Wacko Marjorie Green embraced by Trump, GOP leaders

Consistently amazed? That's like saying you are consistently amazed the sun sets every day.
It was simple.......ANYONE BUT TRUMP.
One would have to have been comatose to not have known that all along.

Yes consistently as in more lives lost to Covid under Biden than Trump, wider divide among people, 13 soldiers blown up and Afghans hanging and falling to their death from US planes, rising inflation, rising energy costs, collapsed southern border, increase in crime and many major cities, deepened supply chain issues, lack of accountability at all levels of the Biden administration, soured French relations, foreign policy midgets, loud pungent gas around the Duchess of Cornwall....give me more time and I will find posts that are 6 months old to remind of the 1st year incompetence. We really got 3 more years of this?

Other than that its comparable to the bottom 10% of administration's.
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True, but I still say she is mildly attractive, but probably average for a Latina.
MTG is probably one you would associate with between 10:00pm-2:00am.
Your post sailed over everyone's head, I'm thinking more of an after twelve kind of catch.
Your post sailed over everyone's head, I'm thinking more of an after twelve kind of catch.
I would take her out in public from 10-2. She's not necessarily broad daylight. She's got that chin/jawline action, also. Probably could be handy in a bar fight. Plus she might have a little "crazy" in her, which can work well I suppose for anything after 2:00am.
I would take her out in public from 10-2. She's not necessarily broad daylight. She's got that chin/jawline action. Plus she might have a little "crazy" in her, which can work well I suppose for anything after 2:00am.
But she is hanging out with that soy boy, so I doubt it has been ops checked.
If a host says you can't use the word "nachos" and you decide to use the word "nachos", you can't gripe about the consequences.

It's all performative.
There is more to it than just a private business removing a client from their platform. But we've gone over that before.

Either you know that there is govt influence and persuasion in these sort of actions and ignore it, or you don't believe there is any govt influence at all.
Either you know govt influence works both ways, or you don't believe there is any govt influence at all.
If a host says you can't use the word "nachos" and you decide to use the word "nachos", you can't gripe about the consequences.

It's all performative.

Then they should stop claiming to be a moderator of other peoples content and be subject to different federal regulations. No one is arguing their right to run their business as they please.
Why do you think that is?

Because they know that their constituents in rural AZ, Nevada and Iowa and Minnesota think shes from another planet, and it helps their opponent every time she opens her mouth. Just like a Republican from a rural district in New York or Orange County California would hopefully be smart enough to avoid being linked to Green.
Yes consistently as in more lives lost to Covid under Biden than Trump, wider divide among people, 13 soldiers blown up and Afghans hanging and falling to their death from US planes, rising inflation, rising energy costs, collapsed southern border, increase in crime and many major cities, deepened supply chain issues, lack of accountability at all levels of the Biden administration, soured French relations, foreign policy midgets....give me more time and I will find posts that are 6 months old to remind of the 1st year incompetence. We really got 3 more years of this?

Other than that its comparable to the bottom 10% of administration's.
That's a long winded way of saying "and still better than it would have been with a 2nd Trump term."
Because they know that their constituents in rural AZ, Nevada and Iowa and Minnesota think shes from another planet, and it helps their opponent every time she opens her mouth. Just like a Republican from a rural district in New York or Orange County California would hopefully be smart enough to avoid being linked to Green.
That's the correct answer, which has nothing to do with the fact that she has more clout in DC than does Green.
The galaxy is at stake with Biden as POTUS.
I think we can safely conclude that you think Trump was better than Biden and I think Biden (or a rock) is better than Trump.
And I think we can safely assume that nothing is going to change that.
That's the correct answer, which has nothing to do with the fact that she has more clout in DC than does Green.

Well as far as more clout we could probably start with about a 3-1 advantage in favorable media coverage. We could then move to the fact that she still has her committee assignments. If she keeps walking this road and the other party takes the House she could end up in the same boat. For the record i dont think shes as big of a lunatic as MTG but thats not saying much, and shes certainly nothing to be proud of.
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I think we can safely conclude that you think Trump was better than Biden and I think Biden (or a rock) is better than Trump.
And I think we can safely assume that nothing is going to change that.

The rock is a far better option than either of them.
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I think we can safely conclude that you think Trump was better than Biden and I think Biden (or a rock) is better than Trump.
And I think we can safely assume that nothing is going to change that.

Do I need to link the current status of our adversaries? Like me, they know weakness when they see it.
Like me, they knew horrendously despicable human when they saw it.

To this point you've used an archaic measurement system to determine who is the better POTUS. A one dimensional continuum. A line with character as a metric. A subjective argument at best. Even if using multiple metrics you are on the same illogical sliding scale.

I argue that determining overall governing ability requires more key performance indicators creating more of a 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional diagram using axes, quandrants and depth. Using a number of indicators it is likely Biden is not only a shadow figure to Trump but struggle to outdo Jimmy Carter.

Truth doesn't have a smug attitude.

I know there's a lot to unpack here. Bottle it up and give it some time. I'm looking to come to some agreement on the continuum.
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There is more to it than just a private business removing a client from their platform. But we've gone over that before.

Either you know that there is govt influence and persuasion in these sort of actions and ignore it, or you don't believe there is any govt influence at all.

There is literally government influence over every business that exists.
There is literally government influence over every business that exists.
That isn't a good thing. But at least yo do acknowledge the govt being involved in social media... you don't have to take my word for it, Jen Psaki even said over the summer that the White House was working with social media companies to limit the amount of "misinformation".

From the tone of your post, you either don't seem bothered by govt influence or you've come to accept it.
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