Vandy players smack talking bUTch

Probably good you removed the link Vader. Well, from forcible rape to blowing chunks at midfield last vandie scenarios, but with the same old result last night. Just 3 little words we all know: "Same old vandie". GBO
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Great you're the reason I'm wondering wtf this thread is even about
I didn't remove the video from youtube.

I think the thread title is fairly self explanatory. Now imagine 3 or 4 former Vandy players (according to Jayson Swain) telling Butch Jones and UT to do things to themselves sexually that is physically impossible.
Probably good you removed the link Vader. Well, from forcible rape to blowing chunks at midfield last vandie scenarios, but with the same old result last night. Just 3 little words we all know: "Same old vandie". GBO

who's chunks?
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I didn't bother watching the video but if I had a guess it would be that most of those Vandy kids are probably pissed that UT never offered them, especially the ones from TN who grew up Vol fans. UT doesn't want any of their players with the exception of a few, so they talk smack about UT knowing inside that they would love to play for the orange and would of jumped on a UT offer if given one. SO let them talk.
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Vandy's season outlook..

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They should be worried about their players' rape charges aka the 2nd coming of Duke men's athletics and not trash talking anyone :eek:k:

Easy on the Duke Lacrosse team. That turned out to be a made up set of charges and all those kids were cleared and the DA fired in disgrace. I think the evidence must be pretty clear in the Vandy mess.:peace2:
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the dude that looks like Biz Markie and dry humps his hands talking about Butch has embarrassed himself plenty. They got their drunk laugh on, and now they have probably gotten calls from Vandy and have made themselves look like idiots.

That's why it doesn't make me angry in the least.
the dude that looks like Biz Markie and dry humps his hands talking about Butch has embarrassed himself plenty. They got their drunk laugh on, and now they have probably gotten calls from Vandy and have made themselves look like idiots.

That's why it doesn't make me angry in the least.

Just hoping our squad has all seen this video.
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