Vacation / Travel

I enjoy reading your memories of Cumberland Mt. State Park & your Dad. So many fun picnics, swimming (before the pool) in Byrd Lake, hiking the trails, etc. So, I'll attach another photo (winter scene from 2022).
I had never been swimming in a lake prior to The Park. First place to have dived off the high board and I loved the basketball games in the water.

Dad must have approved of Byrd Lake. He was a microbiologist and took part in the protection and poisoning of fresh water supplies while working at Fort Detrick in the Cold War o_O :oops:
I had never been swimming in a lake prior to The Park. First place to have dived off the high board and I loved the basketball games in the water.

Dad must have approved of Byrd Lake. He was a microbiologist and took part in the protection and poisoning of fresh water supplies while working at Fort Detrick in the Cold War o_O :oops:
Reminded me of this scene
I had never been swimming in a lake prior to The Park. First place to have dived off the high board and I loved the basketball games in the water.

Dad must have approved of Byrd Lake. He was a microbiologist and took part in the protection and poisoning of fresh water supplies while working at Fort Detrick in the Cold War o_O :oops:
My first high diving too!
That had to make for an interesting job description!
never discussed detrick days. CiA ran things
did hear him telll a dinner partner there was a site in utah dirtier than 51

and i did know he made many trips out west, My
impression was that he was doing water tests near atomic test sites

as far as i know he was Army officer in Hawaii w/ medical corps in 1945 and later received advanced degree at UTK
never discussed detrick days. CiA ran things
did hear him telll a dinner partner there was a site in utah dirtier than 51

and i did know he made many trips out west, My
impression was that he was doing water tests near atomic test sites

as far as i know he was Army officer in Hawaii w/ medical corps in 1945 and later received advanced degree at UTK
Your Dad had an interesting career. Times have changed in our world.

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