Vandy players smack talking bUTch

Vandy has an easy schedule now and they have had an easy schedule for the past two seasons. Once, they get a more difficult schedule and Franklin sees that he can't keep getting winning records and bowl games, he will leave for a different job.

His stock will only rise as long as he is winning. Once a more difficult schedule arrives, they will start to lose and his stock will begin to fall. He will bail before he starts to lose.

Kinda like Urban Crier did once Tebow left..... He jumped ship and left his replacement with an empty cupport of players and a losing record. Franklin will leave soon enough.

Aside from Oregon, their schedule is pretty similar to UT's, is it not?
I would play this to the team right before we run through the T. It's time to remind Vandy how insignificant they are in the world of SEC football.
Appears to me that those boneheads should have been just a bit more concerned with Ole Miss at this point in their season.:whistling:
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I think we all should bombard the Vanderbilt Athletics "contact us" page with complaints about this video.

Vanderbilt Official Athletic Site - Feedback

I'm pretty sure that if one committed themselves to it, you will find equally stupid videos made by Vols fans taunting some opponent or another. I love my Vols, I think Vols fans are, well. . .passionate but we don't have a monopoly on being passionate. So why act like the Imperius Rex of hypocrisy? It's like we're saying it's OK for us to hit someone, but not OK for them to hit us. Crybaby Vols is what you're fishing for when running to complain to the VU Athletics Department.
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I'm pretty sure that if one committed themselves to it, you will find equally stupid videos made by Vols fans taunting some opponent or another. I love my Vols, I think Vols fans are, well. . .passionate but we don't have a monopoly on being passionate. So why act like the Imperius Rex of hypocrisy? It's like we're saying it's OK for us to hit someone, but not OK for them to hit us. Crybaby Vols is what you're fishing for when running to complain to the VU Athletics Department.

These aren't Vandy fans nitwit. These are players. Big difference. Calling other Vol fans crybabies smells like a troll to me. Or just someone who thinks a little too much of himself.:crazy:
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These aren't Vandy fans nitwit. These are players. Big difference. Calling other Vol fans crybabies smells like a troll to me. Or just someone who thinks a little too much of himself.:crazy:

Dear Fellow Nitwit,

You can be a player and still be a fan. And it doesn't matter, whining about what some VU thing said is just that, whining. And if you think I'm a troll it just shows your utter arrogant-flavored ignorance. Anybody who knows my history of posts knows I'm anything but a troll. A pain in the butt when it comes to so-called Vols fans putting down our players and ex-players yes, but a troll -SNORT. Think too much of myself? I probably learned that from you.

Getting all hot an bothered by some dumb video some VU people made just illustrates how petty and thinned skinned you are. A freaking crybaby who gets even more whiny when called out on being a whiner. What you should do is let these imbeciles have their day. Then when we stomp them, make your own video that uses clips of theirs to return the mocking. That's feeding them crow uncooked and served with crow poop sauce. Or you can continue to whine and pick fights with a fellow Vol fan. :hi:
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