War in Ukraine

Guess they forget about how the police treated the lockdown protestors in parts of Europe and Canada.

Yup. It gets worse than that though, people go to jail for all kinds of stuff which would easily be free speech in the United States. We have a bunch of wackos on this board that know almost nothing about Europe yet they parrot **** around like they know. I lived there for quite a few years in central Europe, for the most there is no real such thing as free speech in most of the countries, varies by country.

Turkey is probably the worst, I mean that nutjob just locks people up by the 1000s for the fun of it.
What else besides the M1 do we have to give?
I just checked to see if we still had any M60A3’s laying around we don’t. There are plenty of M60’s still in use around the world but not by the US. This might be any opportunity to pull something like what Germany is doing by backfilling equipment to Ukraine by third parties with more modern German equipment. But if the US provides them from existing stock I’d guess it has to be M1’s
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I just checked to see if we still had any M60A3’s laying around we don’t. There are plenty of M60’s still in use around the world but not by the US. This might be any opportunity to pull something like what Germany is doing by backfilling equipment to Ukraine by third parties with more modern German equipment. But if the US provides them from existing stock I’d guess it has to be M1’s

So we either send them M1s or we buy tanks from someone else (probably another NATO country) and send them to Ukraine? Just absolutely asinine.
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So we either send them M1s or we buy tanks from someone else (probably another NATO country) and send them to Ukraine? Just absolutely asinine.
There are already multiple M1 international operators out there now whom likely have M60’s also. My speculation would be getting those third parties to give their M60’s to the cause and get more M1’s at an FMS discount. For the longest time the Saudi military M1’s were better equipped than the USA M1’s. And the Saudis still have M60’s too
There are already multiple M1 international operators out there now whom likely have M60’s also. My speculation would be getting those third parties to give their M60’s to the cause and get more M1’s at an FMS discount. For the longest time the Saudi military M1’s were better equipped than the USA M1’s. And the Saudis still have M60’s too

That still means we the taxpayers are footing the bill again.

I recall a story about the Bradley, the Bradleys we "sold" Israel were much better machines than the Bradleys we initially fielded because they didn't want all the crap the Army required each machine to have.
That still means we the taxpayers are footing the bill again.

I recall a story about the Bradley, the Bradleys we "sold" Israel were much better machines than the Bradleys we initially fielded because they didn't want all the crap the Army required each machine to have.
Early Bradleys had all kinds of problems. The current version is pretty lethal. At 73 Easting a company of Bradleys tore some IRG T-72’s a whole brand new matching butthole. Turns out IR guided TOWs > Russian visible optics when someone pops smoke.
If the Satanists need mid-level tanks, I say send them mid-level tanks.

If I got my story right (Chechnya is funny), These are the guys you gotta watch for. pootins paid mercenaries. They get paid in gold and don't give a truck. They are there to kill or be killed. They have a different view of the after life, and will run up on you with a bomb or something.They employ mideast techniques. Fortunately, they are few, and stick together, so once neutralized... there are only so many replacements.
As for pootin loyalists, they are there still. Just in smaller numbers. There will always be those with more pride than shame. I believe they have a Chechen lined up as a pootin replacer. I do NOT believe he will succeed, but pootin has him lined up.
Giving them our tanks if ****ing stupid so considering who's occupying the WH I'm guessing we'll see Ukraine get a shipment of M1s pretty soon.

I really doubt we're going to be giving them the modernized SEPv2/3s. Probably some old M1A1 and M1A2s we have laying in storage.
If I got my story right (Chechnya is funny), These are the guys you gotta watch for. pootins paid mercenaries. They get paid in gold and don't give a truck. They are there to kill or be killed. They have a different view of the after life, and will run up on you with a bomb or something.They employ mideast techniques. Fortunately, they are few, and stick together, so once neutralized... there are only so many replacements.
No these are Kadyrov’s zealots. The paid mercs are the Wagner Group
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I really doubt we're going to be giving them the modernized SEPv2/3s. Probably some old M1A1 and M1A2s we have laying in storage.
They need tanks. We got 1000s mothballed. Giving them our older M1s makes sense.
Give those old M1’s to a current operator and have them give their M60A3’s to Ukraine. The A3 update fielded by the USMC did just fine against T-72s in Iraq.
Ukraine Just Captured Russia’s Most Advanced Operational Tank (msn.com)

Imagine your tank crews just dipping out because they threw a track. No scuttled tank, just leave. Bye Felicia.

Next stop, NATO garages. Figure out where the weak spot is and start popping turrets. Not exactly like finding the enigma machine, but this has to piss off the Russian brass to no end.

Looking forward to seeing UKR next offensive. They've got the initiative now and RUS is... well... proving to be pathetic.

I think the end of this war may actually come far sooner than most expect... months, not years.

Putin will die.
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