UT Administration

Fulmer had a quiet yet robust campaign for the AD job. The real pity is that VFL David Blackburn was sacrificed on the alter of administration musical chairs.
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Again, here you are with baseless opinions when all I've brought is cited quotations, all without the need for hurling personal insults. After all Chancellor Plowman has done for this university and football program, she deserves more respect than to say or even insinuate that she's making things up to save face. To question her integrity is baseless, useless, and insulting to everything she's done. She could have said a million things about Fulmer, but she carefully worded her publicly available statements, which I linked, literally stating in quotation that Fulmer was a bridge gap hire and had no intention of staying a long time. The terms of his retirement were a part of that conversation where they discussed his retirement, negotiated settlement of his contract, etc, according to her statements. At no point did anyone say he was fired. According to her, Fulmer volunteered to step down to make way for the new administration/AD so the new coach would have more stability, again all in black and white if you care to read it.

If you choose not to believe it, that's on you. But spreading your baseless insinuations as fact is irresponsible at the least and insults the integrity of our great leadership, who I might add, is the best leadership we have seen at UT in 30 years or more.

I didn't think you would stoop to name calling and insults to try and win an argument. How sophomoric of you. Whenever you decide you can have an adult conversation, feel free to reach out.

Until then, good day sir.
What did you think she was going to say? “Well, Phil was just a crap AD and that’s all I can say about him.” That was never going to happen to a UT legend.

Again, bosses use that kind of language all the time when letting go a loyal long term employee. She was being kind and saw no need to pile on. Why you can’t understand that is beyond me. Evidently you are the only one because everyone else gets it. Generally when everyone disagrees with you, you need to realize when you are wrong and gracefully back away from the discussion. As it is, I guess you are going to die on that hill. Oh well.
What did you think she was going to say? “Well, Phil was just a crap AD and that’s all I can say about him.” That was never going to happen to a UT legend.

Again, bosses use that kind of language all the time when letting go a loyal long term employee. She was being kind and saw no need to pile on. Why you can’t understand that is beyond me. Evidently you are the only one because everyone else gets it. Generally when everyone disagrees with you, you need to realize when you are wrong and gracefully back away from the discussion. As it is, I guess you are going to die on that hill. Oh well.
She could’ve said that Phil has decided to step down as athletic Director and we appreciate his time and dedication to this university that he has loved for so long.

She didn’t have to provide any specifics about their conversations, the plans for his tenure, or any other specifics unless she wanted to.

I would actually believe what all of you are insinuating, if that had been the case. But she specifically said all of those things. To me that means intent, and out of respect for her, I believe what she said. She’s earned that in my opinion.
What did you think she was going to say? “Well, Phil was just a crap AD and that’s all I can say about him.” That was never going to happen to a UT legend.

Again, bosses use that kind of language all the time when letting go a loyal long term employee. She was being kind and saw no need to pile on. Why you can’t understand that is beyond me. Evidently you are the only one because everyone else gets it. Generally when everyone disagrees with you, you need to realize when you are wrong and gracefully back away from the discussion. As it is, I guess you are going to die on that hill. Oh well.
He knows. This is an act. Was reading his post history to make sure my next action is justified.
No trolling. Just stating the facts. Sorry you can’t handle it and live in a world of mistrust. Feel free to put me on ignore if you cant argue a point without it devolving into amateurish insults and conspiracy.
To me, the fakeness of both Plowman and Boyd at the press conference when they looked at Phil and spoke of and to him was more damaging to his lasting image than anything. I hate that for him.

To be fair, Boyd demoted someone from a VP position and literally said “math majors are going to disagree”. The guy stayed on for a few months and “retired” after that.
The why say what she said, specifically that he was absolved of any wrongdoing and volunteered to retire? She chose those words very carefully, as she has proven time and again when making public statements. Accusing her of not telling the truth is in fact a form of deceit, is it not?
You've lost me. Can you clarify which side of this you are on?
You've lost me. Can you clarify which side of this you are on?
To clarify, I believe that Plowman chose her words carefully and don’t believe that she lied, covered for, or told misleading information about Fulmer, his plan for employment as the AD, retirement, the terms of his contract buyout, or anything that would make me believe Fulmer was fired for cause as argued by numerous others ITT. I also believe that she cleared him of any wrongdoing prior to the press conference and that is why they allowed a negotiated settlement as a part of his retirement.

Apparently this was a unpopular opinion to some but I do sincerely believe she is calm, calculated, intelligent, and chose her words carefully. (See articles i posted for her statements if you need a refresher). Hopefully she continues serving the university with integrity and honesty because she has done a better job stabilizing the university and football program than anyone else in her role in a long time.
To clarify, I believe that Plowman chose her words carefully and don’t believe that she lied, covered for, or told misleading information about Fulmer, his plan for employment as the AD, retirement, the terms of his contract buyout, or anything that would make me believe Fulmer was fired for cause as argued by numerous others ITT. I also believe that she cleared him of any wrongdoing prior to the press conference and that is why they allowed a negotiated settlement as a part of his retirement.

Apparently this was an unpopular opinion to some but I do sincerely believe she is calm, calculated, intelligent, and chose her words carefully. (See articles i posted for her statements if you need a refresher). Hopefully she continues serving the university with integrity and honesty because she has done a better job stabilizing the university and football program than anyone else in her role in a long time.
I certainly agree that she chose her words carefully. And she did not lie or cover up. She just chose nicely not to address the elephant in the room.

He obviously was not fired for cause because he was given a buyout. Nobody in any business that I’ve been associated with ever got a buyout when fired with cause.
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I certainly agree that she chose her words carefully. And she did not lie or cover up. She just chose nicely not to address the elephant in the room.

He obviously was not fired for cause because he was given a buyout. Nobody in any business that I’ve been associated with ever got a buyout when fired with cause.
So indulge the unenlightened. If his long-term plan of retiring a year after signing an extension had been recalculated and he had wanted to remain and help fix the mess? IYO would he have been allowed to do so?
So indulge the unenlightened. If his long-term plan of retiring a year after signing an extension had been recalculated and he had wanted to remain and help fix the mess? IYO would he have been allowed to do so?
I really didn’t finish my original thought. Hit the button too quickly. I think there was more to the situation that went unsaid. No, I don’t believe he was ever going to be allowed to stay on. The administration said all the right things and as VolinBama said, they “chose their words carefully”. I believe they allowed the buyout so that he would go away quietly and to not embarrass a UT legend.

It really comes down to a simple question. If Phil was found to be blameless, why would he leave a job that he coveted so much? No need to if he did nothing wrong. I’ll never believe he would simply retire on his own volition. I believe there was more that was unsaid but none of us are ever going to know.

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