Wacko Marjorie Green embraced by Trump, GOP leaders

You have argued that the 1st Amendment should apply to Twitter when they ban users. It doesn't... because they are privately-owned. Like it or not, influence and ownership are not the same.
No, I have said that the govt is working with companies like Twitter to deny people their rights.

The straw man of Twitter being private or the govt not owning Twitter doesn't matter if the govt is able to get the same desired results either way.
That is superficial analysis at best. While early studies show that the vaccines are less effective against the omicron variant, that is no reason not to take them. The vaccines still produce a high rate of effectiveness at preventing death, upon contraction.

These studies show that being vaccinated still reduces the chances of omicron infection by 30-40%, and also reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill with the omicron variant, by 70-75%.

How effective are COVID-19 vaccines against omicron?

That is simply not true.

COVID Vaccine: What Parents Need to Know
The vax are getting it at a higher rate than ever before. This is a bad cold and the vax is not worth it

As for kids, they aren't getting this and those that do are at more risk from the vax than covid. I have 2 boys and given the data there is zero chance they're getting this in their body

The way you fight bad information is with better information. If you have to shut it down then your argument isn't strong enough to counter. It wasn't very long ago that there was a wholesale ban across all media of anyone pushing the China origin story. How'd that work out?
You have argued that the 1st Amendment should apply to Twitter when they ban users. It doesn't... because they are privately-owned. Like it or not, influence and ownership are not the same.
"when they ban users after being advised or influenced by the govt to do so".
The vax are getting it at a higher rate than ever before. This is a bad cold and the vax is not worth it

As for kids, they aren't getting this and those that do are at more risk from the vax than covid. I have 2 boys and given the data there is zero chance they're getting this in their body

The way you fight bad information is with better information. If you have to shut it down then your argument isn't strong enough to counter. It wasn't very long ago that there was a wholesale ban across all media of anyone pushing the China origin story. How'd that work out?
As I just stated, the vaccines are less effective against the omicron variant than they were against the original strain, but that doesn't make them "ineffective" against omicron. Although, omicron is more readily transmitted, studies show that being vaccinated reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill with omicron by 70-75%.

And look at the COVID patients, who are occupying our nation's intensive care units? It is overwhelmingly, the unvaccinated.

Vast majority of ICU patients with COVID-19 are unvaccinated, ABC News survey finds

Kids who get the vaccine are not more at risk from potential side effects, than they are from contracting the virus itself. The link I provided in that post you replied to, post #192 (from Johns Hopkins), explains that in detail.

The way you fight bad information is with better information, which is what I have provided. Just like Marjorie Taylor-Greene, however, you haven't provided any links to information. You have just posted your own unqualified personal beliefs, which have been lazily derived from nothing more than a stubborn need to foolishly embrace your ignorance, instead of the established facts.
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As I just stated, the vaccines are less effective against the omicron variant than they were against the original strain, but that doesn't make them "ineffective" against omicron. Although, omicron is more readily transmitted, studies show that being vaccinated reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill with omicron by 70-75%.

And look at the COVID patients, who are occupying our nation's intensive care units? It is overwhelmingly, the unvaccinated.

Vast majority of ICU patients with COVID-19 are unvaccinated, ABC News survey finds

Kids who get the vaccine are not more at risk from potential side effects, than they are from contracting the virus itself. The link I provided in that post you replied to, post #192 (from Johns Hopkins), explains that in detail.

The way you fight bad information is with better information, which is what I have provided. Just like Marjorie Taylor-Greene, however, you haven't provided any links to information. You have just posted your own unqualified beliefs, based on nothing more than a stubborn need to foolishly embrace your ignorance, instead of the facts.
Omicron is a bad cold. It's what is limiting the serious illness more than the vax. The info that contradicts is out there if you're truly interested in stepping outside your info bubble. I'm on mobile all the time and simply don't have the energy to link then for you. The science is not settled as so many like you or mad want to claim. The dangers of the vax over covid, esp in young boys, are enough that I won't give it to them. Our ped isn't concerned for them at all and neither is another on this very board.
Omicron is a bad cold. It's what is limiting the serious illness more than the vax. The info that contradicts is out there if you're truly interested in stepping outside your info bubble. I'm on mobile all the time and simply don't have the energy to link then for you. The science is not settled as so many like you or mad want to claim. The dangers of the vax over covid, esp in young boys, are enough that I won't give it to them. Our ped isn't concerned for them at all and neither is another on this very board.
Is this information on the dark web... or the sites which brought us PizzaGate and Q Anon?

Seriously, health care professionals are not calling the vaccines ineffective. I've seen some health care professionals give the opinion that they aren't necessary for children, but I haven't seen any discourage them for fear of potentially harmful side effects. I don't live in a bubble. I've consumed a great deal of material on the subject of vaccination. The clear consensus among health care professionals is that the COVID vaccines are safe and effective - even for children.
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As I just stated, the vaccines are less effective against the omicron variant than they were against the original strain, but that doesn't make them "ineffective" against omicron. Although, omicron is more readily transmitted, studies show that being vaccinated reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill with omicron by 70-75%.

And look at the COVID patients, who are occupying our nation's intensive care units? It is overwhelmingly, the unvaccinated.

Vast majority of ICU patients with COVID-19 are unvaccinated, ABC News survey finds

Kids who get the vaccine are not more at risk from potential side effects, than they are from contracting the virus itself. The link I provided in that post you replied to, post #192 (from Johns Hopkins), explains that in detail.

The way you fight bad information is with better information, which is what I have provided. Just like Marjorie Taylor-Greene, however, you haven't provided any links to information. You have just posted your own unqualified personal beliefs, which have been lazily derived from nothing more than a stubborn need to foolishly embrace your ignorance, instead of the established facts.

You are doing exactly what the back and forth is about...trying to claim you're statements are the truth over Ras and pj. It is not as other research has also proven. As they pointed out, the collusion was very obvious when those pointing out the source of the virus was from China and posted where being deleted or people were being banned. We now know Fauci was involved in labelling this misinformation. This has always been about politics and shutting down one side of the argument or debate. Social media should no longer have Section 230 protections if it's more than just a platform where people express themselves and they are determining what people can say.
You are doing exactly what the back and forth is about...trying to claim you're statements are the truth over Ras and pj. It is not as other research has also proven. As they pointed out, the collusion was very obvious when those pointing out the source of the virus was from China and posted where being deleted or people were being banned. We now know Fauci was involved in labelling this misinformation. This has always been about politics and shutting down one side of the argument or debate. Social media should no longer have Section 230 protections if it's more than just a platform where people express themselves and they are determining what people can say.
That is total bull $hit. I have posted links to studies from Johns Hopkins and a PBS article which cited data. They haven't posted links to anything. They have stated misinformation with no sources.

Obvious collusion, huh? The Party of Q Anon lives on!
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Is this information on the dark web... or the sites which brought us PizzaGate and Q Anon?

Seriously, health care professionals are not calling the vaccines ineffective. I've seen some health care professionals give the opinion that they aren't necessary for children, but I haven't seen any discourage them for fear of potentially harmful side effects. I don't live in a bubble. I've consumed a great deal of material on the subject of vaccination. The clear consensus among health care professionals is that the COVID vaccines are safe and effective - even for children.
the studies have been linked many times. Myocarditis in boys is a concern. Given the level of exercise for mine I won't subject them to that

Why are they necessary for kids? They are statistically unlikely to ever have any issues with covid. Pumping them full of this mess is actually neither safe nor effective given their rates of infection

Anyone pushing this therapeutic into the healthy or young is on the wrong side. It's an individual decision and should be allowed to continue as one. More work into therapeutics to help heal those who get sick would be much more beneficial but the govt made a choice that vax was the direction they wanted to go. The drug co shareholders are appreciative

When was the last time you saw an unnecessary vaccine (your quote) being pushed so hard on so many?
myocarditis in boys is a concern. Given the level of exercise for mine I won't subject them to that

Why are they necessary for kids? They are statistically unlikely to ever have any issues with covid. Pumping them full of this mess is actually neither safe nor effective given their rates of infection

Anyone pushing this therapeutic into the healthy or young is on the wrong side. It's an individual decision and should be allowed to continue as one. More work into therapeutics to help heal those who get sick would be much more beneficial but the govt made a choice that vax was the direction they wanted to go. The drug co shareholders are appreciative
Anyone pushing this therapeutic into ANYONE is on the wrong side.
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As I just stated, the vaccines are less effective against the omicron variant than they were against the original strain, but that doesn't make them "ineffective" against omicron. Although, omicron is more readily transmitted, studies show that being vaccinated reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill with omicron by 70-75%.

And look at the COVID patients, who are occupying our nation's intensive care units? It is overwhelmingly, the unvaccinated.

Vast majority of ICU patients with COVID-19 are unvaccinated, ABC News survey finds
A cold = omicron. Why are we bending over backwards trying to get people vaccinated for a cold?
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I don't believe that broad brush either. There are plenty of at risk people who could benefit. The healthy and the unaffected young are not in that group though
Yes, but it should be their decision. The .gov's job all along should have been to make it available. Check. Trying to force it on people was an epic overreach of authority.
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A cold = omicron. Why are we bending ocer backwards trying to get people vaccinated for a cold?
Because data concerning current hospitalizations in the United States demonstrates that the symptoms of omicron are more serious than that of a cold.
And the vaers says disagreed. Why even take that chance?
At a certain point, I suppose it does come down to who you trust... but you should be aware of what the consensus opinions are. You don't see a lot of MD's arguing with the conclusions of the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins.
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Because data concerning current hospitalizations in the United States demonstrates that the symptoms of omicron are more serious than that of a cold.
That’s actually not true.
Look at the numbers this morning. Hospitalization is way down with Omni. The majority of people in the hospital with Omni are there for something else and happen to be positive. If they didn’t have other issues they would not be hospitalized for Omni
At a certain point, I suppose it does come down to who you trust... but you should be aware of what the consensus opinions are. You don't see a lot of MD's arguing with the conclusions of the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins.
But they have to dismiss data that they used to trust to reach those conclusions

I'm an analyst and trust data over people. The more data the better
I find that very hard to believe based on some of your posts.
Says the guy quoting doctors who ignore mountains of data to reach their conclusions. They aren't doing massive amounts of research but are more likely relying on the research of others.

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