War in Ukraine

Coalition of the willing

It's pretty genius if you think about it. Fixing two problems, getting rid of the homeless and convicts without having to sacrifice 'good' manpower. It's not like Russia is going to spend any money to feed, outfit of train these dregs of society anyway. He knows they aren't coming home.
It's pretty genius if you think about it. Fixing two problems, getting rid of the homeless and convicts without having to sacrifice 'good' manpower. It's not like Russia is going to spend any money to feed, outfit of train these dregs of society anyway. He knows they aren't coming home.
Being sent to Ukraine is 2022's version of being sent to a Siberian work camp.
It's pretty genius if you think about it. Fixing two problems, getting rid of the homeless and convicts without having to sacrifice 'good' manpower. It's not like Russia is going to spend any money to feed, outfit of train these dregs of society anyway. He knows they aren't coming home.
I’m wondering how many just swap sides once they get to Ukraine. Well until they get a chance to bolt.
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Being sent to Ukraine is 2022's version of being sent to a Siberian work camp.

I mean, why doesn't he just promise them everything? They ain't coming home.

I’m wondering how many just swap sides once they get to Ukraine. Well until they get a chance to bolt.

You would think that Ukraine has a psyops campaign in place to try and get the current ruskies to defect. Haven't' heard anything about it though.
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I noticed the lack of legal justification also. From another perspective, Russia has taken over a lot of Western owned facilities and equipment from companies that walked away from investments in Russia. I wonder how that nets out.
Yeah, not sure how they play that out going forward. Abandoned by the owner is one thing. Seized while in operation is another.
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Looks about what most people would expect from those idiots. Here is a US breaching vehicle at work.

Guessing (hoping) that high pitched whine is from gears for the tracks or the turbo? And not the diesel engines right? I fight a constant battle fussing at guys who hop on the 4 wheel drive 10k forklifts at work and try to floor them everywhere they go or while raising a load up ....diesel engines make huge torque at lower RPMs and just don't need to be run at high RPM like a gas engine. It tears them up to run them like that. Seems like on those tanks it is gear whine. Hope so anyway.
Guessing (hoping) that high pitched whine is from gears for the tracks or the turbo? And not the diesel engines right? I fight a constant battle fussing at guys who hop on the 4 wheel drive 10k forklifts at work and try to floor them everywhere they go or while raising a load up ....diesel engines make huge torque at lower RPMs and just don't need to be run at high RPM like a gas engine. It tears them up to run them like that. Seems like on those tanks it is gear whine. Hope so anyway.
The M-1 has a turbine engine. Basically a jet engine. That is the whine.
The M-1 has a turbine engine. Basically a jet engine. That is the whine.

Thanks ND. I thought they were just (still?) Big turbo diesels. Very cool. More like big helicopter or jet turbines. So badazz. I have to threaten to kill guys for making our diesels scream like that all the time lol

According to Russian nuclear doctrine, use of nuclear weapons is allowed when Russian territory is threatened. Now we all know its not really Russian land but if this goes ahead Putin will have the card to play if needed.

Slovenia is sending its fleet of upgraded M55S (T-55s) to Ukraine in exchange for German equipment. They've already sent Ukraine its more modern M-84s and BVPs. Also Greece will be sending 40 of their BMP-1s to Ukraine also for German Marders.
That isn't why the gas isn't flowing, silly. The Europeans decided to not buy Russian gas. That isn't a Russian scheme. That is just a boneheaded decision by the Europeans.
Not all European countries went along with it. Hungary and Spain has pretty much told the EU to go pound sand. As they should.

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