It wouldn't matter what study I posted. If it goes against the common mainstream narrative you either dismiss it as "right wing" or you simply ignore it. Honestly your "right wing" spiel has gotten quite old and it's actually pretty comical. Think about all of the lies that have been told (in unison) by many of the leading news networks. Lies that have been proven to be lies but then it's just simply ignored.
Yesterday I posted some numbers coming in from the CDC that basically prove that vaccines do not stop the spread of Covid. North Korea has vaccinated 80.2 percent of its population yet they are seeing their largest increase in Covid cases. Something simply just doesn't add up here. Yes, I first saw this on one of my "right wing" news sites but I actually took the time and did some research (from the CDC website) to verify that this news is correct. Why is mainstream news not covering this?
When I see all of the way the Vaccines are being pushed as the only way moving forward and then I look at the way alternative treatments (thousands of doctors are saying that they actually work) are being suppressed, that throws up a huge red flag for me and makes me realize there is something going on here. Doctors are being fired for doing their jobs and finding actual treatment for people. When in the history of America has this ever happened before. Are you seriously ok with this or are you just ignoring these serious red flags?
You seriously need to wake up and start thinking for yourself. What's your thoughts on what's going on in places like Australia?? Is that what you want here in America. It doesn't happen overnight but if we aren't careful that will be us in 15 years.
You see, the actual science doesn't fit a lot of people's agendas. We knew for at least 30 years that masks...unless they were K95. N95 or better, were in effective against viruses. Many, many peer reviewed studies were done and this was the conclusion. Then COVID hit. Very early on we were told, just like always that masks don't protect people from viruses. Then in a matter of a few weeks, their tune changed. Magically these ineffective pieces of cloth suddenly worked! Why? Because they said so. There were no studies to back this up, therefore they went against science and gave foolish people a false sense of security. People with an actual functioning brain knew better, and knew that masks didn't work. Yet, the sheep went along with what the bureaucrats said. Since COVID has hit in fact, there have been multiple studies that have indicated that, of course, like everyone already knew, masks are of very, very little effect.
Here are some studies to look up if anyone is interested that have been conducted since COVID:
1) The Danish mask study. 3K people were asked to wear masks, 3K people were asked to not wear masks. The study found that there was virtually no difference in infection rate between the masked individuals and the control group.
2) The University of Louisville mask study. They analyzed the CDC's own data and found that masks didn't slow the spread of COVID.
3) The University of Waterloo (In Canada) mask study. Found that standard masks only stop 10 percent of aerosol droplets. Some push through, the rest simply re-direct around the mask. K95 masks stopped 50 percent of aerosol droplets, so those seem to be less effective than we would hope, but the work significantly better than standard masks.
Now we are learning with undeniable truth that vaccines are 1) not as effective as they were sold to be, and 2) begin to weaken after 3 to 6 months. Add to that the ineffectiveness against a lot of variants.
Bottom line is that virus gonna virus. Mandates can't stop it, Shutdowns can't stop it, vaccines can't stop it, travel bans can't stop it, and masks can't stop it. In fact some of these things only help to prolong it. Therapeutics and going on with our lives as normal are really the only answer here. Gotta let it cycle through.