Again, Obama has been a terrible President on many levels but comparing him to Hitler is way off base. Interesting when I do something equally ridiculous I get a response of "it was unfair" to "this is just a really stupid ignorant remark on so many levels" and "who are you (to) say that Obama isn't evil?"
Thanks for proving you're biased and hypocritical GS and therefore can't be taken seriously.
"who are you (to) say that Obama isn't evil?"
Nothing hypocritical and biased at all, why not make the comparison yourself and say he is nothing at all like Hitler if that be the fact??
Who would you compare Obama with, Carter, FDR or maybe Wilson?? Obama's actions and objectives are very similar to the socialists Hitler and Lenin.
At least FDR and Wilson didn't have strong ties to the muslim brotherhood, Hitler did, Carter did and so does Obama.
"this is just a really stupid ignorant remark on so many levels"
You making the inane remark that it was too bad Timothy McVeigh wasn't running is beyond ridiculous and just the worst sort of cheap shot for not reason other than your own frustration.
I'm all ready to debate if you want to try to say that McVeigh wasn't funded, aided and abetted all along by islamic groups. (Including Eric Holder)
Answer these questions;
Why did Wall Street donate five times as much money to Obama as to McCain?? (not that McLame would have made a good president imo, the McCain/Feingold Act was a big part of the reason we had two such sorry candidates in the last election.)
Why did Wall Street support Hitler's rise to power?
Why did Wall Street support the Bolshevik violent siezure of power?
From an economic standpoint what Obama has accomplished is very similar to what Hitler was doing in the 1930s. (not unlike what Stalin was doing and FDR was attempting to do with some success, some failure.)
If you had any clue as to what the current finance reform bill proposes to do you wouldn't be taking such idiotic swipes at other poster's characters.
If the bill that was just passed had been in effect in say the year 2000, it could not and would not have prevented the 2009 meltdown.
Just as the federal reserve act of 1913 promised to forever guarantee banking stability, it did just the opposite.
Same with the current reform bill, it does the opposite of what it's supporters claim, it enfranchises bailouts for wall street forever, it empowers 523 rules makers that review their own performance and write the rules as they go, they can still be writing new rules ten years from today. The main group will be housed in a private international bank and not in the US Treasury, by whom do you think they will be most influenced, the American people or the international business interests?
What it does is aid the largest corporations while smaller businesses, the backbone of American economy from eariest times, cannot afford to pay a large compliance staff to keep up with all the rules.
"And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the
principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Taylor in 1816.
Also the large financial institutions will hire the best, most effective lobbyists while the small businesses will be sitting on the sidelines.
I have some practical experience in that area, back in the seventies I was a member of a group who thought we might influence congress on behalf of a small group of people interested in protecting American heritage and tradition in one small area of concern. We formed a national membership, collected dues, elected one of our own to go to Washington to lobby congressmen on our behalf. He stayed about two months and informed us he was coming home and returning all unspent money to our treasury. He said our enemies can afford to entertain congressmen in five star resturants seven nights a week, I can't even afford to buy them a hot dog, I can't even afford a decent place to live in this town on the money we have.
Name one thing you think Obama has done that is good for the American people in the long run!!