War in Ukraine

I’m surprised you didn’t add a few “white people”’s to your word salad. I said early on in this thread that this is Europe’s problem. But I still chuckle at all the Putin apologists claiming Russia’s 3-day special military operation is a master class in battlefield tactics.
It should have been over in less than a week had the Kyiv Regime been wise and started to go to the negotiating table. But their handlers in DC and London was assuring them that NATO was going to back them to the last Ukrainian.

In retrospect, the Ukrainians should have capitulated quickly.
You can call it nuclear blackmail, or call it nuclear weapons being used as a deterent. No different than what the North Koreans are using them for... and likely what Iran would use them for is they ever got a hold of them. And for that matter... going off of comments seen in here over the last 6+ months, what Ukraine would have (allegedly) done had nukes still been in their "possession".
Theres a fundamental difference in holding your nuclear weapons over someone's head who might otherwise invade you, or using your possession of nuclear weapons to invade other nations with inpugnity.
Which Russia will also eventually lose once China realizes that the Russians aren’t rich enough as a nation to be a reliable trading partner. Russia also doesn’t produce any intellectual property that the Chinese want to “appropriate”. Putin is just a chew toy to the ChiComs and once he’s served his purpose, he’ll be discarded.
Russia has all the commodities that China needs. China is not looking to Russia for finished products. I don't think you understand the trade relationship that Russia has right now with India and China. Russia is simply commodities rich. You know... the sh^t you actually need to eat and heat. China takes those commodities and either feeds and heats their people or has a manufacturing base to where they can export finished products. India mainly needs Russia for eating and heating. It is a perfect relationship for all involved. It should be clear by now that Russia has enough to easily provide for the needs of 2.2 billion people or about 20% of humanity right now. All the sour grapes and haterade you want to throw in Russia's direction doesn't matter. Facts over feelings. Russia is a great trading partner.
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I would say the war was over in about a hour or so, once they were able to get some cushion. It was over. What goes on now is just the equivalent of watching two ant piles fight it out. Basically immaterial to the world whether they are bombing for 3 days or 3 decades.

War is now economic in Europe.

I'm sure they'll be every bit as successful as they are in Ukraine. 🤡🤡🤡 (Emojis on loan from Dallas)
They did that for 2 reasons:
1. To protect the Russian people that were living in the Donbas that had been attacked over the last 8 years (no different than what the United States did with Americans in Texas)
2. To remove assets of a belligerent government that is on their border and being used as a proxy for NATO (no different than what the United States would do if the CCP or Russian Federation would have set up military facilities in Mexico or Cuba)
Theres a fundamental difference in holding your nuclear weapons over someone's head who might otherwise invade you, or using your possession of nuclear weapons to invade other nations with inpugnity.
Russia held their water for 8 years over this Donbas situation hoping that the Europeans (mainly Germany and France) would simply implement a peace deal. You act as though Russia and Putin made this move on a hair trigger. Also, for over two decades, but in particular since the 2008 Georgia campaign, Russia has tried to get NATO to come together for a mutually beneficial security agreement for Europe.

"Russians are slow to saddle, but quick to ride" OTTO VON BISMARCK

Hell, even in Syria after the Turks shot down a Russia jet and the Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated, you didn't see the Russians/Putin move to retaliate. You all need to stop the cap/stop lying about Russia just knee jerking into these decision and acting like there was no justification for what they did, when you know good and gotd*mn well that had the United States been in any of these situations, we would have came in with guns blazing off the top.
The hypocrisy... not whatabout.

If you don't condemn those other acts, then you are in no position to say sh^t about Russia right now.
It’s absolutely whataboutism and no amount of your protesting can change that Moe. Your trailer park trash gas station masquerading as a country full on crapped the bed and is paying for their stupidity and no amount of your water carrying can change any opinion otherwise.
It’s absolutely whataboutism and no amount of your protesting can change that Moe. Your trailer park trash gas station masquerading as a country full on crapped the bed and is paying for their stupidity and no amount of your water carrying can change any opinion otherwise.
How are they paying for it?
Russia held their water for 8 years over this Donbas situation hoping that the Europeans (mainly Germany and France) would simply implement a peace deal. You act as though Russia and Putin made this move on a hair trigger. Also, for over two decades, but in particular since the 2008 Georgia campaign, Russia has tried to get NATO to come together for a mutually beneficial security agreement for Europe.

"Russians are slow to saddle, but quick to ride" OTTO VON BISMARCK

Hell, even in Syria after the Turks shot down a Russia jet and the Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated, you didn't see the Russians/Putin move to retaliate. You all need to stop the cap/stop lying about Russia just knee jerking into these decision and acting like there was no justification for what they did, when you know good and gotd*mn well that had the United States been in any of these situations, we would have came in with guns blazing off the top.
Violence in the donbass was Putin's choice. He made that happen because he'd been outmaneuvered. We can argue if we should have stayed out of it in the first place, and I think we should have..but russian speakers dying is a direct consequence of Putin's actions there.
Violence in the donbass was Putin's choice. He made that happen because he'd been outmaneuvered. We can argue if we should have stayed out of it in the first place, and I think we should have..but russian speakers dying is a direct consequence of Putin's actions there.
How was that Putin's choice? Putin didn't overthrow Yanuckovich in 2014 and pizz off the people in that region that had voted for him. Are you serious right now? Its no different than what you see right now here in America. A certain segment of the population "feel" as though the election in 2020 was stolen and don't consider Biden legitimate. Well hell... forget "feel", the people in the east and south of Ukraine actually had the guy they elected overthrown with the help of foreign powers. So of course they are going to think the Kyiv regime is illegitimate and not want to be governed by them, That is understandable and basic human nature. That had nothing to do with Putin.
You can call it nuclear blackmail, or call it nuclear weapons being used as a deterent. No different than what the North Koreans are using them for... and likely what Iran would use them for is they ever got a hold of them. And for that matter... going off of comments seen in here over the last 6+ months, what Ukraine would have (allegedly) done had nukes still been in their "possession".
The real question what would Putin have done if Ukraine had nukes.
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If you believed that, you would be just as critical of Russia NOW as you are of the US THEN.
Russia is justified in their invasion to address the killing of Russian people in Donbas and protecting their sphere of influence with a neighboring country.

Tell me why the United States had ANY reason to be in Kosovo (halfway around the world and none of our business) and Northeast Syria (halfway around the world and none of our business)?

The United States has the far weaker hand because there is no immediate threat or benefit to the average American by us getting involved in Kosovo or Syria.
Russia is justified in their invasion to address the killing of Russian people in Donbas and protecting their sphere of influence with a neighboring country.

Tell me why the United States had ANY reason to be in Kosovo (halfway around the world and none of our business) and Northeast Syria (halfway around the world and none of our business)?

The United States has the far weaker hand because there is no immediate threat or benefit to the average American by us getting involved in Kosovo or Syria.
I rest my case.

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