Wake up, Americans

And btw. Anyone that kneels for the flag has never been handed a folded one.
I'm sure anybody that knelt has had a family member die. What the hell are you talking about?

Oh... it is only special if they died in uniform?

1.a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Yep, I'd say that applies to all the dumbass Trumpsters who sacked the Capitol.

To. A. TEE.

View attachment 433345
For a guy so worried about definitions you really misused the term "sacked"
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I think that’s the best Description of where were at right now on the right.
It sounds a little psychotic to me. In a country of 350 million, it's a little unreasonable to expect to be left alone.

I'm still trying to figure out why you guys are so angry.
I'm sure anybody that knelt has had a family member die. What the hell are you talking about?

Oh... it is only special if they died in uniform?
Imo I can’t for the life of me imagine a man or woman that once was handed a folded flag EVER kneeling before one. We all have family members die. But when they die as a veteran or in the line of duty, there’s a different level of respect for that flag.

Look, I get that you don’t like cops. I even understand. But I think, judging from your posting style, that you’re a level headed man/woman and you can understand that a mistake made by a cop is publicized. A mistake made by you at your job isn’t. It has an effect on people that makes them believe all cops are bad when that’s all they hear about. But I can assure you that although one bad apple spoils a bunch, most cops are really good people and most if not all don’t agree with every law or ordinance they have to enforce. That is one mans call when it’s viewed as a universal opinion and that’s not even close to the truth.
It sounds a little psychotic to me. In a country of 350 million, it's a little unreasonable to expect to be left alone.

I'm still trying to figure out why you guys are so angry.
Why were so angry? Seriously? look around Luther! It’s not hard to see unless you’re selectively blind. The left want what they want and now that they’re getting it, the country is becoming a dictatorship/communist country. That may make you guys happy but it infuriates freedom loving people. Biden is the worst thing that has ever happened to the USA.
Why were so angry? Seriously? look around Luther! It’s not hard to see unless you’re selectively blind. The left want what they want and now that they’re getting it, the country is becoming a dictatorship/communist country. That may make you guys happy but it infuriates freedom loving people. Biden is the worst thing that has ever happened to the USA.

Luther and his cohorts said Trump was a dictator.
Yeah. You were a mindless f*** with a micropeter in his hand.

Seems as if you have no ability to think for yourself. Just obey the government, right? You are truly a mental weakling. I feel bad for you, I really do. Now since my church is full of smart people, and not mental weaklings such as yourself, we had church anyways....knowing that if we went outdoors and enjoyed the service that there were no worries. I hope that makes you feel better, I really do.

I wish you knew some of my exes, because they could 100 percent confirm that there is no micropeter here. Hope you have a fantastic day knowing this!
If you speak out against CRT or masks or vaccines, you are considered a terrorist. The DOJ and DHS as declared us to be enemies.

Yep, that's why you remove all military that would be considered conservative, label them as domestic terrorists because like the nra, fill the spots with pro communist and that's how a military will attack its own citizens.
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It's all corrupt. The FBI, CIA, and department of Homeland Security all need to be gutted. DHS need to be abolished, and the FBI and CIA need to be torn down completely and have their wings permanently clipped. The U.S. military needs to be purged of ideologues. Bye-bye IRS, time for a flat tax. See ya Department of Education! Military budget needs to be purged of all funds for other nations defense. I could go on.....

Democrats love big government power and would tremble to see this. Republicans cannot take the scales off their eyes and see that even the basic men and women in these organizations themselves are often corrupt, so they let it go on.

The government, the largest employer in the country lol...... then add in every sector private and public that exist solely off of the government, and, there is no hope.

Paychecks and keeping your job, these people would never vote themselves out of them.

Corruption and waste are the number one things needing to be fixed. Pipe dream.

And, the Republicans are just as guilty, culpable, and part of the problem as the Dem's.

The machine is too big. We, the people, allowed it to happen.

Worse, we are living in a world, where the fake world, a truly not real-reality, is being made.....Meta lol.....this culture is so f'd that people can't even live in their reality because it is so crappy lol, they must live online and in the coming Meta verse lol.....blind hapless losers who deserve everything that this corrupt machine is giving them. The people deserve exactly what they are getting. No sympathy, empathy, or care any more.
This post reminds me of the protestor marching in Charlottesville, Virginia from August of 2017, who was asked by a Fox News reporter why he was opposed to the removal of Confederate General Robert E. Lee's statue and responded,

"Robert E. Lee was a true American patriot."

The word "patriot" has been bastardized by extremists who now use it to describe people that fight against the government, rather than people who support and defend their country.

So fighting against a tyrannical government is unpatriotic?
DHS should have never been allowed to exist. The continued fallout from 911 is incredible
I said that when GWB created it. The TSA was fine before it became another government bureaucracy. All he did was make those employees un-fireable and gave them 20 year pensions and .gov health care. Muhammed Atta didn't walk onto an airplane with anything illegal at the time.
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