Utah State Gametime

Boomsday | Visit Knoxville

According to Visit Knoxville, the annual Boomsday Celebration is set for that Sunday with a mention of the game in the description (see link). Looks like it will be that Saturday unless some MAJOR changes take place.

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Sunday as a day or worship is actually a pagan tradition. The church in a dteremined goal to make itself universal (that's what "catholic" really means) fused pagan and Christian concepts to ease acceptance of these traditions. That includes the December 25 and Sunday concepts among others. The Lord's Day was and always be Saturday. Or better to place into the proper Hebrew context, the 7th day of the week. They don't care about what you name the day, just the number assigned to it by YHWH. Just FYI. get to know a bit more history, you'd be shocked at what you'd find. Especially when it comes to religious practices.

Woodsman your right in the old testament the sabbath was Saturday but when Christ died and arose three days later he arose on the fir.st day Sunday. Your right about attending you see we have free will to do what we want we have the choice to go or not . Its society that oœhas made the Lords day ( which ever one you want to observe) just another a day 60 years ago we wouldnt be having this discussion cause they wouldnt have any games an most businesses were closed but over time there has been a falling away its awful similar to Paul explaining the last days in 2 timthoy

I wouldn't exactly use 2 Timothy to support anything I believe...have your wife read it and see if she agrees
Yep god cares when you worship him....no I think he cares that you do and live a life he would be proud of. Day of the week is stupid. Live a Christ like life then you are a Christian. Pay attention only on Sundays doesn't mean anything

Ssshhhh!!!! Don't let people know, the pastors and church leaders need money!
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Paging DeerPark...

ESPN has reached out to several schools regarding moving their opening weekend home games to Sunday, looking to fill a timeslot on Sunday night at 7. They would like to have a game at 6 and another from a western time zone at 9:30. None of those schools has agreed to do so at this time.

I don't know specifically what UTs response has been.

It is worth noting that Boomsday is currently scheduled for that Sunday night and it would require a large amount of cooperation with the city to move that event. It was done in 2004, when. They moved Boomsday to Saturday, but the city has already lined up a couple of fairly major musical acts to perform that may not be able to move their date.
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You will never find a Scriptural authorized change from the 7th day to the 1st day as a day of worship. So rather than drag this on, I suggest you do serious historical study of this topic. A lot of westernized presumptions are based on a severe lack of both religious and historical information. All passed down for centuries now as fact when in actuality, the bulk of it are man-made myths. However, I will not discuss the topic further as experience has shown me when people have closed their mind to anything contrary to what they assume is true, it's a futile waste of time. They simply will not sincerely explore factual sources.
So we're done, the wonderful thing is you have a set of beliefs which too many people today don't to their own detriment.

---Signed sealed and delivered---

The Sabbath is a day of rest, not a day of Worship.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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I'm not in favor of a Sunday game, but that's for a selfish reason. Mainly, the free lodging I get for game days would be unavailable as friend would be out of town then.

On the other take, I'd be for it because, because, well because I have a conspiracy theory. It goes like this:

Whispers and mummurings in my admittedly crazed mind have grasped onto a vision felt more than seen. The Butch is an exciting, fresh, dynamic addition to the SEC. Tennessee is a traditional fixture of the same. That Butch is showing himself to becoming a force to be reckoned with. Old Slive welcomes this, makes great marketing, bucking the trend of certain declines in college football.

The Jonesian Juggernaut yet slumbering but stirring into wakefulness, excites even those beyond the SEC. They want the real Orangemen back. It means big revenue to play a strong Tennessee no matter where the game is played. And Jones himself is a joy to watch, putting the Butch on display is whip cream atop an orange cake with a banana slices interior.

It's a gamble as USU could possibly backfire. But the game reeks of an orange sun rising. A chance for the nation to see the Butch shake the Jonesian Juggernaut fully out of its slumber. And take the first unsteady steps down Championship Boulevard. Thudding footfalls, not heard for a decade. Grunts, deep resounding breaths like a great engine revving into life, ready to seek adventure. Stopping briefly to stretch. Orange eyes flash as if remembering something, something unpleasant, something that angers it. When fully awake by the 2nd half, it flings USU aside and lets out a terrible roar as the memory comes fully forth. "Roll the Tide back!" it roars. With thundering stomps, it hambugerizes the Aggies. Across the nation, friends and foes alike look on in wonder.
"Roll the Tide back!" it roars again.

The Butch steps in front of the orange giant, grabs a megaphone and tells it, "The Saban Savages are coming to Neyland to ravage it. They're dragging along the critter you know as. . . . Knowing immediately who the Butch is referring to, it roars yet again. Shaking Neyland almost into collapse. Which cues the Aggies to leave town immediately. Therein lies the basis of a Sunday game. Slive wants the world to witness the orange giant arise from its long time slumber and take its first lethgaric steps down Championship Boulevard.
"I got a One Liner King", says Slive. "I got the Devil himself. "I got the Louisiana Lunkhead, a perpetual Freeze. I got a gushing Gus and a man without a will. I got a Badger who morphed into a hog and a Mullen without a mullet. But it's the Butch we need now.
So it's Sun Day for a reason.

An orange sun breaches the high walls of Neyland. The beams probe the windows of offices at the UT. One finds the profile it's seeking. The Butch turns his face into the beam and smiles wickedly, or is it a snarl? "It's Sun Day", he whispers, "It's Orange Sun Day."

If I'm ever in need of a cocaine hookup on Game Day, you'll be the first guy I'll call.
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If I'm ever in need of a cocaine hookup on Game Day, you'll be the first guy I'll call.

It's peyote, man, I get it free from Shirley's Kiowa folks.
Purely for religious rituals, you understand? Least that's what they told me.
Hebrews 10: 25 I'm just saying for me I love my church an I can't get enough just one time Sunday morning that's why I would hate to have a game day on Sunday night because church is gonna win out every time .

I understand you'd be disappointed to miss the game. But it would only be one week. Not a huge deal. And it is 100% worth getting the national exposure.
It's peyote, man, I get it free from Shirley's Kiowa folks.
Purely for religious rituals, you understand? Least that's what they told me.

You're ALL about religion :scare:
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Not the most spiritual person here, but from what I have seen Id say over half of self proclaimed "Christians" aren't actually following the Bible. They just put that label on themselves to make them feel better. As others have posted, just going to Church and being a good person doesn't mean jack.
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Sunday as a day or worship is actually a pagan tradition. The church in a dteremined goal to make itself universal (that's what "catholic" really means) fused pagan and Christian concepts to ease acceptance of these traditions. That includes the December 25 and Sunday concepts among others. The Lord's Day was and always be Saturday. Or better to place into the proper Hebrew context, the 7th day of the week. They don't care about what you name the day, just the number assigned to it by YHWH. Just FYI. get to know a bit more history, you'd be shocked at what you'd find. Especially when it comes to religious practices.

Hey, OrangeWayOfLife! I'm not high on gobb juice. It was Benjamin Prichard's Tennessee Whiskey. I was out of Jack Daniels Old No. 7.

You may want to rethink that.

Acts 20:7 -- On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight.

Christ rose on the first day, so it became a day of observance.

The Sabbath was given to Israel, not the church.

I love Sunday night games.

You may want to rethink that.

Acts 20:7 -- On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight.

Christ rose on the first day, so it became a day of observance.

The Sabbath was given to Israel, not the church.

I love Sunday night games.


The operative word in your posts is "became" which means decided to do that. The Inquisition became a means of enforced thinking, acting and speaking in regard to "official doctrine." But no scripture has God saying "Remember the Inquisition (or Sunday) and keep it holy." The point is, God Almighty never authorized the change. Nothing wrong with meeting on Sunday, I'd advocate it. But it's not a Heaven sanctioned day of worship mo matter how much you want it to be.

What some people can't and some refuse to wrap their heads around is this: Not every word in the Bible is God's word. Humans were not above injecting their own dictates. Blasphemy, Woodsman, you say? A mild example of this is seen in 1Corithinas Chapter 7 where Paul readily admits this. So to did humans presume to initiate practices that were not mandated by the Lord. Those who can't be comfortable with this, I think they lack an absolute confidence in their faith. These things don't bother me because when all is said and done, my faith remains unshaken. Some little tidbit here and there won't budge it. But I'm mature enough to recognize humans hands have tainted or even misrepresented what God intended, said and whatnot. Humans are fallible that way so my view is, OK so what else is new?
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The operative word in your posts is "became" which means decided to do that. The Inquisition became a means of enforced thinking, acting and speaking in regard to "official doctrine." But no scripture has God saying "Remember the Inquisition (or Sunday) and keep it holy." The point is, God Almighty never authorized the change. Nothing wrong with meeting on Sunday, I'd advocate it. But it's not a Heaven sanctioned day of worship mo matter how much you want it to be.

I never said it was. You said:

Sunday as a day or worship is actually a pagan tradition.

Unless you are saying that the NT apostles were pagans, then this is incorrect.
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May I ask if you are SDA?


Nope and am not a Jew or 7th Day Baptist either. Let's just say I read the Good Book like I read any other book instead of bits and pieces. And have done some reading in Judeo-Christian history, spoke non-judgmentally to clergy in various faiths, and actually sought to understand instead of just believing something just because I was indoctrinated to believe it.

OK, I'm done, shouldn't have revisited this in first place. So I'm really done now. Anyone who really wants to know reality can find it but not with a closed mind.
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The real question is will the Dobb Goblin be starting the first game of the season.

That remains to be seen though I believe the answer is YES. It's the Dobb Goblin way.

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