Vaccine or not?

They are so predictable. If I'm being completely honest I will say that I have always had a lot of questions about the way Trump handled the Pandemic. How did he allow Fauci such a platform even after he knew he was a fraud? Even though we now know that the vaccine provides no protection against the new strains Trump still talks about one of his great accomplishments being how quickly he rolled out the vaccines. From what I hear every time he does this at one of his rallies he gets booed. Honestly, If there was ever something they might be able to pin on him this might be it.

Shocked Trump wasn't like "The vaccine that was developed under my administration worked as intended at first. Under the failed leadership of Joe Biden, this great vaccine that was developed during my administration lost its effectivness....."

Trump could play to both his ego, get shots in on Biden, and please the anti-vax portion of his base.
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It's weird, they demonized Trump for 4 straight years, literally Hitler. Then when the Dems take charge they take his biggest move and ramp it up to 11 despite early public calls to not trust it. But they still never reviewed it when they had the chance. They pushed it, ensuring tens more millions got it and the boosters, and now they want to slow down and look at the overall safety? It's way to late for that. They pushed it at least as much as Trump did.
Agreed. I don’t think the Trump administration handled it great either. But they also aren’t the ones that forced people to take it. The far bigger issue.
Agreed. I don’t think the Trump administration handled it great either. But they also aren’t the ones that forced people to take it. The far bigger issue.
I have always thought they only government involvement should have been a government backed/recognized waiver form. There is an untested shot, if you want to take it, here is how. And left it at that.
Whistleblower Disputes Data Glitch Explanation Behind Drastic Increase in Non-Infectious Diseases in Military
Whistleblower Disputes Data Glitch Explanation Behind Drastic Increase in Non-Infectious Diseases in Military

The "data glitch" explanation is ridiculously lame. This part below really jumped out at me. How can anybody blindly ignore a 1100% increase in 2021 (after vaccines were rolled out) when comparing to the average of the past 24 years.

"I compared it to the average of the last 24 years, it’s a 1,100 percent increase in 2021. And the only difference we had in 2021 was the rollout of these experimental emergency use authorized COVID-19 vaccines,” Bashaw said.
Shocked Trump wasn't like "The vaccine that was developed under my administration worked as intended at first. Under the failed leadership of Joe Biden, this great vaccine that was developed during my administration lost its effectivness....."

Trump could play to both his ego, get shots in on Biden, and please the anti-vax portion of his base.
Trump was wrong on this. If you look at our history of therapy testing for mRNA platforms it was in no way ready to be tested in vitro on humans much less a short study period before it was rolled out to the public. That was just the first of many warning signs. %100 safe and effective and you won’t get covid. Straight up lies. The beautiful shot was not so beautiful for some.

Those leaches on side of this carp. Prob just a leftist conspiracy. Pelosi's been testing leaches on Carp, supposed to remove the virus. All part of her elaborate profiteering in pharma.

@burntorangeVOLffle Aluminum foil & crossing fingers help with keeping Coronavirus at arms length, amirite? Vaccines are the Trojan Horse, any day now...

I smell the metal from the Democrat computer chips in my blood tracking my moves. Hannity sed so.

That fish has as good of a chance of standing on two legs and singing God Bless America as the vaccine has of actually stopping Covid. But keep pushing for that forced vax

Yearly All-Cause Mortality shows that in 2020 the first of the 'pandemic' children did not die more often than expected. However that changed in 2021. Why?
View attachment 483756

Yearly All-Cause Mortality shows that in 2020 the first of the 'pandemic' children did not die more often than expected. However that changed in 2021. Why?

Assuming 60MM kids 1-15, the increase from 17.3 to 18.4 is approximately 660 additional deaths. A little less than 1,000 kids died from COVID in 2021.

Nice try though.
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Assuming 60MM kids 1-15, the increase from 17.3 to 18.4 is approximately 660 additional deaths. A little less than 1,000 kids died from COVID in 2021.

Nice try though.

So basically you are saying that a 9% increase in mortality is not a significant number. Its common knowledge that of those 1,000 kids that died almost every single one of them had underlying health conditions. For the most part, healthy children do not die of covid.

According to VAERS (and this is probably under-reported)

Child Summaries - OpenVAERS

COVID Vaccine Reports in Children
(Ages 6 mos.-17 years)
Through August 12, 2022


Permanently Disabled


Total Reports

Life Threatening


ER Visit

Not Recovered

Encephalitis, Encephalopathy, AntiNMDA Antibodies, AntiMyelin Antibodies

Bell's Palsy
Bell's Palsy, Facial Paralysis, Facial Palsy, Facial Nerve Disorder

Severe Allergy
Epi Pen, Epinephrine, Rashes/Hives, Swelling, Anaphylaxis

Migraine, Headache

Aneurysm/Cerebral Haemorrhage
Brain Haemorrhage, Aneurysm, Cerebral Infarction, CVST

Low Platelet
Thrombocytopenia, Platelet Count Decreased

Guillain Barre/Paralysis
Guillain Barre, Transverse Myelitis, Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis

Diabetes, High Blood Sugar, Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Appendicitis, Appendicectomy

A 9% increase (even on a small number) would be significant if there was no explanation. However, the increase can be explained easily by COVID deaths. The 9% increase represents a few hundred kids and a few hundred more kids died in 2021 than 2020 because of COVID.

If you see a 9% increase from 21 to 22 without an increase in COVID deaths, then you may be onto something
There was a huge percentage increase in the death rate for 9-12 year olds in Texas from May 2021 to May 2022. Is that vaccine related?

It very well could be?? These increased deaths probably also have a lot to do with the policies that have been put into place that simply don't make sense. What they pushed were.
Mask up.
Breathe carbon dioxide instead of oxygen
Stay inside.
Shut down small businesses
Shut down churches
Close gyms (no excercise)
Stay away from people (Loneliness and depression)
Free burgers with your vaccines.

Rarely did you see any of our leaders push for things that make sense. Common sense things like
Early treatment.
Get plenty of exercise.
Eat healthy (not big macs)
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Get outside in the sunlight
Breath oxygen

What's your thoughts on VAERS? Do you believe VAERS is reliable source? These numbers are way under reported

The fourth vaccine works! When compared to a third vaccine.

"medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information."

I am loving the amount "science" that goes into this plague. We would be so doomed if people were dying as much as they warned us we would.

Dont ask us about no vaccine vs the 4th. That's not science.
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They are so predictable. If I'm being completely honest I will say that I have always had a lot of questions about the way Trump handled the Pandemic. How did he allow Fauci such a platform even after he knew he was a fraud? Even though we now know that the vaccine provides no protection against the new strains Trump still talks about one of his great accomplishments being how quickly he rolled out the vaccines. From what I hear every time he does this at one of his rallies he gets booed. Honestly, If there was ever something they might be able to pin on him this might be it.
Moderna is suing Pfizer over its coronavirus vaccine

This is interesting. The two big dogs in the US getting into a patent lawsuit over the vaccines.

I think we will see the government step in and side with whoever has the bigger pocket book. IIRC that should be Pfizer but not sure who has the most/biggest lobbyists.
One should be awarded with the patent but liability comes with it. Immunity is off of the table.

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