War in Ukraine

They're not here to discuss or provide information. If you're not 100% on board with the mentality ill, obviously you're a Russian troll. :D The best is being called a Russian troll by a Russian who is telling the Ukrainians to fight to the death. LOL

(For the most part, I don't even engage in the actual tactics part of this as I think its moot.)
I must have missed this. Who is Russian?
And again, the catalyst for Donbas wanting to break away was the 2014 coup. How was that Russia's fault?

Non sequitur.

So by your own admission, Donbas purportedly "wanting to break away" is a Ukrainian *internal* issue within a sovereign country.

Russia invading Ukraine under such flawed pretense is akin to, say, Mexico invading and occupying the South during our Civil War.
Non sequitur.

So by your own admission, Donbas "wanting to break awsy" is a Ukrainian internal issue. Russia invading Ukraine under such flawed pretense is akin to, say, Mexico invading and occupying the South during our Civil War.
Not when you have Russian people being attacked and the threat of NATO moving in military assets to your border... not to mention the potential loss of their Crimean port to a hostile regime in Kyiv. All of these things played a factor. You know this, but chose to ignore the justifications knowing good and damn well that we would behave in the same manner (likely in a far worse/more destructive manner) if the US saw similar threats emerge in Mexico or Cuba. Hell, you got people here that want to take military action on countries like Nicaragua, Venezuela and Equatorial Guinea (in Africa) for getting to close and cozy with China and Russia.
Not when you have Russian people being attacked and the threat of NATO moving in military assets to your border... not to mention the potential loss of their Crimean port to a hostile regime in Kyiv. All of these things played a factor. You know this, but chose to ignore the justifications knowing good and damn well that we would behave in the same manner (likely in a far worse/more destructive manner) if the US saw similar threats emerge in Mexico or Cuba. Hell, you got people here that want to take military action on countries like Nicaragua, Venezuela and Equatorial Guinea (in Africa) for getting to close and cozy with China and Russia.

“Read my lips: Without gas or without you? Without you. Without light or without you? Without you. Without water or without you? Without you. Without food or without you? Without you.”
“Cold, hunger, darkness and thirst are not as scary and deadly for us as your ‘friendship and brotherhood,'’ Zelensky added. "But history will put everything in its place. And we will be with gas, light, water and food ... and WITHOUT you!”
They were only sovereign up to the point of agreements. Kind of like how the United States is still in Cuba. LOL The Ukraine agreed to be the nuke capital of the world 30 years ago if it came to that.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes is the Ukrainian people. There is no win for them.

You guys can get mad, but at the end of the day... nothing of real value is going to change. Immaterial details.

None of you guys are a party to this, why so emotional? Its not really any of our business.

Let'em fight, but at the end of the day its hard to envision any real victory for the Ukraine.

The war is now onto Europe. It doesn't look like they can even stomach an economic war but we'll see how that one plays out.
Claims everyone else is emotional. But uses bolded and underlined texts, keeps repeating himself, and takes major offense at any type of argument, while completely avoiding using logic to rely on sound bites.
Claims everyone else is emotional. But uses bolded and underlined texts, keeps repeating himself, and takes major offense at any type of argument, while completely avoiding using logic to rely on sound bites.
This guy has been wrong and overly sensitive in every thread he has ever posted in. It's crazy he doesn't realize why he has no credibility
The Russian intellects here can't seem to decide if the Ukrainian people should be freed from Nazism, or destroyed for being enemy servants of the US.

Imagine being dumb enough to ever believe that this was about "Russian brothers and sisters being persecuted." The guy throws opposition out of windows, poisons them, and jails those who speak out. Such a lover of the Russian people Putin is. Some of theses people need serious help.
How was that Putin's choice? Putin didn't overthrow Yanuckovich in 2014 and pizz off the people in that region that had voted for him. Are you serious right now? Its no different than what you see right now here in America. A certain segment of the population "feel" as though the election in 2020 was stolen and don't consider Biden legitimate. Well hell... forget "feel", the people in the east and south of Ukraine actually had the guy they elected overthrown with the help of foreign powers. So of course they are going to think the Kyiv regime is illegitimate and not want to be governed by them, That is understandable and basic human nature. That had nothing to do with Putin.
Yanukovich was bought by Russia. He ran on a pro Western campaign. Russia also flooded the Donbas with military equipment before any of the fighting started.

The Ukrainian President's Big Broken Promise

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