Seeing these rumors spreading like crazy. Would be something Putin would order.
someone @ this fool and tell him he's a moronI've never really understand why anyone would think that is a good idea. I mean, its just like slaves. Django Unchained comes to mind. Most slaves have options. If I were a slave, I would spend as much of my time thinking of how I can kill my slave master. I vowed to never take orders again in a military type situation, if I did, it would be in the guise to kill the slave master.
Me: Why are you pointing that rifle at me?
Slave Master: You are going to join our army.
Me: But I don't want to be in your stupid white man army, are you going to shoot me if I don't join?
Slave Master: Yep.
Me: Okay, sign me up... nice sales tactic.
Slave Master: I thought it would convince you.
Me: Where are the grenades? And what time is the mess hall most busy?
I'm pretty convinced I could wipe out quite a few, maybe in the 100s before they figured it out.
I'm sure Russia is just waiting to send in the good troops.
I'm confused in the United States we try and help the invaders into the country, and than we try and give them voting rights, money, places to live, jobs, etc.
Shouldn't the Russians be able to vote in the Ukraine? Shouldn't they Ukrainians help them across the water?
Judiciary Democrats just voted to support NON-CITIZENS voting in our elections.
That seems to be basically the plan or goal from what I can tell, so invaders are good and invaders being able to vote is double good.Sure. That's why people from New York and California should be allowed to come to your state and then vote for your governor or Senator.
You know. Because they are there.
You guys are really making jokes about the Russians having eggs? When I was in Piggly Wiggly last week where they had a egg shelf that was at about 40% capacity and had a sign written saying that the bird flu was affecting the supply of eggs in Middle Tennessee? Are you all really doing that?I think the conversion rate is now like $17.35 USD or for Ras, like 9 eggs.