Utah State Gametime

I hope that its not true college football is supposed to be on Saturday. For me Sunday is the Lords day not football and I'll be in church that day. If its true I hope neylands empty on that sunday.

Listen to a pastor on podcast on way to game :) cmon man!
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I hope that its not true college football is supposed to be on Saturday. For me Sunday is the Lords day not football and I'll be in church that day. If its true I hope neylands empty on that sunday.

Never watch any NFL on Sundays, big guy? This was debated the last time we played on Sunday night and many churches embraced it and had viewing parties after their services.
I hope that its not true college football is supposed to be on Saturday. For me Sunday is the Lords day not football and I'll be in church that day. If its true I hope neylands empty on that sunday.

You got to church all day and night on Sundays?
I hope that its not true college football is supposed to be on Saturday. For me Sunday is the Lords day not football and I'll be in church that day. If its true I hope neylands empty on that sunday.

Lol, could you cite a source for staying in church all day and night on Sunday?
Listen to a pastor on podcast on way to game :) cmon man!

I am a pastor. I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers all I'm saying is for me I have higher priorities on Sunday than to go to a game. now on Saturday that's my day but Sunday that's Gods day. I dont care any thing in the world for the NFL I'm just a ut football guy. And I am a VFL I'm also a cfl (Christian for life ) I would just rather serve my Savior an church on sunday then go to a football GAME.
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I hope that its not true college football is supposed to be on Saturday. For me Sunday is the Lords day not football and I'll be in church that day. If its true I hope neylands empty on that sunday.

Sunday as a day or worship is actually a pagan tradition. The church in a dteremined goal to make itself universal (that's what "catholic" really means) fused pagan and Christian concepts to ease acceptance of these traditions. That includes the December 25 and Sunday concepts among others. The Lord's Day was and always be Saturday. Or better to place into the proper Hebrew context, the 7th day of the week. They don't care about what you name the day, just the number assigned to it by YHWH. Just FYI. get to know a bit more history, you'd be shocked at what you'd find. Especially when it comes to religious practices.

Hey, OrangeWayOfLife! I'm not high on gobb juice. It was Benjamin Prichard's Tennessee Whiskey. I was out of Jack Daniels Old No. 7.
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What scripture says you must attend church every single Sunday, twice a day?

Hebrews 10: 25 I'm just saying for me I love my church an I can't get enough just one time Sunday morning that's why I would hate to have a game day on Sunday night because church is gonna win out every time .
I am a pastor. I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers all I'm saying is for me I have higher priorities on Sunday than to go to a game. now on Saturday that's my day but Sunday that's Gods day. I dont care any thing in the world for the NFL I'm just a ut football guy. And I am a VFL I'm also a cfl (Christian for life ) I would just rather serve my Savior an church on sunday then go to a football GAME.
Go serve your savior you won't be missed.
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Hebrews 10: 25 I'm just saying for me I love my church an I can't get enough just one time Sunday morning that's why I would hate to have a game day on Sunday night because church is gonna win out every time .

Though I don't oppose the practice, that's not a mandate. It's a suggestion and even states that "some" do that. Showing it was not a universal practice. Kind of like recommended but not required. Personally, I think we'd be better off doing this in the original spirit of the church before it became Catholic (or Protestant for that matter). We might be better people and a better nation as a result. But once again, this is not a mandate. therein lies the problem in this country. People use what's not really true as a tool to pressure others to follow their personal agendas. Humans tend to resist that sooner or later.

Football? Well, whatever day it is root for the Vols whether you're at the game or not, watching it on TV or not. Things like which day it's on is out of our control. But love has no day fence around it. Love your church, love your family, love your Vols! Everyday.
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To me we shoudn't use this forum to discuss things not pertaining to the topic. Since we have however..I do think that most of society that is faith based has relegated God to a don't call me I'll call you status. It don't work that way. I went to church SuperBowl Sunday and missed the kickoff and much of the first half. When we put football or anything before God there is a problem. Not to judge..we all have to live our lives as we see fit. Oh...if the game is Sunday you can bet that I will DVR it and stay away from any scoring updates.
To me we shoudn't use this forum to discuss things not pertaining to the topic. Since we have however..I do think that most of society that is faith based has relegated God to a don't call me I'll call you status. It don't work that way. I went to church SuperBowl Sunday and missed the kickoff and much of the first half. When we put football or anything before God there is a problem. Not to judge..we all have to live our lives as we see fit. Oh...if the game is Sunday you can bet that I will DVR it and stay away from any scoring updates.

So, uh, you coming to the USU game?
If not, set your DVR to record it for later.
Seems like a cool idea anyway.
Sunday as a day or worship is actually a pagan tradition. The church in a dteremined goal to make itself universal (that's what "catholic" really means) fused pagan and Christian concepts to ease acceptance of these traditions. That includes the December 25 and Sunday concepts among others. The Lord's Day was and always be Saturday. Or better to place into the proper Hebrew context, the 7th day of the week. They don't care about what you name the day, just the number assigned to it by YHWH. Just FYI. get to know a bit more history, you'd be shocked at what you'd find. Especially when it comes to religious practices.

Woodsman your right in the old testament the sabbath was Saturday but when Christ died and arose three days later he arose on the fir.st day Sunday. Your right about attending you see we have free will to do what we want we have the choice to go or not . Its society that oœhas made the Lords day ( which ever one you want to observe) just another a day 60 years ago we wouldnt be having this discussion cause they wouldnt have any games an most businesses were closed but over time there has been a falling away its awful similar to Paul explaining the last days in 2 timthoy
Sunday as a day or worship is actually a pagan tradition. The church in a dteremined goal to make itself universal (that's what "catholic" really means) fused pagan and Christian concepts to ease acceptance of these traditions. That includes the December 25 and Sunday concepts among others. The Lord's Day was and always be Saturday. Or better to place into the proper Hebrew context, the 7th day of the week. They don't care about what you name the day, just the number assigned to it by YHWH. Just FYI. get to know a bit more history, you'd be shocked at what you'd find. Especially when it comes to religious practices.

Woodsman your right in the old testament the sabbath was Saturday but when Christ died and arose three days later he arose on the fir.st day Sunday. Your right about attending you see we have free will to do what we want we have the choice to go or not . Its society that oœhas made the Lords day ( which ever one you want to observe) just another a day 60 years ago we wouldnt be having this discussion cause they wouldnt have any games an most businesses were closed but over time there has been a falling away its awful similar to Paul explaining the last days in 2 timthoy

You will never find a Scriptural authorized change from the 7th day to the 1st day as a day of worship. So rather than drag this on, I suggest you do serious historical study of this topic. A lot of westernized presumptions are based on a severe lack of both religious and historical information. All passed down for centuries now as fact when in actuality, the bulk of it are man-made myths. However, I will not discuss the topic further as experience has shown me when people have closed their mind to anything contrary to what they assume is true, it's a futile waste of time. They simply will not sincerely explore factual sources.
So we're done, the wonderful thing is you have a set of beliefs which too many people today don't to their own detriment.

---Signed sealed and delivered---
I'm setting the over/under at 5 - the number of post before they move this to the politic forum
Yep god cares when you worship him....no I think he cares that you do and live a life he would be proud of. Day of the week is stupid. Live a Christ like life then you are a Christian. Pay attention only on Sundays doesn't mean anything
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