War in Ukraine

Well, I can't say I'm not a stupid white person, I can say I stopped listening to stupid white people. Luckily I made some wise choice and got out when I could, I could have been one of those stupid dead white people over there.

White people look like they are on a suicide mission to me.

Your obsession with white people is odd to say the least.
I never called anyone mentally ill. That is a tactic you and your pals often use. I usually try and use some form of professionalism and respect in my posts.
I meant that you are claiming that posters here are Ukrainian bots, but of course you don’t really believe that
Maybe Europe should go to Putin and 3elensky and sue for peace instead of throwing more weapons and sanctions at the problem, because obviously that isn't working. Leave the Americans and Brits out of the negotiations.

Just noticed the person tweeting this has the Ukraine flag emoji. I wonder if they will connect the dots...
You know who else has a Ukraine flag on their profile? Richard Spencer. No surprise there of course.
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Well people are on repeat A LOT in this thread. Saying the same things over and over and over. Just saying.

Basically, for some reason there is still a few people that haven't figured out the United States really isn't good at this stuff. Apparently, they also don't like it when other countries are taking military action without the United States. The whole thing is strange. I haven't figured out why they are so invested.

I say let'em fight. Let them (Ukraine and Russia, well, at this point Europe is now a target) figure it out.

What's wrong with that?

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Well, I can't say I'm not a stupid white person, I can say I stopped listening to stupid white people. Luckily I made some wise choice and got out when I could, I could have been one of those stupid dead white people over there.

White people look like they are on a suicide mission to me.
I don't know if you can just walk away from being stupid or white. You can do something about ignorance but I'm afraid being stupid or white is a lifetime proposition.
I don't know if you can just walk away from being stupid or white. You can do something about ignorance but I'm afraid being stupid or white is a lifetime proposition.

I believe I walked away from stupid, or at least listening to stupid people. I would probably be dead already if not. Being white isn't going to change.

I believe I walked away from stupid, or at least listening to stupid people. I would probably be dead already if not. Being white isn't going to change.

Oh “enlightened” is clearly the first thing that comes to mind when I read your posts Shemp 😂🤡

PS: Momma was talkin’ ‘bout you.
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I think he thought that really hurt my feelings or something. I don't get the ignore thing. I disagree with many on this board but have never put anyone on ignore no matter how much I disagree with them. What a weird dude lol
Oh this clueless rube absolutely believes banishing us from interacting with him and just ridiculing his racism and ignorance in peace hurts our feelings 😂
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I will just mention that after 9/11, one of the very first things that George Bush said was that we would NOT stay around for 20 years to occupy the middle east. This was at a presser before we actually attacked. And I don't think you can have that attitude, but I realize the public doesn't go along with the forever occupiers attitude. There's no good way to do it. I was very discouraged by that, some 21 years ago almost.

I always tell people, we occupy Germany and Japan TODAY. They can argue, but it's important to give them enough shock to consider exactly what are we doing TODAY 75 years after world war 2. If people at least try to figure out where the USA military is stationed overseas right now, they can at least try to guess why. Nation building is really pretty much impossible. You can never be sure. Human nature is always out to get you. It's not because somebody is a republican and somebody else is a democrat, either. That kind of means to explain it is truly only satisfying for idiots.

Agree on nation building, except following total war.

Our bases in Germany and Japan are, in fact, points of strength, not weakness.

We are, of course, still the 800 lb gorilla.
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From CNN:

The US believes that Russia is facing "severe" shortages of military personnel in Ukraine and is seeking new ways to beef up its troop levels, two US officials told CNN.

"The Russian military is suffering from severe manning shortages in Ukraine. We believe that the Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) is seeking to recruit contract service members to make up for these personnel shortages, including by compelling wounded soldiers to reenter combat, acquiring personnel from private security companies, and paying bonuses to conscripts," a US official told CNN.​
FWIW. Probably BS. Also, doubles as a peyronie's ad.

Map of Kherson by Rybar (Рыбарь) Russian propaganda TG channel.

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