VN Member Rich Rollin

I have seen RichRollin's (Now, I will remember him as Rubin) posts for many years on GVX and now here on VN. This saddens me to no end. Always a good poster. I know what his wife is going through as I lost my wife suddenly 3 years ago next Monday. I hurt for her, her children and all his friends. May God bless them all.
One of the first posters I began to recognize on GVX and was pleased to read his opinions here as well. I Didn't have the privilege to know him personally but always enjoyed reading his stuff. Sad day indeed...

Show your loved ones what they mean to you on a daily basis and cherish each precious moment.

RIP Rubin and God bless your family.
I have seen RichRollin's (Now, I will remember him as Rubin) posts for many years on GVX and now here on VN. This saddens me to no end. Always a good poster. I know what his wife is going through as I lost my wife suddenly 3 years ago next Monday. I hurt for her, her children and all his friends. May God bless them all.
God bless you too kyvol98.
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Horrible news. I hope and pray for his family to be able to find some measure of peace. Losing a loved one is horrible. I can't imagine having to go through it during the holidays.

RIP Rubin...
I knew him personally as well as our sons played football together. They have beautiful children that need our support and prayers.

We had our fair share of disagreements regarding Powell football, I will certainly miss his witty debates. RIP.
It needs to be said about our fan base and how family oriented it is! Our fans truly are the best in the world! I just checked on the fund drive and in 8hrs we have raised $2,200 for this family! Many of you knew Mr. Coffey and others didn't but you all continue to give! It's truly a blessing to be associated with such GREAT people!! I didn't know Mr. Coffey except for thru his posts but from what I've read he was as great a person as the majority of you in this great VOL community! God Bless this family and all of you that's willing to help! Go VOLS!!
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Hopefully Volnation can pool enough to cover some nice Christmas gifts for his kids and provide his wife with funds to cover a funeral. Like many others, I didn't know him except for reading posts on VN - but give what you can. If our donations can do anything to take his kid's mind off of their loss even for a few minutes it's worth it.
Cross post from me:

I told Yvonne about Vol Nation and the fund, but she already heard about it. She was shocked at the kindness from people who never met Rubin. She told me that the Powell Youth League is planning to do a fundraiser also.

She said that Rubin will be wearing orange, and he will have an orange and white spray of flowers. I told her about Rubin's last post, and she laughed. She said she knew it would be something about putting down Bama. She also told me that they showed her a crimson casket, and she was like hell no. She is planning to look at Vol Nation once she gets Rubin's phone back.

If you are coming to the service feel free to wear orange and white. He wouldn't have it no other way.

This is a good family, and thanks to everyone that has contributed.
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To lose a close family member is devastating at any time but so close to Christmas makes it even more heartbreaking. I lost my dad on Christmas eve in 2001 and it still hurts today. Please help this family any way you can at this time of giving in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ.
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Cross post from me:

I told Yvonne about Vol Nation and the fund, but she already heard about it. She was shocked at the kindness from people who never met Rubin. She told me that the Powell Youth League is planning to do a fundraiser also.

She said that Rubin will be wearing orange, and he will have an orange and white spray of flowers. I told her about Rubin's last post, and she laughed. She said she knew it would be something about putting down Bama. She also told me that they showed her a crimson casket, and she was like hell no. She is planning to look at Vol Nation once she gets Rubin's phone back.

If you are coming to the service feel free to wear orange and white. He wouldn't have it no other way.

This is a good family, and thanks to everyone that has contributed.

Let's get a big crowd with positive signs supporting his family. He'd love it. Volunteers always back their own. It's what the T means to many of us. The T on our chest, head, and sleeve means more than football. We are a community. We are a family.
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Really easy to donate. I hope this helps comfort his family through this tragedy. God Bless.
I have seen RichRollin's (Now, I will remember him as Rubin) posts for many years on GVX and now here on VN. This saddens me to no end. Always a good poster. I know what his wife is going through as I lost my wife suddenly 3 years ago next Monday. I hurt for her, her children and all his friends. May God bless them all.

God bless you too. Sorry for your loss.
This is so sad. I cannot begin to imagine what his family are going through right now. This should make us all stop and gain some perspective on what are really the important things in our lives. My heart breaks for his children.
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Donated...least I could do as a Christian man to help ease the pain and bring some comfort. Of course, prayers for the family and VolNation...we have lost a GREAT man.
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Originally Posted by RichRollin:
We were never talking about Knox or Nashville either. You brought them up in a weak attempt to make Birmingham look good.


This was RichRollin's final message on VN. In case you didn't hear he was killed in a car wreck last night. We need to pray for his wife and kids, and also let's all remember to praise the Lord for every day we are alive. None of us know when we will be writing our final message, so to speak, so live your life to the fullest and be the best person you can be.

Go Vols!

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