USS destroyer sailing by chinese disputed islands

Yes, there are indeed critical shipping lanes in the South China Sea. One of those is the busiest pinch point on the globe, the Straights of Malacca. China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, and the Gulf states all have a vested interest in keeping these shipping lanes open and free flowing. Let those countries sort it out. They have the resources and should be willing to throw their own skin in the game to keep these lanes open.

It was only a matter of time...

It was only a matter of time...

letting the fox run the hen house aren't we? pretty sure Iran has been the largest instigator of naval forfeiture in that particular pond.

and I would trust any deal with China less than I would trust a deal from our government.
Lesbian Sues U.S. Army and Air Force Over Boss’ Demand She Grow Her Hair and Wear Makeup

One more generation of this stuff and we won’t stand a chance in a war regardless of our tech.

Couldn't care less as long as she can meet requirements and do her job.

Was stationed in the Bay Area '78 thru '81. You think there weren't lesbians in then? Yeah right, it's just that they couldn't serve if they were gay, so they had to stay in the closet. That's right they loved their country enough to deny their most basic nature. What the hell does sexual orientation have to do with being able to serve?

Love it when the chickenhawks in here who have never served want to tell us all about how the military should be run. Yeah as long as your skin isn't in the game.
Couldn't care less as long as she can meet requirements and do her job.

Was stationed in the Bay Area '78 thru '81. You think there weren't lesbians in then? Yeah right, it's just that they couldn't serve if they were gay, so they had to stay in the closet. That's right they loved their country enough to deny their most basic nature. What the hell does sexual orientation have to do with being able to serve?

Love it when the chickenhawks in here who have never served want to tell us all about how the military should be run. Yeah as long as your skin isn't in the game.
Slow clap.

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