Vaccine or not?

It’s available errwhere.
If your dr doesn’t write it get a new dr.
That may be the ca right now, but in late summer, I know there was not many people able to get it and you still get reports of people having trouble getting it from their doctor or pharmacist.

I'm not saying you can't get it, but I'm saying that at least for a significant amount of time (and possibly in a few areas even now), it was very hard to obtain.
That may be the ca right now, but in late summer, I know there was not many people able to get it and you still get reports of people having trouble getting it from their doctor or pharmacist.

I'm not saying you can't get it, but I'm saying that at least for a significant amount of time (and possibly in a few areas even now), it was very hard to obtain.

did you know I invented grilled onions.
Al gore invented the internet.
The people who made the vaccines and government scientists all said it would reduce not gurantee. No vax is 100%. Joes just an idiot.

Yeah I know. My wife is a medical doctor, she keeps me informed on the medical stuff. I’ve showed her the clip of Joe spewing that garbage. She tends to avoid political discussions but did go so far as to call him a liar after she saw it.
Attached is a very interesting piece I found that at a minimum raises questions about excess death in 2021 and the numbers when you compare to 2020 before vaccines were available. Keep in mind what is their definition of "fully vaccinated".

Home Journalism
Insurer Says Deaths For Ages 18-64 Up 40%, COVID-19 Not to Blame
By Michelle Edwards -January 3, 2022

Illustration by Bandeep Singh
Compared to pre-pandemic levels, deaths among people 18-64-year-olds are up by 40%— the highest ever recorded by the industry responsible for protecting against loss of life. Declaring the increase has no connection to COVID-19 “vaccines,” Scott Davison, CEO of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica, discussed the unprecedented data at an online news conference held by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce last week, stating:

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business—not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.”

Interestingly, when conveying the “most frequently listed co-morbidities with COVID-19 deaths,” the CDC’s COVID-19 Mortality Overview notes that “there were co-morbidities or other conditions listed on the death certificate for as many as 95% of all COVID-19 deaths. The other 5% of death certificates in which COVID-19 was the only condition listed was likely related to a lack of detail listed about other conditions present at the time of death.”

In 2021, with COVID-19 vaccines available under emergency use authorization to those 16 years and older, the CDC reported 431,384 deaths attributed to COVID-19 on death certificates through the week ending Dec. 25, 2021. For the same period in 2020—with no vaccines available—the agency says 385,439 deaths were attributed to COVID-19.

Insurer Says Deaths For Ages 18-64 Up 40%, COVID-19 Not to Blame - UncoverDC
“The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas today issued a preliminary injunction, stopping the Department of Defense from punishing military service members who have religious objections to the vaccine mandate,” the non-profit group said in its announcement. “First Liberty Institute filed a federal lawsuit and motion for preliminary injunction on behalf of dozens of U.S. Navy SEALs and other Naval Special Warfare personnel against the Biden Administration and the Department of Defense for their refusal to grant religious accommodations to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.”

“Forcing a service member to choose between their faith and serving their country is abhorrent to the Constitution and America’s values,” said Mike Berry, General Counsel for First Liberty Institute. “Punishing SEALs for simply asking for a religious accommodation is purely vindictive and punitive. We’re pleased that the court has acted to protect our brave warriors before more damage is done to our national security.”

Navy SEALS Achieve Stunning Victory in America's Fight Against Vaccine Mandates
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“The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas today issued a preliminary injunction, stopping the Department of Defense from punishing military service members who have religious objections to the vaccine mandate,” the non-profit group said in its announcement. “First Liberty Institute filed a federal lawsuit and motion for preliminary injunction on behalf of dozens of U.S. Navy SEALs and other Naval Special Warfare personnel against the Biden Administration and the Department of Defense for their refusal to grant religious accommodations to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.”

“Forcing a service member to choose between their faith and serving their country is abhorrent to the Constitution and America’s values,” said Mike Berry, General Counsel for First Liberty Institute. “Punishing SEALs for simply asking for a religious accommodation is purely vindictive and punitive. We’re pleased that the court has acted to protect our brave warriors before more damage is done to our national security.”

Navy SEALS Achieve Stunning Victory in America's Fight Against Vaccine Mandates

Wow , that’s very unexpected. They will never get another promotion but it’s still impressive they were able to get an injunction.
Wow , that’s very unexpected. They will never get another promotion but it’s still impressive they were able to get an injunction.
I’m honestly surprised they were too. As many vaccines as the military takes I’d be shocked if there was anyone serving that had not taken any vaccines. I’m not saying it’s impossible or does not exist, just that I’d be surprised by it.
From the European Journal of Epidemiology. Keep in mind this study was done a few months back. It would be interesting to see how the numbers look now.

At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.

Across the US counties too, the median new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the last 7 days is largely similar across the categories of percent population fully vaccinated (Fig. 2). Notably there is also substantial county variation in new COVID-19 cases within categories of percentage population fully vaccinated. There also appears to be no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated (Fig. 3).

Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4 of them as “High” Transmission counties. Chattahoochee (Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto Rico) counties have above 90% of their population fully vaccinated with all three being classified as “High” transmission. Conversely, of the 57 counties that have been classified as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%.

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

Harvard Study Explodes Myths About 'Vaccines' Stopping the Spread – But It's Even Worse Than That
From the European Journal of Epidemiology. Keep in mind this study was done a few months back. It would be interesting to see how the numbers look now.

At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.

Across the US counties too, the median new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the last 7 days is largely similar across the categories of percent population fully vaccinated (Fig. 2). Notably there is also substantial county variation in new COVID-19 cases within categories of percentage population fully vaccinated. There also appears to be no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated (Fig. 3).

Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4 of them as “High” Transmission counties. Chattahoochee (Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto Rico) counties have above 90% of their population fully vaccinated with all three being classified as “High” transmission. Conversely, of the 57 counties that have been classified as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%.

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

Harvard Study Explodes Myths About 'Vaccines' Stopping the Spread – But It's Even Worse Than That
Tacking on uselessly that everyone should remember that "experts" insisted the vaccines would stop the spread.

Seems like they're about useless to me.
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Tacking on uselessly that everyone should remember that "experts" insisted the vaccines would stop the spread.

Seems like they're about useless to me.
There has never been a consensus on anything with Covid.
Some “experts “ said it would stop the spread.
Some “experts” reminded everyone that from the beginning the vaccine was 95% in preventing hospitalization.
I guess it depends on who you listed too.
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My next door neighbor is on ivermectin right now. No issues getting it. Vol445 (who I should check on) is on it right now. No issues getting it. Orange crush took it when he had Covid. No issues getting it.View attachment 425749
Have a coworker who caught Covid for the 2nd time a couple weeks ago, likely from his daughter’s wedding, as she, her husband and 12-15 other attendees all tested positive. Last time around he, his wife, his son, his daughter and son in law all tested positive. This time around all of them except for his wife tested positive; she’s been on ivermectin for months as a prophylactic.
Have a coworker who caught Covid for the 2nd time a couple weeks ago, likely from his daughter’s wedding, as she, her husband and 12-15 other attendees all tested positive. Last time around he, his wife, his son, his daughter and son in law all tested positive. This time around all of them except for his wife tested positive; she’s been on ivermectin for months as a prophylactic.
So you’re saying she’s had no issues getting it. cool.
Can we please stop with the one case anecdotal bull **** please.

Edit: not you @AthensVol2007 I mean the people who keep posting the “this person died because they did/didn’t vaccinate.” Tweets and memes
Can we please stop with the one case anecdotal bull **** please.

Edit: not you @AthensVol2007 I mean the people who keep posting the “this person died because they did/didn’t vaccinate.” Tweets and memes
I have a friend that disagrees with this post, not sure of their vaccination status though.

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