I'm just going to leave this out here, as I believe it relates not only of the state of this union but the perception of the United States/Europe abroad.
In the mid-80s, a family (Bush family) used major U.S. assets including military and CIA planes, personnel, airports, bank accounts, etc to move drugs into the United States from Central America. Much of the drugs were delivered to Arkansas where future President Clinton was governor, but many of the drugs were distributed in other places like Scott AFB Illinois. The drugs were dropped off on one side of the flight line and than were moved out the back gate which than were transport for further distribution in East St. Louis. At this same time, ole Ronnie was giving his prep talks about no drugs and putting black drug dealers in jail for the drugs his administration was moving into the country. The family than used the money to procure illegal firearms using US assets to move them back to Central America.... all in the name of "freedom". It would be hard to imagine the number of counts in a federal indictment on all this.... besides being treasonous.
How is this even possible? Why is nobody in jail even today? Why are people not on the other end of a rope?
That same family was responsible either directly or indirectly with invasions of Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Libya and Afghanistan. That family during this time had members that were Vice President (1980-1988) or President (1988-1992, 2000-2008).
And if you think that **** quit when that family left are really living in the dream, see Hillary Clinton e-mails. The reason they are all good ole pals is they are in the same gang, and you ain't a member.
The reason why Gulf I happened Iraqi said was because of Panama, everyone seemed to think invasions were cool. The reason Gulf II and Afghanistan needed to happen is Congress figured out the U.S. couldn't really win a war with Russia in Eastern Europe, see Congressional Record. The defense contracts had to keep going... where to use all the new weapon systems? The rest of the nonsense like Syria, Libya, ISIS, Yemen, etc. is just nonsense to kill people so that the defense contractors can make money.... and the United States can keep everyone down. And the people in charge get a cut.
I think one has to keep this in mind when dealing with foreign military matters as the United State's track record is a train wreck, rushing to judgement because the U.S. says so... has constantly ended in disaster. Letting others figure out their own situation and problems might be best.
Its just something to think about as history in the last 25-50 years has shown that the facts, and conclusions end up being completely different than what the United States claims.