War in Ukraine

Yhey already have air superiority in Ukraine, I did not stutter,

Else they would have bombed the hell out of that 40 mile long caravan outside of Kyiv in March.

I've got news for you, neither country has air superiority. Anytime either side put a plane of chopper in the air they fly in real fear of being knocked out of the sky by an AA missile.
Should I replace my avatar with some Western leader instead? Or how about 3elensky on my avi?

I've never had a picture. If you want to do one, how about a pic of something related to the Vols? Just a suggestion.

Not bashing you here, but are you from Russia originally, or did your parents immigrate from there? Just trying to understand the user name, avi, and deep love for the commies.
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So some are still sticking to the it's going as planned. Wow.

I would say that is why they are there. The biggest mistake was not keep going in 2014, in hindsight. Russia will have to clear the place one way or another now.

The real war now is in Europe, economic.

Global recession is just starting, and Europe will be facing a double whammy with huge input costs i.e. energy. (We'll see how it turns out.)

If the U.S. doesn't start de-escalating around the world with their nonsense, I would say we're on the path to global reset.
Such a beautiful thing to see. While the West is plotting war, the rest of the world is coming together peacefully to cut economic deals. No "cancel culture". No "58 genders". Just countries getting to gather for mutual benefit in Samarkand for Eurasian business.

Lol if you have to include the qualifier "even journalists" that doesnt spark great hope.
The initial surge on Kyiv was definitely meant to pressure 3elensky to surrender quickly. But once that didn't happen, it became a move to have Kyiv keep troops tied up in Kyiv instead of going to Donbas. That is a tactical feint how ever way you slice it. There is no way in anyone's playbook that 40k troops was ever supposed to take over a city the size of Kyiv without having a 3:1 advantage.
That is exactly the argument you guys have made elsewhere, especially with Mauripol. You have been bragging up all of Russia's gains despite being outnumbered all over the place. But now suddenly they cant do anything without a numerical advantage, lol.

And how is a push to make someone fold quickly, with almost 1/3 of your total forces, a feint?
One hour later...

That sums up you guys hypocrisy and outrage about Russia in this conflict. You scream bloody murder about Russia, yet are too dumb or too biased to realize that the US has done the same or far worse.
Except it was literally the same guy admitting we did it, and it was wrong. So clearly you dont know what the eff you are talking about.

What the eff point do you think you are making?
Meanwhile in Samarkand, the real New World Order is cutting business deals and establishing new security agreements outside of the EU and NATO. While we spend billions on weapons and war, they are spending billions on infrastructure projects and trade.

View attachment 490408

Iran to join Asian security body led by Russia, China
Yay Globalism!

Just like the socialists here. You complain about Globalism when it's the otherside, but when it's your chance for Globalism it's the best thing ever.
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Yay Globalism!

Just like the socialists here. You complain about Globalism when it's the otherside, but when it's your chance for Globalism it's the best thing ever.

They are trying to form groups as the United States has the financial stick which means they control the battlefield without being there. Globalization is going to be going in reverse and rapidly at some point. Everyone will pay the price.

Its looks like the U.S. has every intention of continuing the escalation game until reset, but China could just call it anytime they want.

Europe isn't going to make it and a good portion of the United States probably won't i.e. inner cities. Asia will be hit hard as there is no way for them to feed 4 billion without a global credit system.
They are trying to form groups as the United States has the financial stick which means they control the battlefield without being there. Globalization is going to be going in reverse and rapidly at some point.

Everyone will pay the price.
Well good luck replacing the US.
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Well good luck replacing the US.

I don't know what that means, the United States will just be another country at that point... as the global banking will never come back. The U.S. will collapse with the rest. Modern civilizations run off cheap credit, and cheap energy.... now globalization is needed. If/when the U.S. dollar is no longer recognized as the reserve currency of the world... all of that will disappear very quickly.

The only thing that would really happen is exposing the lie, the lie is what provides us with modern civilizations. But all lies come to an end. Russia didn't do anything to Europe.... Europe just exposed its own lies.

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drones that move at speeds undetectable by the human eye? They had to slow that way down to be observed.
So that was a nighttime image. Cameras run at a very high integration time due to low ambient light. If the target were really moving as fast as you claim it would leave a streak in the scene. I saw no such evidence of a fast moving target in that scene. As louder said likely drones.
Yhey already have air superiority in Ukraine, I did not stutter,

Else they would have bombed the hell out of that 40 mile long caravan outside of Kyiv in March.
Russia? No they absolutely do not. If they did they would have been able to take over the country in 3 weeks (never was gonna be 3 days silly Ivans).

When you have air superiority you can move about the country with almost unfettered impunity. Russia can't even retreat without getting shellacked by the Ukranians.

Again, Russia wants to be like the USA when it comes to fighting but because of their widespread corruption, unmodern military (equipment, tactics, training, etc) and general "being Russian" that will never happen.
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It's not just slowing down the speed of the image. They are doing some kind of special video trickery to observe it. something to do with hertz.
No, he had far better grounds to get involved. Hell, at the very least, he needed to get involved to avoid a potential refugee crisis or some other instability on the border. And again, you show that you DGAF about the lives of the 14k-15k Russian lives lost over the last 8 years because you continue to ignore that part of the equation.

The Alamo

You know this to be false because I provided the data to you six months ago in post #22,222. Why do you outright lie about it now?
If you want to be stupid about Putin, that's your business. Lying to do it makes you repugnant.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights unveiled the data on Donbas war casualties from 14 April 2014 to 30 June 2021.

“The total number of casualties related to the conflict in Ukraine is 42,500-44,500 people,” the Office said in response to an information inquiry from Radio Liberty.

The casualties are categorised as follows:

  • 13,200–13,400 people killed (at least 3,901 civilians, about 4,200 Ukrainian servicepersons, and about 5,800 Russian-backed militants)
  • 29,600–33,600 people wounded (7,000–9,000 civilians, 9,800–10,800 members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and 12,800–13,800 occupiers)
In general, over the years of the war, civilians have accounted for 25-26% of the killed and wounded.

The UN also notes that this ratio has changed significantly over the years: from 33-34% in 2014 to 4-5% in 2019-2021.

As a reminder, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights reported 42,000-44,000 casualties in Donbas for the period from 14 April 2014 to 10 February 2020.

Bohdan Marusyak
UN Releases Data on Donbas War Casualties

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Last time I checked, the US is the only country with a Constitution that is supposed to grant the people all of these rights. I just want this country to live up to its founding documents. What goes on in other countries and how they run their business is not my concern.
Lmao you said you would vote for Putin as your leader knowing his is a fascist dictator who kills innocent people. Hypocrite
drones that move at speeds undetectable by the human eye? They had to slow that way down to be observed.
Do you have the full speed version? My understanding is that drones can get up to several hundred miles per hour. The bigger UAVs are getting to the point of breaking the sound barrier. but you would see that sonic boom if it was happening, so I am not belieiving the object in that video was moving THAT fast.
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Lmao you said you would vote for Putin as your leader knowing his is a fascist dictator who kills innocent people. Hypocrite

You can basically say that about any leader today and be right.

We're in a very strange place where Erdogan is the face of reason, and I think he is batshit crazy. LOL

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