warped mind of Donald Trump. Show me a candidate who thinks having Kanye West's name on the ballots of battleground states will help him win the election, and I will show you a candidate who thinks that impeding the delivery of mail by depleting the resources of the United States Postal Service, will also help him win the election.

Get a life.
Intentionally depleting the resources of the United States Postal Service, which is an independent agency of the federal government, in order to gain an advantage in an election (either real or imagined) shouldn't be dismissed as "political gamesmanship". This is a textbook example of an abuse of power by the President of the United States.

Abuse of power: occurs when a leader acts in a manner that manipulates an area of control for personal gain at the follower's expense - all the while avoiding basic managerial responsibility. Intention may or may not be present.

Such as using the IRS to intimidate conservative leaning groups?
Intentionally depleting the resources of the United States Postal Service, which is an independent agency of the federal government, in order to gain an advantage in an election (either real or imagined) shouldn't be dismissed as "political gamesmanship". This is a textbook example of an abuse of power by the President of the United States.

Abuse of power: occurs when a leader acts in a manner that manipulates an area of control for personal gain at the follower's expense - all the while avoiding basic managerial responsibility. Intention may or may not be present.

We all see "abuse" of power however it fits our political spectrum. Im just not goofy enough to believe that lies with just one or the other much less in an election year.
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More like... it's as much as your inarticulate vocabulary is capable of contributing.

As opposed to your copy and paste and irrational paranoia. It does not deserve any more response. You are going full LG on this one and it is fun to watch. "Warped mind" that is real intellectual stuff there.

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