Not when you have Russian people being attacked and the threat of NATO moving in military assets to your border... not to mention the potential loss of their Crimean port to a hostile regime in Kyiv. All of these things played a factor. You know this, but chose to ignore the justifications knowing good and damn well that we would behave in the same manner (likely in a far worse/more destructive manner) if the US saw similar threats emerge in Mexico or Cuba. Hell, you got people here that want to take military action on countries like Nicaragua, Venezuela and Equatorial Guinea (in Africa) for getting to close and cozy with China and Russia.
1. They were attacked because they at best rebelled and at worst actively helped the Russians invade sovereign Ukrainian territory.
2a. NATO already had assets on the Russian border.
2b. Ukraine tried to join NATO in 2002 and was no where closer to really joining, just like Finland and Sweden.
2c. Unlike Russia NATO doesnt need ukraine to place assets to reach its enemies
3. This argument still makes no sense, because the russians apparently fear NATO on Russian borders, but doesnt fear Russia on NATO borders.
4. It further flies in the face of the supposed nonchalantedness of the acceptance of Finalnd joining NATO. So does it matter about NATO or not?
5. As history has always shown a war fought to avoid future war always fails, never achieved its goal, causes destabilization and future conflicts. Something the Russians didnt learn.
6. That Crimean port was never under threat. That was just Russian fesr mongering, like Ukraine joining NATO. It's technically possible, but not probably and nothing was going on to threaten it.
7. Mexico and Canada have both removed/limited certain ports from our military shipping. Same with airports. We havent invaded them. Similar issues are arising in the Artic Ocean on Canadas border, and the US isnt doing anything to limit or control Canada's sovereignty over that water way. And the Artic is far more economically important than the back water Black Sea. Just ask the russians they know about the Artic.
8. I havent seen anyone arguing to invade those countries on this Forum. And really the only thing I have seen even discussed is that those countries are going to get hosed just like the Sri Lankans.