Vaccine or not?

There's still a lot about this virus that science hasn't explained, so acting like we know everything there is to know is nonsensical. I do think everyone should get vaccinated, but in no way do I support FORCED vaccination. It should be a choice. And if you are vaccinated, I'm not sure why you should worry about other people being vaccinated, in terms of them spreading the virus to you. If you are vaccinated, you're supposed to be protected. So by insisting everyone get vaccinated, you are saying the vaccine isn't actually effective, which would be true whether everyone is vaccinated or not. It's like a giant paradox.

I swear, this is all more political than it is science IMO. I think some people take what they hear and just believe without ever thinking it through.
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fixed it for you
There's still a lot about this virus that science hasn't explained, so acting like we know everything there is to know is nonsensical. I do think everyone should get vaccinated, but in no way do I support FORCED vaccination. It should be a choice. And if you are vaccinated, I'm not sure why you should worry about other people being vaccinated, in terms of them spreading the virus to you. If you are vaccinated, you're supposed to be protected. So by insisting everyone get vaccinated, you are saying the vaccine isn't actually effective, which would be true whether everyone is vaccinated or not. It's like a giant paradox.

I swear, this is all more political than it is science IMO. I think some people take what they hear and just believe without ever thinking it through.
Science left the conversation a year ago. This is nothing but political at this point. And while I disagree with your stance that everyone should be 'vaccinated' I respect your opinion. When there is some long term data on this stuff, I might change my mind. Until then... nuh uh.
Bedtime for me. @aheady13 I'll check back in tomorrow after I finish diagnosing and taking care of kids with CV19. I'm happy to explain immunity, if you'll give me a start to your own understanding.
Uh, it's getting worse in TN, so I wear a mask even though I'm vaccinated. Thanks to you conspiracy peeps

Conspiracy peeps... coming from a Covid cult member that hysterical.🤣
Exactly what part of NATURAL IMMUNITY after recovering from Covid are you having difficulties with? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess it’s the immunity part since that Covid shot you took doesn’t provide that for you. It actually doesn’t do a damn thing for you except “maybe” lessen the symptoms of Covid if you catch it.
That means that you, as a vaxxed person, can now catch Covid without showing symptoms and you’d never know it unless you did daily testing.
Remind me again who’s a danger to your family members?
Then you weren't fully vaxxed. That's what we are talking about
When I caught it? No I wasn't. Not sure how that dismisses anything I said. But I also survived it, while not being fully vaccinated, despite having most of the "major risk factors".

Immuno-suppressed - check
Obesity - check
Diabetes - check
History of heart failure - check
High blood pressure - check
Kidney disease -check

What are some of the other risk factors? I may have them too.

My point being, we know very little why an otherwise healthy person can die from this while someone like me survives.
So referring to the place of origin is racist. LOL Ok Karen. Step back from the apoplexy pipe.

Of course that makes the term "African American" racist then as well I guess, right?

When the virus has a name and you still call it that. Yea, racist homie. Get over it
Uh, it's getting worse in TN, so I wear a mask even though I'm vaccinated. Thanks to you conspiracy peeps
I'm trying to see where you're coming from, but I don't get it. If you have been vaccinated, and you believe in the efficacy of the vaccine, why wear a mask? Is it because of "breakthrough" cases? We've been told those are a rarity. So if true, you shouldn't need a mask if you have been vaccinated. Either the vaccine protects you or it doesn't, so which is it?
Talking to you is like talking to Bill Lee about plumbing. You just don't get it.
There's nothing to 'get'. You want everyone to put their life on hold to protect your family. But you have a 'vaccine' that supposedly protects others from getting this contagious, yet terribly survivable disease and you still wear a mask to prevent others from getting this contagious, yet terribly survivable disease. Meanwhile, there are people out there that just might be high risk for the reception of this 'vaccine' due to their own condition/history, but because you want them to protect YOUR family, they should throw any/all caution/due diligence to the wind, and roll up that sleeve so you feel good about things. And if they don't take it, you 'won't pay for their health care'. But if they DO take the 'vaccine', and subsequently find themselves in the very same ICU or hospital, that somehow is an acceptable expense for you.

Right. And I am the one that doesn't 'get it'.

You are not a very smart person. Actually, I think you are just a troll like someone else said. But I am stuck in a hotel in Korea for the next 70 hours, and I am bored.

And I have no idea who Bill Lee is, nor do I care.
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Oh come on Weezer!! Some of us were getting a pretty big chuckle out of watching that continue to go over and under on that poster.🤣
Not everyone is what they claim to be. I mean, kiddiedoc is actually a doctor and I am actually the Dalai Lama, but do you really believe evillawyer is a lawter??
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