Vaccine or not?

(CDC) published new data from Los Angeles County collected from May to July, which show unvaccinated people were 5 times more likely to get COVID-19 than vaccinated peers and 29 times more likely to be hospitalized for their infections.
Just saying............
It’s all numbers juggling to pump the fear and push the agenda.
It’s interesting that you are classified as unvaxxed until 2 weeks after the 2nd shot, yet the numbers everyone posts don’t show a breakdown of actually non-vaxxed, unvaxxed being those vaxxed but still within the 2 week window, and vaxxed beyond the 2 week window or even prior Covid survivors since natural immunity doesn’t seem to count with Covid.

This is going to get even more ludicrous during the upcoming flu season since Fauci is now saying you’re not going to be considered fully vaxxed until after getting a booster shot.🤦‍♀️
NBC is garbage. You might as well be posting a tik tok video as research.

NBC did the research? And by research I mean compiled a literature review, analyzed the existing data, identified lacunae, created a methodology to address the proposed study, documented thoroughly, analyzed the results, then summarized?
I'm not arguing with anyone. Yes I do have a condition that puts me at risk. Same can be said for my family members, they are at risk as well. Also, it's apparent that the current supply in this country is readily available.
If you can still get it and you can still transmit it to your vaccinated family, aren't you being irresponsible to your family members by not isolating?
I think the booster shot should be geared towards the variants. I'm disappointed that they're talking about getting a third shot of the same thing

Your study says the reduced transmission only last three months. Based on what I know, we are going to require people to get the shot every three months.

I question a lot about the study just based on the article, but I don’t have time to read the study.

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