Okay, I looked around at some of the info on Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and Haslam's involvement with that is troubling for me. I haven't decided that I won't vote for him, I'm still looking at things, but there is a part of me that is so sick of getting suckered by moderates posing as conservatives.
I guess my biggest problem with Ramsey is there is nothing about him that says "leader" IMO. To me he is just a politician. There is a difference between the two.
yeah, and I'm worried the R's haven't changed much and if they retake control will just revert to the same behavior. we need a complete overhaul of the GOP.
The Tea Party itself doesn't worry me, but some of the fringe of it does. I'm about 80-90% on board with their ideas. I'm just afraid of what it might become if certain voices become the loudest.
Please explain.
I agree with the basic underlying premise of the TP and it's economic values. As an group trying to push and teach conservative economic values, especially at the federal level, I have no problem with it. The people that I have met that are a part of it are very bright and very normal. No worries about the crazies from me.
My worry is that the TP is going to attempt to become too much of a political movement and that people are going to use it to gain power and the GOP becomes even more split that what it is now.
This is brief and somewhat rambling, but this is my general view of the TP and my concerns with it.
I kind of like the thought of the TP as a political movement, in that I hope we can use the popularity to try and push the GOP to get back to their fiscal conservatism. I don't consider myself a Republican, so if the TP pushes the RINOs out of the party I am fine with that idea. On the other hand, if regular people who call themselves conservative dems want to join the movement I would be happy to have them.
That's the nail in Haslam's coffin as far as I'm concerned.
Neither will Ramsey or Wamp.
Plus Huckabee drinks the global warming kool aid.
That is just a really stupid ignorant remark on so many levels.
For one thing McVeigh was a stupid jerk who was drawn into a plot in which he was always intended to be the lilly white fall guy.
Terry Nichols made several trips and hundreds of phone calls to the Philippines where he was in contact with islamic terrorists and where he learned his bomb making skills.
An Islamic terrorist group took credit for the bomb and it's leader said just that to FBI agents.
The Clinton administration through Janet Reno and Eric Holder went to great lengths to cover the tracks of several John Does who were described as middle eastern men and were most likely intelligence agents of one or more islamic countries. One of the John Does who exited the Ryder truck when it was parked in front of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City was described by eye witnesses as appearing to be of middle eastern descent.