Vaccine or not?

The article is written by yet another conspiracy nutjob source first of all...

2nd, here is the long list of BS in the article:

What is the purpose of sedating patients with 15 different drugs, including fentanyl, and withholding food and water while keeping them isolated from their families?” Geyer said. - A trial lawyer attempting to get $ commenting on a general strawman of something he has no understanding or proof of, for emotional support (a La Black lives matter "hands up don't shoot" type BS)

There’s also the “COVID Cocktail” that’s set before every patient, Blakeman said, which she called a kidney-failing concoction of remdesivir, vancomycin, and dexamethasone. “They scare these people to death through emotional and psychological abuse,” Blakeman said. “We had a victim whose husband literally had to break her out, with cops chasing them down the hallway to their getaway car. They are treated worse than prisoners.” - The EPOCH TIMES MEDIA director trying to comment on something she has no clue or understanding or expertise about, let alone the actual use of these drugs. Then follows it up with some asisine statement about "emotional/psychological" abuse. I am also calling out her BS story on "cops chasing them to a getaway car". LOL it's laughable

“When the pandemic started, the NIH [National Institutes of Health], the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] handed down protocols for hospitals to follow in treating COVID patients,” she said. “Never before in the history of our country did a three-letter agency dictate to the doctor what the standard of care for a patient was going to be.” - This Facebook Karen's statement is ridiculous and false. the "three letter agencies' suggest or force hospital protocols all the time, for various things in various ways...more ignorance of reality

Previously, individual treatment had been left up to the physician and was an open discussion between the physician and the patient, according to Crum. “But now, all of that has been thrown out the window,” she said. “My 58-year-old husband in Washington received the exact same treatment as a 40-year-old woman in Florida who had none of the same health issues that my husband had.” - BS again, it's STILL up to the attending physician to decide the best course of treatment for the patient based on their opinion. Always has been.. ALways will be...and no she didnt see some 40 year old woman's medical chart in Florida or even understand it.

Before he died, one doctor had attempted to coerce Crum into agreeing to change his classification to “Do Not Resuscitate,” she said.
“I kept refusing, and finally, at the end of our conversation, she was so mad, she told me, ‘Fine, if you won’t change him to DNR when your husband goes into cardiac arrest, I’ll refuse to give him chest compressions,’” she said. Crum had a private autopsy and toxicology report done that listed medical conditions that caused his death other than COVID-19: a 90 percent blockage in the main artery of his heart that went untreated throughout his 16-day stay at the hospital and a lethal dose of fentanyl. The protocols make the patients like her husband sicker and lead to death while reaping high financial incentives from the federal government through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the American Rescue Plan supplemental funding to hospitals, she said. Hospitals get reimbursed for admitting or having a patient test positive for COVID-19, which is why there are reports such as Crum’s in which staff will continue to test a patient for the virus, even if they weren’t admitted with a positive test. She said hospitals get reimbursed for using remdesivir, putting a patient on a ventilator, and having a patient die with COVID-19 listed on the death certificate. - so much BS here, its hard to unpack it all, first of all, I don't believe her BS about the doctor threatening to let the patient die, the state and Joint Commission would be able to investigate that and the fact she never made a complaint tells me it didnt happen. Then she said the hospital gave him a "lethal" dose of fentanyl which again if that happened would be a state reportable and easily found mistake, so that's definitely a made-up lie. THEN she claims the hospital gets "reimbursed" for admitting, claiming, diagnosing and testing someone for COVID and on the death certificate (which has nothing to do with the hospital) AND gets reimbursement for using Remdsivir. ALL OF THOSE ARE COMPLETELY MADE UP LIES BY THE ALEX JONES CROWD.

The laws are structured in a way that incentivizes hospitals to kill people,” he said. “The hospital makes more money if you die from COVID-19 than if you recover from it. Why don’t we incentivize hospitals for getting people cured of COVID?” - Another trial lawyer with a direct made up lie

Texas state Sen. Bob Hall alluded to stories such as the ones collected by the FFFF when he said, “Never before have we seen the government step between the patient and the doctor and usurp that doctor’s right to exercise their conscience, their training, and what they know that patient needed.” - HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA tell me you don't understand healthcare without telling me you don't understand healthcare...and the physicians make the decisions on treatment, the ones you want to execute in the street because you are too dumb to understand them

she encountered rabid discrimination because of Phillip’s unvaccinated status, she said.
“When I tried to drop off some food, one nurse yelled at me, telling me that because he was unvaccinated, he was going to die and that he’s not going to be eating or drinking for the rest of the time he’s here,” Wines said.
Initially, Phillip was going to be kept for observation; however, after he denied vaccination, she said he was put on morphine overnight, which she said increases respiratory distress. “The next morning, he’s getting sent to ICU and labeled ‘imminent death,’” Wines said. “A couple of days later, they start giving him precedex, which is a strong sedative, and remdesivir.” After one dose of remdesivir, Phillip went into complete liver failure, she said. Wines’s questioning of the protocols eventually got her banned from calling the hospital, she said, and she could no longer speak with Phillip, so she relied on Phillips’s mother, Pam, as power of attorney. While Phillip was on the ventilator for 15 days, Wines said he had lost 86 pounds. “I would say 75 percent of the nurses were just nasty,” she said. “Every single doctor was nasty. We had doctors laugh at us. They told us it was his fault because he was not vaccinated.” Wines and Phillip’s mother, Pam, were with Phillip the day he died, but had left two hours earlier, according to Wines. “I worked in hospice; I know what end-of-life looks like,” she said. “There’s no way we would have left had I thought he was going to pass. I find it interesting that two hours after we left, he passed.” - More BS...made up crap. Sounds like Karen was mad she couldnt drop off fast food to her 300lb sick husband, no nurse or doctor said that crap to her especially "he won't be eating or drinking for the rest of the time he's here", and no one laughed at her. The fact she wasn't the next of kin or POA and his mother was says a lot. And she "knows what end of life looks like" but didnt know he was going to pass, even though they told the family that for at least 2-3 days? please

These conspiracy websites and youtube channels sure do sucker in some of you all bad. Playing on emotions and illogical thinking to support something you hope is true because of your political leanings...It's as dumb as people lapping up what the MSM says as gospel every time too.
So in a nutshell, you defend all protocols taken by these medical facilities on a novel virus, while ridiculing those that question alternative treatments. You didn't debunk anything, you just defended the status quo.
So in a nutshell, you defend all protocols taken by these medical facilities on a novel virus, while ridiculing those that question alternative treatments. You didn't debunk anything, you just defended the status quo.
I did debunk because what they said is either hyperbole or completely made up really believe that a hospital purposefully or accidentally gave a patient a "lethal dose" of fentanyl, but the family didn't file a complaint with the State or sue or the hospital, and the hospital didn't do a Sentinel event report and the city medical examiner ALSO didn't report it to the police?

Also you believe that a hospital forcefully didn't give a patient food or drinks for a week and bragged to the family about it?

And you believe that doctors/nurses/administrators purposefully wanted to make sure people had COVID and were admitted so they could get the free COVID test money from the government and then killed them to cover it up?

The only "protocols" of medical facilities that really changed to COVID was visitation restrictions, nothing else was "mandated" across the board by the government, including treatments.

You are so easily duped by conspiracy idiots, and still don't understand that "alternative" treatments are pseudo science at worst and placebos at best. I used to think you were just anti-"the man" with your lack of understanding of laws and the Constitution and police procedures, but seeing you being so duped by Russia propaganda and Hungarian hedge fund felons, the Sovereign citizen youtubers, and now these conspiracy theory hicks that don't even understand what goes on in hospitals or in healthcare and think "OMG thE DoCtOrS MuRDEreD mY PapPY wHO SmOkES aND wAS 300 LBS bY nOt LeTTiNg Me BRiNg HiM McD'S aNd THC GuMmIES FoR GUBMENT $", I just think you are an easily manipulated mark
The article is written by yet another conspiracy nutjob source first of all...

2nd, here is the long list of BS in the article:

What is the purpose of sedating patients with 15 different drugs, including fentanyl, and withholding food and water while keeping them isolated from their families?” Geyer said. - A trial lawyer attempting to get $ commenting on a general strawman of something he has no understanding or proof of, for emotional support (a La Black lives matter "hands up don't shoot" type BS)

There’s also the “COVID Cocktail” that’s set before every patient, Blakeman said, which she called a kidney-failing concoction of remdesivir, vancomycin, and dexamethasone. “They scare these people to death through emotional and psychological abuse,” Blakeman said. “We had a victim whose husband literally had to break her out, with cops chasing them down the hallway to their getaway car. They are treated worse than prisoners.” - The EPOCH TIMES MEDIA director trying to comment on something she has no clue or understanding or expertise about, let alone the actual use of these drugs. Then follows it up with some asisine statement about "emotional/psychological" abuse. I am also calling out her BS story on "cops chasing them to a getaway car". LOL it's laughable

“When the pandemic started, the NIH [National Institutes of Health], the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] handed down protocols for hospitals to follow in treating COVID patients,” she said. “Never before in the history of our country did a three-letter agency dictate to the doctor what the standard of care for a patient was going to be.” - This Facebook Karen's statement is ridiculous and false. the "three letter agencies' suggest or force hospital protocols all the time, for various things in various ways...more ignorance of reality

Previously, individual treatment had been left up to the physician and was an open discussion between the physician and the patient, according to Crum. “But now, all of that has been thrown out the window,” she said. “My 58-year-old husband in Washington received the exact same treatment as a 40-year-old woman in Florida who had none of the same health issues that my husband had.” - BS again, it's STILL up to the attending physician to decide the best course of treatment for the patient based on their opinion. Always has been.. ALways will be...and no she didnt see some 40 year old woman's medical chart in Florida or even understand it.

Before he died, one doctor had attempted to coerce Crum into agreeing to change his classification to “Do Not Resuscitate,” she said.
“I kept refusing, and finally, at the end of our conversation, she was so mad, she told me, ‘Fine, if you won’t change him to DNR when your husband goes into cardiac arrest, I’ll refuse to give him chest compressions,’” she said. Crum had a private autopsy and toxicology report done that listed medical conditions that caused his death other than COVID-19: a 90 percent blockage in the main artery of his heart that went untreated throughout his 16-day stay at the hospital and a lethal dose of fentanyl. The protocols make the patients like her husband sicker and lead to death while reaping high financial incentives from the federal government through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the American Rescue Plan supplemental funding to hospitals, she said. Hospitals get reimbursed for admitting or having a patient test positive for COVID-19, which is why there are reports such as Crum’s in which staff will continue to test a patient for the virus, even if they weren’t admitted with a positive test. She said hospitals get reimbursed for using remdesivir, putting a patient on a ventilator, and having a patient die with COVID-19 listed on the death certificate. - so much BS here, its hard to unpack it all, first of all, I don't believe her BS about the doctor threatening to let the patient die, the state and Joint Commission would be able to investigate that and the fact she never made a complaint tells me it didnt happen. Then she said the hospital gave him a "lethal" dose of fentanyl which again if that happened would be a state reportable and easily found mistake, so that's definitely a made-up lie. THEN she claims the hospital gets "reimbursed" for admitting, claiming, diagnosing and testing someone for COVID and on the death certificate (which has nothing to do with the hospital) AND gets reimbursement for using Remdsivir. ALL OF THOSE ARE COMPLETELY MADE UP LIES BY THE ALEX JONES CROWD.

The laws are structured in a way that incentivizes hospitals to kill people,” he said. “The hospital makes more money if you die from COVID-19 than if you recover from it. Why don’t we incentivize hospitals for getting people cured of COVID?” - Another trial lawyer with a direct made up lie

Texas state Sen. Bob Hall alluded to stories such as the ones collected by the FFFF when he said, “Never before have we seen the government step between the patient and the doctor and usurp that doctor’s right to exercise their conscience, their training, and what they know that patient needed.” - HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA tell me you don't understand healthcare without telling me you don't understand healthcare...and the physicians make the decisions on treatment, the ones you want to execute in the street because you are too dumb to understand them

she encountered rabid discrimination because of Phillip’s unvaccinated status, she said.
“When I tried to drop off some food, one nurse yelled at me, telling me that because he was unvaccinated, he was going to die and that he’s not going to be eating or drinking for the rest of the time he’s here,” Wines said.
Initially, Phillip was going to be kept for observation; however, after he denied vaccination, she said he was put on morphine overnight, which she said increases respiratory distress. “The next morning, he’s getting sent to ICU and labeled ‘imminent death,’” Wines said. “A couple of days later, they start giving him precedex, which is a strong sedative, and remdesivir.” After one dose of remdesivir, Phillip went into complete liver failure, she said. Wines’s questioning of the protocols eventually got her banned from calling the hospital, she said, and she could no longer speak with Phillip, so she relied on Phillips’s mother, Pam, as power of attorney. While Phillip was on the ventilator for 15 days, Wines said he had lost 86 pounds. “I would say 75 percent of the nurses were just nasty,” she said. “Every single doctor was nasty. We had doctors laugh at us. They told us it was his fault because he was not vaccinated.” Wines and Phillip’s mother, Pam, were with Phillip the day he died, but had left two hours earlier, according to Wines. “I worked in hospice; I know what end-of-life looks like,” she said. “There’s no way we would have left had I thought he was going to pass. I find it interesting that two hours after we left, he passed.” - More BS...made up crap. Sounds like Karen was mad she couldnt drop off fast food to her 300lb sick husband, no nurse or doctor said that crap to her especially "he won't be eating or drinking for the rest of the time he's here", and no one laughed at her. The fact she wasn't the next of kin or POA and his mother was says a lot. And she "knows what end of life looks like" but didnt know he was going to pass, even though they told the family that for at least 2-3 days? please

These conspiracy websites and youtube channels sure do sucker in some of you all bad. Playing on emotions and illogical thinking to support something you hope is true because of your political leanings...It's as dumb as people lapping up what the MSM says as gospel every time too.

My opinion on this subject has absolutely nothing to do with my political leaning. (If it did It would actually make more sense that I'd be for the vaccine that Trump pushed to make available so quickly).

My opinions are formed by what I see with my eyes in what's happened all around me. I don't simply rely on mainstream media to tell me how I should think. I have had first-hand experiences with people who have had similar experiences to these stories you are calling a conspiracy. I also am friends with a local doctor (he actually pushes the vaccine) who says it is absolutely criminal the way mainstream media, politicians and hospitals suppressed actual treatment for covid. There are thousands of doctors who have spoken up about this, many who have been silenced on social media if they shared any opinion about treatment that did not line up with the guidance of the CDC. These were actual real doctors who were only trying to do their jobs and save lives.
I did debunk because what they said is either hyperbole or completely made up really believe that a hospital purposefully or accidentally gave a patient a "lethal dose" of fentanyl, but the family didn't file a complaint with the State or sue or the hospital, and the hospital didn't do a Sentinel event report and the city medical examiner ALSO didn't report it to the police?

Also you believe that a hospital forcefully didn't give a patient food or drinks for a week and bragged to the family about it?

And you believe that doctors/nurses/administrators purposefully wanted to make sure people had COVID and were admitted so they could get the free COVID test money from the government and then killed them to cover it up?

The only "protocols" of medical facilities that really changed to COVID was visitation restrictions, nothing else was "mandated" across the board by the government, including treatments.

You are so easily duped by conspiracy idiots, and still don't understand that "alternative" treatments are pseudo science at worst and placebos at best. I used to think you were just anti-"the man" with your lack of understanding of laws and the Constitution and police procedures, but seeing you being so duped by Russia propaganda and Hungarian hedge fund felons, the Sovereign citizen youtubers, and now these conspiracy theory hicks that don't even understand what goes on in hospitals or in healthcare and think "OMG thE DoCtOrS MuRDEreD mY PapPY wHO SmOkES aND wAS 300 LBS bY nOt LeTTiNg Me BRiNg HiM McD'S aNd THC GuMmIES FoR GUBMENT $", I just think you are an easily manipulated mark
The only thing in your rambling here that is questionable is the highlighted. Everything else is within the realm of possibility and plausible given the atmosphere that was created at the height of this nonsense. Yes, I do believe that there were instances of hospital administrators profiteering off of the outbreak. Yes, I believe that you did have instances of hospital staff abusing or poorly treating unvaccinated patients.
Whilst You Were Distracted by Boris Resigning the UK Gov. Published a Report Confirming Fully Vaccinated Children Are 13,633% More Likely to Die of COVID Than Unvaccinated Children

“…a death rate of 3.2 among the partly vaccinated, and a death rate of 41.2 per 100k among the triple vaccinated, compared to just 0.3 per 100k among the unvaccinated.”

Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning the UK Gov. published a report confirming Fully Vaccinated Children are 13,633% more likely to die of COVID than Unvaccinated ChildrenView attachment 472574
Holy fook
The only thing in your rambling here that is questionable is the highlighted. Everything else is within the realm of possibility and plausible given the atmosphere that was created at the height of this nonsense. Yes, I do believe that there were instances of hospital administrators profiteering off of the outbreak. Yes, I believe that you did have instances of hospital staff abusing or poorly treating unvaccinated patients.
So you believe that this hospital picked this one unvaccinated patient, purposefully starved him to death for two weeks, then gave him a lethal dose of fentanyl that killed him and the doctors, nurses, hospital admin with the help of the local PD and the city/county forensic medical examiner covered it up, and then the state, Joint Commission, the media and the medical board all looked the other way?

That’s your assessment of this story yes or no?
Whilst You Were Distracted by Boris Resigning the UK Gov. Published a Report Confirming Fully Vaccinated Children Are 13,633% More Likely to Die of COVID Than Unvaccinated Children

“…a death rate of 3.2 among the partly vaccinated, and a death rate of 41.2 per 100k among the triple vaccinated, compared to just 0.3 per 100k among the unvaccinated.”

Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning the UK Gov. published a report confirming Fully Vaccinated Children are 13,633% more likely to die of COVID than Unvaccinated ChildrenView attachment 472574

Like to know if someone can debunk this or explain it away,

It seems rather extraordinary.
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So you believe that this hospital picked this one unvaccinated patient, purposefully starved him to death for two weeks, then gave him a lethal dose of fentanyl that killed him and the doctors, nurses, hospital admin with the help of the local PD and the city/county forensic medical examiner covered it up, and then the state, Joint Commission, the media and the medical board all looked the other way?

That’s your assessment of this story yes or no?
Didn't I just tell you that was the only situation you brought up that might raise a question? Or did you just ignore that? Let me try again...

Yankees unlikely to pursue Andrew Benintendi trade because he’s Unvaccinated

The Yankees are unlikely to continue pursuing a trade for Andrew Benintendi, the Royals’ All-Star left fielder, because he is not vaccinated against COVID-19, The Post’s Jon Heyman reports.

Yankees unlikely to trade for unvaccinated Andrew Benintendi

I think unvaxxed athletes still can't play in NY. That would make the trade less desirable if he can't play at home games.
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so the woman is lying about 70% of the story but you believe the other 30%?

Did you know that the word gullible isn't even in the dictionary? Paranoid is though lol
I never said she was lying. You are saying that. I just said you raised a good question with regards to why she didn't sue the hospital. For all we know, this FFFF group may be collecting these testimonials to help build a class action suit or some larger set of investigations. And again, you single out this one item in the entire article and made a weak attempt to spread the message that none of these 200 events that were talked about in the article have any validity or show any signs of medical facilities being corrupt and negligent.
I never said she was lying. You are saying that. I just said you raised a good question with regards to why she didn't sue the hospital. For all we know, this FFFF group may be collecting these testimonials to help build a class action suit or some larger set of investigations. And again, you single out this one item in the entire article and made a weak attempt to spread the message that none of these 200 events that were talked about in the article have any validity or show any signs of medical facilities being corrupt and negligent.
There wasn't 200 events detailed in the article...this Epoch times (QAnon based Fulan Gong nutjobs) suggested there were 200, there were 3 discussed and all three were either complete BS or exaggerated completely. it is EASILY discoverable if a hospital "starved a patient for 2 weeks" or gave them an intentional lethal dose of fentanyl just like the RN did at Vandy and was charged. You can't cover that up, especially with three outside agencies including the forensic medical examiner who did the autopsy who doesnt even work for the hospital.

To believe that 20-40 people at the hospital conspired to torture and kill a patient because he was unvaccinated is among the highest BS i've ever seen you suggest. You are a complete nutjob. The Timothy McVeigh and killing cops and doctors and nurses and business owners, the constant pandering of Russia propaganda and defense of their atrocities, the "western death cult obsession" you have of the US/West and the bizarre Q-Anon conspiracy theories you have about everything show your extreme paranoia every day.

Stay off the internet and see a psychiatrist, you are literally one psych med and a Q-Anon thread away from being put on a list somewhere
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There wasn't 200 events detailed in the article...this Epoch times (QAnon based Fulan Gong nutjobs) suggested there were 200, there were 3 discussed and all three were either complete BS or exaggerated completely.
I know there only three detailed in the article., but in total, this FFFF group is collecting data from 200 cases. I clearly stated and understood that when I said:
I never said she was lying. You are saying that. I just said you raised a good question with regards to why she didn't sue the hospital. For all we know, this FFFF group may be collecting these testimonials to help build a class action suit or some larger set of investigations. And again, you single out this one item in the entire article and made a weak attempt to spread the message that none of these 200 events that were talked about in the article have any validity or show any signs of medical facilities being corrupt and negligent.
Stay off the internet and see a psychiatrist, you are literally one psych med and a Q-Anon thread away from being put on a list somewhere
Oh, I'm sure a real American like you wouldn't want to have lists of people floating around... that surely isn't what you are suggesting.

Since you are former law enforcement, that almost sounds like a threat... almost.
Oh, I'm sure a real American like you wouldn't want to have lists of people floating around... that surely isn't what you are suggesting.

Since you are former law enforcement, that almost sounds like a threat... almost.
I am positive that the Fusion Center probably already knows about you, but i don't threaten anyone, I think you are a harmless nutjob who spends too many hours on Q-Anon and Russian bot sites
I know there only three detailed in the article., but in total, this FFFF group is collecting data from 200 cases. I clearly stated and understood that when I said:
"for all we know" - top journalism there from the Fulan Gong Scientologists there...

you are a sucker
There wasn't 200 events detailed in the article...this Epoch times (QAnon based Fulan Gong nutjobs) suggested there were 200, there were 3 discussed and all three were either complete BS or exaggerated completely. it is EASILY discoverable if a hospital "starved a patient for 2 weeks" or gave them an intentional lethal dose of fentanyl just like the RN did at Vandy and was charged. You can't cover that up, especially with three outside agencies including the forensic medical examiner who did the autopsy who doesnt even work for the hospital.

To believe that 20-40 people at the hospital conspired to torture and kill a patient because he was unvaccinated is among the highest BS i've ever seen you suggest. You are a complete nutjob. The Timothy McVeigh and killing cops and doctors and nurses and business owners, the constant pandering of Russia propaganda and defense of their atrocities, the "western death cult obsession" you have of the US/West and the bizarre Q-Anon conspiracy theories you have about everything show your extreme paranoia every day.

Stay off the internet and see a psychiatrist, you are literally one psych med and a Q-Anon thread away from being put on a list somewhere

1. Our Gov has given people plenty of reason to believe it would do some pretty shady stuff

2. I am so totally stealing the part in red.
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1. Our Gov has given people plenty of reason to believe it would do some pretty shady stuff

2. I am so totally stealing the part in red.
With the way Ricky behaves in here and the stances he takes, it would not surprise me if he has played a role in killing a man either as an officer or in his hospital admin job.
What else am I supposed to take away from the article? If these stories get investigated, then we can get to the truth. You do want to find the truth, don't you?
If you can't see you are being used by these groups, your opinion and irrational thoughts are meaningless to ever discuss.

Just. because. someone. says. something.. in. a. made-up. slanted. article on the internet. doesn't. make it. the "truth".

Imagine me posting an article saying that Lizard people live in the Arctic and former Nazis have enslaved them using time travel, then giving 1-2 "eyewitness" accounts that make no sense and are obvious lies, then stating "If these stories get investigated then we can get to the truth".

The truth would be if these incidents occurred, it would already have been in the media and investigated EASILY, they are impossible to cover up and to believe that 20-100 people with 4-5 different agencies and businesses are covering this up together and the family just hasn't bothered to sue or complain or share with local media with proof is the same as believing the Arctic lizard nazi story.
Easily duped and manipulated puppet, the thing you claim to fear lol
With the way Ricky behaves in here and the stances he takes, it would not surprise me if he has played a role in killing a man either as an officer or in his hospital admin job.
shhh....we kidnap the patients while they are sleeping so we can experiment on them and steal their organs. That is the only way our Freemason Satan God sacrifices can be made without much fanfare. Then we let Trump and Biden come take what they need for the Pizza boats

VN Store
