Vandy players smack talking bUTch



Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2012
What happens when they let the nerds loose from the library...
Go the vols whoop that vandy azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and beat everybody

"Vandy talking trash to UT" on YourTube
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If at work please turn down volume for these above standard student atheletes say some very bad words. Just a heads up, Enjoy VOLS
Well I have to say they sure are recruiting some fine upstanding young men of character at Vandy. This game should be some crazy fun this year.:crazy:
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ridiculous. Butch has done everything right. he probably could care less about that and so could i. What Great guys Franklin has recruited.
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I removed the link to the youtube video. The language was too much. If someone must hear these scholars discuss the merits of UT, I'm sure they can find it on youtube.
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have to say i use to pull for vandy when they weren't playing UT!!...but since they got no class just like their fan base...I can't wait to wipe the floor with them....loved the ol miss game so much lastnight i had to rewind it a few times to see all them fan's faces hahaha...

went to the game last year and had a vandy fan sitting by us...with a pin on his hat saying go to hell UT....we asked him if he really felt that way, few mins later he got up and never returned to his seat lmao!!
Vandy, here is rule of thumb number one: if you are going to commit to an action that would make your mom ashamed of you, at least make sure there are no cameras or recording devices around first.
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These clowns......


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I know this happens alot when 18-22 year old kids drink a little. But I would like Misses Barnett to see this so she can see thru all the smoke J. dick F. is feeding her.
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