wamp vs haslam

Only because Sundquist already caught Hell for trying it. Even Bredesen has been smart enough to stay away from that.

The income tax option is dead in Tennessee for the far-distant forseeable future. I don't even see how it is a mentionable campaign issue.
So what is haslam going to do that will give him an advantage when it comes to job creation. By far the most important issue.
So what is haslam going to do that will give him an advantage when it comes to job creation. By far the most important issue.

Jobs & Economic Development | Bill Haslam for Governor of Tennessee

I would say the articles at the right give more detail.

When I say job creation/economic impact, I don't mean 10-15 man shops. I think Haslam can do a much better job of getting more of the Nissans and the VWs of the world to Tennessee and the other economic activity that is going to spring up with them as a result. I like his plan for Memphis.

In short, I think a guy that has been part of heading a fairly large business that is in many states is going to be better equipped to get the major businesses here moreso than others.
Jobs & Economic Development | Bill Haslam for Governor of Tennessee

I would say the articles at the right give more detail.

When I say job creation/economic impact, I don't mean 10-15 man shops. I think Haslam can do a much better job of getting more of the Nissans and the VWs of the world to Tennessee and the other economic activity that is going to spring up with them as a result. I like his plan for Memphis.

In short, I think a guy that has been part of heading a fairly large business that is in many states is going to be better equipped to get the major businesses here moreso than others.

im not going to claim to be an expert on either candidate. I just know wamp is a chattanooga boy and haslam is knoxvilles man. I dont know the politics im doubt there is a huge difference between the two politically. But that isnt what swayed my decision. The incessant stupid ads by haslam have. These ads are absolutely ridiculous and they all end with haslam sittin there with that @*** eatin grin on his face. These ads have turned me in favor of wamp. According to a recent poll out of nashville haslam had a large lead but over a third are still undecided. Who will you vote for and why?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The most annoying ads so far to me have been from George Flynn. I'm tired of seeing the phony image of the plaid shirt walking across a field in front of a John Deere. I still can't figure out if this guy is a doctor, farmer or if he sells tires from his ad. He's too busy repeating stop Obama and Pelosi over and over.

As far as Governor, I would vote for Haslam at this point in time.
Were you a Huckabee or Ron Paul supporter?

Neither, Ron Paul is not tough enough on foreign policy for my liking, Huckabee is to easy on illegals and I just don't trust him for some reason. Initially I was for Duncan Hunter then when he dropped out, I went to Fred Thompson.
Neither, Ron Paul is not tough enough on foreign policy for my liking, Huckabee is to easy on illegals and I just don't trust him for some reason. Initially I was for Duncan Hunter then when he dropped out, I went to Fred Thompson.

Too bad for you that Timothy McVeigh is not running.
That statement is not even worth a response.

Why not? You have no problem comparing Obama to Hitler in defense of the billboard. I was just making a point of how ridiculous that was by doing something equally ridiculous using a guy that hates government.

There are plenty of reasons to dislike Obama without comparing him to one of the most evil persons in history.
It's not good IMO. He joined Bloomberg in this then all of a sudden when he starts thinking about running for governor he withdrawls his support of the mayors against guns.

That's the nail in Haslam's coffin as far as I'm concerned.

Haslam won't enact an income tax

Neither will Ramsey or Wamp.

Just heard Mitt Romney endorsed Haslam, just another reason I will not support Haslam.


Neither, Ron Paul is not tough enough on foreign policy for my liking, Huckabee is to easy on illegals and I just don't trust him for some reason. Initially I was for Duncan Hunter then when he dropped out, I went to Fred Thompson.

Plus Huckabee drinks the global warming kool aid.

Too bad for you that Timothy McVeigh is not running.

That is just a really stupid ignorant remark on so many levels.

For one thing McVeigh was a stupid jerk who was drawn into a plot in which he was always intended to be the lilly white fall guy.

Terry Nichols made several trips and hundreds of phone calls to the Philippines where he was in contact with islamic terrorists and where he learned his bomb making skills.

An Islamic terrorist group took credit for the bomb and it's leader said just that to FBI agents.

The Clinton administration through Janet Reno and Eric Holder went to great lengths to cover the tracks of several John Does who were described as middle eastern men and were most likely intelligence agents of one or more islamic countries. One of the John Does who exited the Ryder truck when it was parked in front of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City was described by eye witnesses as appearing to be of middle eastern descent.
I don't see why you're upset. It's not like McVeigh was a terrorist or something, since according to you all terrorists are Muslim.

It was unfair for him to make such a stupid absurb jump for one thing and for another thing a muslim group that aided Nichols did take credit for the OKC bombing.

The fact that is was a psyop to make it appear there was/is some vast right wing conspiracy that exists in America seems to fly completely over the heads of many people who would seem to otherwise be at least fairly intelligent people.
Why not? You have no problem comparing Obama to Hitler in defense of the billboard. I was just making a point of how ridiculous that was by doing something equally ridiculous using a guy that hates government.

There are plenty of reasons to dislike Obama without comparing him to one of the most evil persons in history.

Who are you say that Obama isn't evil??

Although the German government wanted Obama to speak somewhere else he chose to speak with the Berlin Victory Column as his backdrop.


For those not sufficiently up on their German history, that giant monument in front of which Obama gave his now-famous Berlin speech is the Berlin Victory Column.


The column, originally located in Königsplatz and constructed to commemorate and celebrate Prussian military dominance and victory in the Danish-Prussian War, was relocated to Berlin by the Nazis in 1939, in full accordance with their public symbolism of their military might.

To this day, it is still viewed as a Nazi symbol of the victory of socialism.


It is a fair comparison to compare what Obama has done in the past sixteen months with what Hitler did in the 1930s in Germany, there are man somilarities.
Again, Obama has been a terrible President on many levels but comparing him to Hitler is way off base. Interesting when I do something equally ridiculous I get a response of "it was unfair" to "this is just a really stupid ignorant remark on so many levels" and "who are you (to) say that Obama isn't evil?"

Thanks for proving you're biased and hypocritical GS and therefore can't be taken seriously.
Again, Obama has been a terrible President on many levels but comparing him to Hitler is way off base. Interesting when I do something equally ridiculous I get a response of "it was unfair" to "this is just a really stupid ignorant remark on so many levels" and "who are you (to) say that Obama isn't evil?"

Thanks for proving you're biased and hypocritical GS and therefore can't be taken seriously.

"who are you (to) say that Obama isn't evil?"

Nothing hypocritical and biased at all, why not make the comparison yourself and say he is nothing at all like Hitler if that be the fact??

Who would you compare Obama with, Carter, FDR or maybe Wilson?? Obama's actions and objectives are very similar to the socialists Hitler and Lenin.

At least FDR and Wilson didn't have strong ties to the muslim brotherhood, Hitler did, Carter did and so does Obama.

"this is just a really stupid ignorant remark on so many levels"

You making the inane remark that it was too bad Timothy McVeigh wasn't running is beyond ridiculous and just the worst sort of cheap shot for not reason other than your own frustration.

I'm all ready to debate if you want to try to say that McVeigh wasn't funded, aided and abetted all along by islamic groups. (Including Eric Holder)

Answer these questions;

Why did Wall Street donate five times as much money to Obama as to McCain?? (not that McLame would have made a good president imo, the McCain/Feingold Act was a big part of the reason we had two such sorry candidates in the last election.)

Why did Wall Street support Hitler's rise to power?

Why did Wall Street support the Bolshevik violent siezure of power?

From an economic standpoint what Obama has accomplished is very similar to what Hitler was doing in the 1930s. (not unlike what Stalin was doing and FDR was attempting to do with some success, some failure.)

If you had any clue as to what the current finance reform bill proposes to do you wouldn't be taking such idiotic swipes at other poster's characters.

If the bill that was just passed had been in effect in say the year 2000, it could not and would not have prevented the 2009 meltdown.

Just as the federal reserve act of 1913 promised to forever guarantee banking stability, it did just the opposite.

Same with the current reform bill, it does the opposite of what it's supporters claim, it enfranchises bailouts for wall street forever, it empowers 523 rules makers that review their own performance and write the rules as they go, they can still be writing new rules ten years from today. The main group will be housed in a private international bank and not in the US Treasury, by whom do you think they will be most influenced, the American people or the international business interests?

What it does is aid the largest corporations while smaller businesses, the backbone of American economy from eariest times, cannot afford to pay a large compliance staff to keep up with all the rules.

"And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Taylor in 1816.

Also the large financial institutions will hire the best, most effective lobbyists while the small businesses will be sitting on the sidelines.

I have some practical experience in that area, back in the seventies I was a member of a group who thought we might influence congress on behalf of a small group of people interested in protecting American heritage and tradition in one small area of concern. We formed a national membership, collected dues, elected one of our own to go to Washington to lobby congressmen on our behalf. He stayed about two months and informed us he was coming home and returning all unspent money to our treasury. He said our enemies can afford to entertain congressmen in five star resturants seven nights a week, I can't even afford to buy them a hot dog, I can't even afford a decent place to live in this town on the money we have.

Name one thing you think Obama has done that is good for the American people in the long run!!
Why not? You have no problem comparing Obama to Hitler in defense of the billboard. I was just making a point of how ridiculous that was by doing something equally ridiculous using a guy that hates government.

There are plenty of reasons to dislike Obama without comparing him to one of the most evil persons in history.

Do you deny that Barry is a socialist or that he is a radical leader?
Do you deny that Barry is a socialist or that he is a radical leader?

No, and I apolgize for bringing up McVeigh. I was just trying to make a point that a person could easily make an unfair comparison. It's not that I care what you say about Obama, that's your right of opinion, I just think Hitler is such a piece of trash that no one should be compared to him. I'm not Jewish but I can't imagine what those people still go through and to see those images of bodies being piled up is probably the most disturbing thing I've ever seen.

I just wish Hitler was off limits to anyone in comparison weather it was Bush then or Obama now.
No, and I apolgize for bringing up McVeigh. I was just trying to make a point that a person could easily make an unfair comparison. It's not that I care what you say about Obama, that's your right of opinion, I just think Hitler is such a piece of trash that no one should be compared to him. I'm not Jewish but I can't imagine what those people still go through and to see those images of bodies being piled up is probably the most disturbing thing I've ever seen.

I just wish Hitler was off limits to anyone in comparison weather it was Bush then or Obama now.

The comparison is about fiscal policies and is a fair comaprison.

Just a few of the other policies advocated by both Obama and Hitler; gun control, animal rights and the homosexual agenda.

Perhaps if the German people, along with the people of England, America and others, would have compared the socialist policies of Hitler with those of Lenin and Stalin in the late 1920s and 1930s, then the holocaust might not have been, even WWII itself might have been averted since it began with an agreement between Hitler and Stalin.

But no, we here in America were told by FDR that Uncle Joe Stalin was a swell guy and that collectivism in the USSR was going along just swimmingly, led by the NY Slimes newsrag, that isn't even fit for a parakeet to crap on, which won pulitzer prizes covering up the starvation genocide of between 8 and 12 million Ukrainians, we were told that socialism was the wave of the future, it was the way to world peace and the end of social injustice.

Obama and his crew of ivy leaguers who have never done anything except theorize, are spouting and enacting the same magic cures for all the ills of mankind and nothing could be farther from the truth. Obama and company are enacting FDR syled policies right and left and we know that led to extended economic depression and ultimately to war.

During the twentieth century in countries where governments have disarmed the citizens and then went on to kill, collectively, 50 million of their own citizens, do you think many of those people thought their own governments capable of such acts until it was too late??

Obama began his political carreer at a fund raiser at the home of his close friend and neighbor William Ayers.

According to the testimony of an undercover FBI agent, William Ayers thought that about 25 million Americans would need to be 'eliminated' because they couldn't be 'reeducated' in socialist ideals after the revolution and William Ayers, his wife or close associated Louis Farrakhan have never yet expressed the first word about changing their views. (neither have the loosly associated groups hamas or hezbollah or their patron Iran which has a national 'death to America' holiday.)

Your squeemishness aside, it is not only a comparison that should not be taboo but a comparison that should be made so we can have intelligent discussion without being bound to the confines of what political elites decide should be politically correct discussion.

BTW, still want to avoid discussion the popular public conception that islamists weren't heavily involved in the OKC bombing and the Clinton admin led by Eric Holder didn't cover up that aspect????

You brought it up!!!!
The comparison is about fiscal policies and is a fair comaprison.

Just a few of the other policies advocated by both Obama and Hitler; gun control, animal rights and the homosexual agenda.

Perhaps if the German people, along with the people of England, America and others, would have compared the socialist policies of Hitler with those of Lenin and Stalin in the late 1920s and 1930s, then the holocaust might not have been, even WWII itself might have been averted since it began with an agreement between Hitler and Stalin.

But no, we here in America were told by FDR that Uncle Joe Stalin was a swell guy and that collectivism in the USSR was going along just swimmingly, led by the NY Slimes newsrag, that isn't even fit for a parakeet to crap on, which won pulitzer prizes covering up the starvation genocide of between 8 and 12 million Ukrainians, we were told that socialism was the wave of the future, it was the way to world peace and the end of social injustice.

Obama and his crew of ivy leaguers who have never done anything except theorize, are spouting and enacting the same magic cures for all the ills of mankind and nothing could be farther from the truth. Obama and company are enacting FDR syled policies right and left and we know that led to extended economic depression and ultimately to war.

During the twentieth century in countries where governments have disarmed the citizens and then went on to kill, collectively, 50 million of their own citizens, do you think many of those people thought their own governments capable of such acts until it was too late??

Obama began his political carreer at a fund raiser at the home of his close friend and neighbor William Ayers.

According to the testimony of an undercover FBI agent, William Ayers thought that about 25 million Americans would need to be 'eliminated' because they couldn't be 'reeducated' in socialist ideals after the revolution and William Ayers, his wife or close associated Louis Farrakhan have never yet expressed the first word about changing their views. (neither have the loosly associated groups hamas or hezbollah or their patron Iran which has a national 'death to America' holiday.)

Your squeemishness aside, it is not only a comparison that should not be taboo but a comparison that should be made so we can have intelligent discussion without being bound to the confines of what political elites decide should be politically correct discussion.

BTW, still want to avoid discussion the popular public conception that islamists weren't heavily involved in the OKC bombing and the Clinton admin led by Eric Holder didn't cover up that aspect????

You brought it up!!!!

The only thing I "brought up" was the name Timothy McVeigh. I didn't bring up anything about islamists being involved. You brought that up so why would I want to have a discussion about something I didn't mention even once?

I guess you miss the part about me writing that what I said was "equally ridiculous", I know it was, that was my point.

You start this out by saying the "comparison is about fiscal policies and is a fair comaprison." That was the same thing I was trying to convey in that while people on this board are nothing like McVeigh and none of us would do something like blow up a federal building that you could find some similarities. Because of his involvement in the bombing (regardless of who was really behind it) makes him a poor example for comparison to anyone just like comparing Obama (even though similarities can be found with Hitler) is not the best comparison.

My statement was as simple as that.
No, and I apolgize for bringing up McVeigh. I was just trying to make a point that a person could easily make an unfair comparison. It's not that I care what you say about Obama, that's your right of opinion, I just think Hitler is such a piece of trash that no one should be compared to him. I'm not Jewish but I can't imagine what those people still go through and to see those images of bodies being piled up is probably the most disturbing thing I've ever seen.

I just wish Hitler was off limits to anyone in comparison weather it was Bush then or Obama now.

I don't believe that the billboard was nor am I saying that Barry is just completely like Hitler. Here is what I think the billboard said, that both are socialist and both are radical leaders. I happen to agree with both statements.
Okay, I looked around at some of the info on Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and Haslam's involvement with that is troubling for me. I haven't decided that I won't vote for him, I'm still looking at things, but there is a part of me that is so sick of getting suckered by moderates posing as conservatives.

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