Venezuela's Triumphant Socialist Paradise

1) Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world;

2) Destabilize others nearby;

3) Closer access for espionage;

4) Faster military response to US.

1. Are we getting any oil from them today? Oil is a world commodity so please explain this one.

2. For what purpose?


4. See #3
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1) Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world;

2) Destabilize others nearby;

3) Closer access for espionage;

4) Faster military response to US.

1) Russia also has vast amounts of oil reserves, some likely not even discovered in remote areas of Siberia. Point 1 is dumb since it doesn't give them any strategic advantage.

2) Specifically which "others" nearby and what would that accomplish?

3) Please don't try to even understand "espionage" since you've obviously limited your knowledge in the matter to watching The Americans. In this day in age, super secret Russian spies don't have to carry that spy cam inside a tie tack since the vast majority of information is digital.

4) Closer than crossing the Bering Strait?

Not real convincing...
1) Russia also has vast amounts of oil reserves, some likely not even discovered in remote areas of Siberia. Point 1 is dumb since it doesn't give them any strategic advantage.

Russia has an interest in Venezuela's oil.

However, I don't know that there are nearly enough Russian people/assets in the country to alter its political trajectory. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

How Russia sank billions of dollars into Venezuelan quicksand
I mean two of the three articles he posted mentions selling equipment to the Poles and Ukrainians who will be the ones deploying and manning those systems and not Americans...

Oh, I'm sure he's going to say something about "I said they were deploying missiles, I just didn't specify what missiles they were" or some such nonsense.

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