War in Ukraine


We defeated the British on the battlefield. Cornwallis surrendered his forces to the Colonials at Yorktown. He was defeated previously by the Colonial Army at the battle of Cowpens. Now, tell me what specific battles did the Taliban defeat us in? We took their country on the battlefield with ease....then left at our own accord. They aren't good enough to defeat us in a pitched battle. Never happened.

The Red Coats went back saying the Americans didn't fight right. Its all a battlefield, the Americans lost in Afghanistan. Saying you "could" do this or "could've" done that is loser speak.

The Red Coats could have done a bunch of things, the American in Afghanistan couldn't take the heat, instead of getting on their sailboats they got on the C-17s.

Delusional. Next insane thing, the United States won the Vietnam War.
The Red Coats went back saying the Americans didn't fight right. Its all a battlefield, the Americans lost in Afghanistan. Saying you "could" do this or "could've" done that is loser speak.

The Red Coats could have done a bunch of things, the American in Afghanistan couldn't take the heat, instead of getting on their sailboats they got on the C-17s.

Delusional. Next insane thing, the United States won the Vietnam War.

Once again, you are looking at this totally differently than I do. It's not all a battle field.
Once again, you are looking at this totally differently than I do. It's not all a battle field.

Winning in a war is somewhat subjective, however you can lose battles and still win the war. Objectives and failure to complete objectives are a key point. If your objectives suck, and or your strategy sucks... whether you win a battle is mostly irrelevant.

Champions for Life -Afghanistan Edition

I would say the objectives of Osama that we knew about were completed even after his death. I never had doubt of the outcome, obvious observation ie rinse and repeat of other failures.
The Red Coats went back saying the Americans didn't fight right. Its all a battlefield, the Americans lost in Afghanistan. Saying you "could" do this or "could've" done that is loser speak.

The Red Coats could have done a bunch of things, the American in Afghanistan couldn't take the heat, instead of getting on their sailboats they got on the C-17s.

Delusional. Next insane thing, the United States won the Vietnam War.
Nobody is saying we won the Vietnam War or Afghan War. We are simply ridiculing your attempts to to compare Russia’s military failures in Ukraine to our failed attempts at Nation building.
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Nobody is saying we won the Vietnam War or Afghan War. We are simply ridiculing your attempts to to compare Russia’s military failures in Ukraine to our failed attempts at Nation building.

Yes, he was saying that, he were coming up with wordsmith like "battlefield", and ****. No major goals were really accomplished, all the resources/money were wasted, soldiers died or got injured, citizens were killed and left behind. And probably the worst part.... the stupid white guys left behind huge weapons and infrastructure to terrorist organizations.... what was the goal of the operation? Give terrorist groups control of the country and huge amounts of weapons. The United States gave the groups they were trying to get rid of the country within what 24 hours? They couldn't do that for a decade prior to the United States getting there. :D Its almost like the United States ****s everything up every time.

As far as the Ukraine, it seems to me from the comments made by the Russians/Putin is that they need to destroy the capability of the military there. Once Ukraine failed to surrender and the West continued to interfere, they escalated the objective to include taking land in the East IF POSSIBLE based off whether there was major support for Russians and Russian control. So, the operation continues. You and these other dumb white guys on the forum think its losing if soldiers die, if their objectives are met... they win.

Are they done? NO.
Are they well on their way to making that a parking lot? Absolutely.
Are they taking heavy losses? Looks like it to me.
So What?

As they said the other day, they will continue the operation to keep it going. The war is moving to Germany (Europe) i.e. economic war. There is no telling if their current strategy will work, but it certainly is causing heavy economic tolls in Europe.... much more in dollar terms than the fighting in the Ukraine.

The amount of dead bodies does not matter or blown up tanks, if they reach their objective of surrender or in the alternative blow the rest of the country up. This isn't some stupid nation building bs you stupid white boys die over. Those are objectives of stupid white boy since the crusades.

The Ukraine has no realistic way of stopping Russia from completing its objective, they lost. The escalation will continue but Russia will get what it wants there. Whether they make headway against Europe in economics is a bigger unknown, but there is little risk for them at this stage. Ukraine has about as much chance of winning as the United States has in all these other military conflict, pretty close to ****ing zero. Russia has realistic and obtainable goals.... wreck the place. <----

The war is now on the first line of proxy participants, I do not know how that will turn out. We'll see. At the end of the day, to me this is all getting escalated to RESET if adults don't get back in charge.

All of this was easily avoidable. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes... you would have thought foreigners would have known not to trust the Americans by now, don't trust whitey. Proof stupid people come in all colors.
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Let him spin. West week, Russia strong!

"I currently pay £126 a month gas and electricity combined. Live alone. How the actual **** can THIS be right? And I’m in a reasonable job. But I just can’t afford this. No ****ing way."

Stupid white guy in full on denial of reality, the stupid ****ing white nazis are just waking up to it. I wonder if that person has trees to cut down for winter, maybe he can go to poland and get some coal.

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"I currently pay £126 a month gas and electricity combined. Live alone. How the actual **** can THIS be right? And I’m in a reasonable job. But I just can’t afford this. No ****ing way."

Stupid white guy in full on denial of reality, the stupid ****ing white nazis are just waking up to it. I wonder if that person has trees to cut down for winter, maybe he can to poland and get some coal.
Fortunately Russia has its ally Syria to rely on to get them through their much harder times.
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Fortunately Russia has its ally Syria to rely on to get them through their much harder times.

War is about risk/reward... prices are always paid. You hope to gain more than you lose, obviously. The decisions has been made now to stop bigger losses in the future if they would have waited. To me it looks like they couldn't wait further but I guess that could be a debate. At the end of the day its not our business, matter of fact, the United States is just making it worse as always and escalating something that clearly isn't our business.

If this continues to escalate to global reset, Russia is in a good position... Asia is not going to be able to feed 4 billion people. Lots of the 7+ billion are going to have to go including here. Whether we like this global player or that global player, its immaterial.... this appears to be heading that direction.

Europe is where the war is now. We'll have to see how it plays out, Ukraine is meaningless... it will probably all be turned into a parking lot. I seriously doubt modern civilization runs on expensive energy. Europe is only now starting to get the bills.

"My mum owns a small café in Leicester. Her electricity bill has just jumped from £10k ($12k) a year to £55k ($64k) a year. She is working out her options but more than likely she will be forced to close."

More stupid white people.
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So you are serious? You think that guy established an account on a primarily a sports board and has been posting for a decade.... set the account up to get paid by the Russians to spread propaganda?

I was wrong, that isn't delusional, that's mental illness.

You are really going to be upset that donjo said the same thing about other posters here. But mental illness and all
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Right, I am talking about a tactical defeat. It was our choice, and our choice alone to lose the conflict in general. Didn't have to happen that way.
Tactical victories dont really matter if they dont help accomplish strategic goals. It's that type of thinking that has involved in every pit of vipers and nothing good ever comes of it. If we dont have real, achievable strategic goals for the military, we shouldnt be there. We made afghanistan a no win situation for ourselves.
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The Red Coats went back saying the Americans didn't fight right. Its all a battlefield, the Americans lost in Afghanistan. Saying you "could" do this or "could've" done that is loser speak.

The Red Coats could have done a bunch of things, the American in Afghanistan couldn't take the heat, instead of getting on their sailboats they got on the C-17s.

Delusional. Next insane thing, the United States won the Vietnam War.
What.......? There are no comparisons between Afghanistan and the Revolutionary War. We done exactly what we wanted to when we wanted.Don't get it twisted.

Even our exit happened on our terms. Was it a shat show? Sure, but it wasn't like we couldn't have squashed anyone we wanted on the way out. Biden was willing for that to happen just to be done with it..

Also, Vietnam wasn't a war. You fight a war to win. We would capture territory, give it back, take it, give it back ect.... It was a political exercise in futility.
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I seriously doubt I'm upset at all. :D All of this is great entertainment. I get to watch a bunch of stupid white people debate how other stupid or greedy white people send them to their deaths.

There is absolutely nothing I can do about any of this, stupid white people look like they are on a suicide mission. I'm just observing.
What.......? There are no comparisons between Afghanistan and the Revolutionary War. We done exactly what we wanted to when we wanted.Don't get it twisted.

Even our exit happened on our terms. Was it a shat show? Sure, but it wasn't like we couldn't have squashed anyone we wanted on the way out. Biden was willing for that to happen just to be done with it..

Also, Vietnam wasn't a war. You fight a war to win. We would capture territory, give it back, take it, give it back ect.... It was a political exercise in futility.

Winning wars is not about exiting under your terms, its about completing objectives.

Also, Vietnam wasn't a war. You fight a war to win. We would capture territory, give it back, take it, give it back ect.... It was a political exercise in futility.

Oh, you can lose wars by not have realistic objectives or having a failed or no strategy to complete the objectives. That's called losing.

We're back to the, I "could have" won the war, I just "didn't want to" win the war. LOL

Kramer Bets Jerry - Seinfeld

That is Champions of Life material.
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You guys, what if darth putin is the real pootin? Don't forget he and the kremlin are all in social media. You may bump into him from time to time.
Putin Price Hike in full effect

Maybe Europe should go to Putin and 3elensky and sue for peace instead of throwing more weapons and sanctions at the problem, because obviously that isn't working. Leave the Americans and Brits out of the negotiations.

Just noticed the person tweeting this has the Ukraine flag emoji. I wonder if they will connect the dots...

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