Wacko Marjorie Green embraced by Trump, GOP leaders

It’s interesting you don’t see #1 as something that has existed for a long time now. The left doesn’t own any moral high ground in any of this either.
I clearly said that historically it hovers around a 50/50 split....which is critical.
Trump intentionally threw it completely out of balance.....he validated the practice; he was the first president to support, encourage, and blatantly use the practice. It was his strategy from the beginning - GASLIGHTING
It is nowhere near 50/50 currently.
Corrective action will be taken, must be taken.
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I'm not sure the left can go much further than russiagate and covid. The level of lies, misinformation and propaganda has been unbelievable
lol......not even comparable.
The fact that you view them as comparable serves as proof of the effectiveness and dangers of the right's gaslighting.
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lol......not even comparable.
The fact that you view them as comparable serves as proof of the effectiveness and dangers of the right's gaslighting.
Even for you this is sad. Between you and zep I'm not sure you're even trying anymore. They spent 3 years trying to impeach a president based on known lies since it was actually their side doing it.

I think you truly believe there is some socialist utopia coming and it's finally going to work this time. History has shown that if it does come the first to be eliminated are the true believers.
Even for you this is sad. Between you and zep I'm not sure you're even trying anymore. They spent 3 years trying to impeach a president based on known lies since it was actually their side doing it.

I think you truly believe there is some socialist utopia coming and it's finally going to work this time. History has shown that if it does come the first to be eliminated are the true believers.
There was ample legitimate information that warranted the impeachment.
He should have been rejected by his own side and forced to resign, but that's water under and over the bridge.

There is no utopia coming in my lifetime, I would just like to see movement continue in the correct direction.
There was ample legitimate information that warranted the impeachment.
He should have been rejected by his own side and forced to resign, but that's water under and over the bridge.

There is no utopia coming in my lifetime, I would just like to see movement continue in the correct direction.
Actually it's been proven that the impeachment was based on lies and fabricated evidence

You continue to vote incorrectly if you want movement in the correct direction. Unless of course you're just wanting to be ruled and told what to do by absolutely worthless people then you're right on track. Eventually they'll even remove the burden of voting and you'll be truly free
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Actually it's been proven that the impeachment was based on lies and fabricated evidence

You continue to vote incorrectly if you want movement in the correct direction. Unless of course you're just wanting to be ruled and told what to do by absolutely worthless people then you're right on track. Eventually they'll even remove the burden of voting and you'll be truly free
Our views on utopia are probably similar, but our views on the best route there certainly aren't.
Our views on utopia are probably similar, but our views on the best route there certainly aren't.
There's no way they're similar. You'll never reach minimal govt through massive expansion. It's impossible
There's no way they're similar. You'll never reach minimal govt through massive expansion. It's impossible
In my utopia government is virtually non existent.
The way to remove government is by removing the need for government.
Although I think what they did was wrong, I know of no evidence that they colluded. Their actions worked together to blackball Parler, but who can say that they coordinated?

You can't assume collusion just because a handful of entities obstructed a business that they politically opposed.
C'mon... you can't even say that with s straight face.
You don't do that by growing govt as power is never returned peacefully
The people wishing to reduce the size of government should wise up and focus on removing the need for a growing government.
The people wishing to reduce the size of government should wise up and focus on removing the need for a growing government.
There is no true need. Increasing govt is created by govt. They will never shrink voluntarily as that requires decreased power, money and influence.
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C'mon... you can't even say that with s straight face.

Give me a break. I didn't say there wasn't coordination, I said there is no evidence of coordination. Also, they don't need to coordinate to pull this off, so the assumption is unnecessary and unfounded....unless you can point me to some evidence?
Give me a break. I didn't say there wasn't coordination, I said there is no evidence of coordination. Also, they don't need to coordinate to pull this off, so the assumption is unnecessary and unfounded....unless you can point me to some evidence?
OK. That statement is technically correct.
Just like in my post up above ^^^^..... the solution to your whining is found in competition, not more government regulation. You want to put the same people responsible for your problem, in charge of solving the same problem? That's no good. Increased competition is the answer to just about every problem which can be identified in a free market economy.
Government should be putting zero pressure on private companies on what they decide to allow or not allow on their platforms. I rarely agree with RAS but on this I am aligned.
Government should be putting zero pressure on private companies on what they decide to allow or not allow on their platforms. I rarely agree with RAS but on this I am aligned.
Watch the video I linked above.
Government only steps in when people continually fail to govern themselves.
Government should be putting zero pressure on private companies on what they decide to allow or not allow on their platforms. I rarely agree with RAS but on this I am aligned.
I tend to agree with you, but it's not illegal, and both sides do it. Hell, Trump once tweeted a plea to Fox News to fire Shepard Smith, because Smith was critical of him.
In my utopia government is virtually non existent.
The way to remove government is by removing the need for government.
Yea and the way for that to happen is demanding personal responsibility. But you believe wealth envy is inevitable. That's a problem for those who have envy. Not for those who are wealthy. But you want to make the wealthy fix it. Fix that bullshat victim mindset.

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