the real question is the degree and if it really effects the election. obama winning by a wide margin over a white old guy would suggest the degree isn't great enough to even have this debate.
Wait, what? You're suggesting that because a black man ran for and won the presidency that in certain regions, industries, groups, etc, there still isn't "enough" racism to make it worthwhile to point out and discuss?
That's absurd!
you can discuss it all you like. the problem comes when you start basing all anti-obama opinions based on this theory that the country is filled with a bunch of racists despite teh overwelming evidence to suggest otherwise.
Trump, in particular, said a number of things that, if not outright based on racism, tweak at racial suspicion and stereotype.
Do conservatives did not influence the D candidate, but the D's saddled the R's with McCain?
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Well let's see. I pointed out there are racists in the South. By doing so, somehow in your eyes I'm a racist. Using your logic, saying there are racists makes you a racist. Therefore I must assume you are a racist.
actually you argued the more black people there were the more racist people get. if you can't see how that's a racist statement i don't know what to tell you.
You completely missed my point. I merely showed that states with large black populations still went to McCain. You also completely ingnored my statement that where more races interact, the more likely racism occurs on all sides. I'll say again, though you will ignore it b/c it doesn't support whatever agenda you're trying to push, that I don't agree with racism in any form. But continue to twist my statements into whatever you wish.
The exact same thing could be said of the GOP. And while I can't know how many rednecks you are familiar with, I'm related to quite a few and know many more who would never vote for a black canidate no matter how qualified he or she was. I don't agree with it but it is a reality. And also not limited to the South.
droski, please explain how you reached the conclusion that I'm a racist from this post. I don't support BO blindly, but my issues have nothing to do with race.
My point was, and remains some do have this issue. You can believe it or not.
some people have an issue with a lot of stupid things. that doesn't mean that the south's support of mccain is because of race.
40 years of a successful Southern Strategy would indicate otherwise. Since I'm just speaking from a lifetime of personal experience, I must know the only racists in the south. And I guess I was the only racist to vote for BO.
i guess times can't change. sad. you might want to ask yourself why you know so many racists. voting for obama doesn't stop you from being a racist. that's absurd. people vote in their self interest before race.
40 years of a successful Southern Strategy would indicate otherwise. Since I'm just speaking from a lifetime of personal experience, I must know the only racists in the south. And I guess I was the only racist to vote for BO.
Again, when you speak of the South you know very little. Your igrorance and naiveness are astounding.
How do you define the Southern Strategy?